Innovations in the Multimission Archive at STScI (MAST) M. Corbin, M. Donahue, C. Imhoff, T. Kimball, K. Levay, P. Padovani, M. Postman, M. Smith, R. Thompson HST Pointings Tables A pointing is the area of sky falling within an instrument’s field of view. Our HST Pointings Tables are a searchable database with which users can identify regions of sky observed with the WFPC2, STIS and FOC at a particular depth, broad-band filter and time separation. Pointings tables enable: Multiwavelength studies of a given object by identifying overlapping images “Minisurveys,” by identifying images of a given depth and band over a region of the sky, such as above and below the Galactic plane Variability studies, by identifying time-separated images at a given pointing What’s next for the Pointings Table project? Pointings tables for other HST instruments, including ACS and NICMOS Pointings tables for all the MAST missions, permitting studies across a very large wavelength range Use of the Hierarchical Triangular Mesh algorithm developed by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Project to allow easy cross-correlation of HST pointings and SDSS data. LEFT: the MAST web form for the search of the WFPC2 pointings tables. Search examples: 1.Find all of the WFPC2 images within a range of Equatorial, Galactic, or Ecliptic coordinates. 2.Find all regions of the sky where at least 2 broadband filters were used. 3.Find all regions of the sky where both B and V data are available, with at least 900 seconds of total exposure time in each. 4.Find all regions of the sky where R or I band data are available, with observations separated by at least 10 days. The results include a summary of the search parameters, and the list of the retrievable images. High-Level Science Products MAST now actively encourages the contribution of High-Level Science Products derived from its missions! High Level Science Products are fully processed (reduced, co-added, cleaned, etc.) images, spectra, and ancillary items such as object catalogs, spectral line lists, and analysis software that are publicly available and useful for the investigation of a variety of scientific topics. Benchmark examples in MAST include the images and object catalogs of the Hubble Deep Fields. HLSP will become part of the searchable MAST database, to be discovered and retrieved along with the individual images and spectra used to produce them HST Treasury, Archival Legacy and Large Programs will contribute the following HLSP (starting in Cycle 11): Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS) images and object catalogs from ACS observations of the region of the Hubble Deep Field North Reprocessed images from the entire WFPC2 parallel image archive Intensive imaging and spectral coverage of the Eta Carina outburst in 2003 MAST has established guidelines for the contribution of HLSP from these and other programs. These guidelines include recommended file formats (e.g. FITS, PS), naming conventions, data quality standards and delivery protocols These guidelines may be found at