Innovations in Telework Programming Washington Access Fund September 2011
2 of 15 TW Fund Checklist The applicant experiences a disability The applicant’s disability creates a barrier to employment The applicant’s proposed work overcomes that barrier The work can effectively be performed at the proposed location The proposed work location is appropriate based upon its relationship to the proposed work The equipment to be purchased with the loan is necessary to make that form of work possible at the proposed location The loan increases access to technology or equipment The loan increases employment opportunities and competitive employment outcomes Primary employment goal at time of application was to: Become newly employed in telework for an employer Become newly self-employed Change to teleworking job for an employer Change to self-employment job Expand existing business Other, brief description: Maintain Employment
3 of 15 TW Program Categories FY11 as of 8/31: 27 TW loans approved, 26 disbursed FY08 5 TW loans, FY09 10 TW loans, FY10 13 TW loans Employment related 9 Pre Start Up6 Credit builder4 Start Up3 Existing Businesses 5 IDAs14
4 of 15 Assistive Technology IDAs Pilot Program through United Way, ended June 2011 New Program funded by Paul G Allen Family Foundation
5 of 15 Washington’s IDA Program - Implementation Pilot project was launched in February 2008 with $40,000. Expectation was that we would have ten $4000 slots – meaning that individuals could save up to $4000 & receive $4000 in match. Several participants did not want to save the full $4000 and we were able to create 13 slots – some with $2000 and others with $4000 savings goals. UWKC set June 30 th deadline to fill the slots. This short time frame was required because they were using funds allocated in FY05 rather than the FY07 legislative session. WATF filled all slots by the June 30 th deadline – marketing the program through various disability related listserves, at community events and through our contacts at DVR, DDD, Dept of Services for the Blind and other state agencies and disability related nonprofits.
6 of 15 What are Business Equipment IDAs? These IDAs allow participants save up to 3 years and to be matched up to $4,000, for assistive technology or business equipment for employment/self-employment, or training (related to the equipment or software) that will lead to employment/self- employment. Items include, but are not limited to, computers, printers, software, home modifications, and other assistive technology or equipment needed for a business.
7 of 15 How IDAs fit with the Telework Initiative Meets the goals of the program: Establishes alternative financing mechanisms Increases employment opportunities and competitive employment outcomes for individuals with disabilities
8 of 15 An IDA Program… helps address the needs of many potential TW clients who are not currently being served due to lack of income, assets, credit history, or training and experience to successfully launch a business or find employment.
9 of 15 An IDA Program… is a good way to deploy TW dollars and achieve meaningful outcomes. It gets funds into the community improving employment and income opportunities in a population that has exceptionally high unemployment and poverty rates.
10 of 15 A TW IDA Program… is not subject to AFI restraints, and designed with the specific needs of people with disabilities in mind. Participants can use unearned income to save, training includes benefits planning, and financial education and business training is provided with accommodations.
11 of 15 Who is Eligible for this IDA program? To be eligible, an applicant must show that: He or she is a Washington state resident with a physical, mental or sensory disability His or her household income at the start of the savings program is equal to or less than 80% of the county median income, adjusted for household size. Meet Net Asset limits, with exclusions
12 of 15 How do Participants Enroll? Contact the Washington Access Fund and we will send an application packet. If the application is approved, participants will complete a Savings Agreement & other enrollment forms. Once these forms are completed, we will help establish a special custodial IDA bank account. Once the account is set up, regular monthly deposits must be made into the account. Deposits will be made by electronic funds transfer on a day of the month that the participant chooses.
13 of 15 Are There Other Requirements? Participants must participate in two trainings, an asset specific training (such as the business webinar) and a financial management training. The Access Fund will help identify qualified trainings. Both trainings must be started within the first six months of saving (some flexibility here) and completed prior to the first purchase.
14 of 15 Issues Asset and Resource limits Providing training Relationship with bank Client case management Making purchases Data and outcomes info tracking
15 of 15 Contact Info Washington Access Fund 100 S. King Street, Suite 280 Seattle, WA