By: Vaughn Smith
Literacy Rates
Literacy Rate Questions #1 1. The country with the largest column is Russia. Russia is an extremely country with a very large population. So from that, there’s more education with in most cases, require literacy. 2. The country with the lowest literacy is Vietnam. Some of the possibly reasons behind it is that it’s a developing country and doesn’t have as much money and/or as large of a population of other countries.
Literacy Rate Questions #2 3. The 5 th and 6 th ranked countries are the United States, Canada, France, Australia, Germany and the United Kingdom. All of these countries are at these rankings because of the fact that they’re all developed countries and have high GDPs, large populations which includes education with literacy. 4. The 7 th and 8 th ranked countries are Vietnam and South Korea. Vietnam is still developing but South Korea, however is developed but not as developed as other countries. What these two countries need to do to get into the top half ranking is their population and a higher GDP to pay for education.
Literacy Rate Questions #3 5. A country that really stands out to me is Russia. It’s the largest country in the world and the impact it has on world consumption is that is has a large population and high education. In which equals the high literacy rates it has now.
Physician Density
Physician Density Questions #1 1. The country with the highest column is Russia. The possible reasons behind it is that Russia was really big cities and many of people of Russia’s population are becoming physicians. 2. The country with the smallest column is Vietnam. Some of the possible reasons are that Vietnam is still a developing country and the population is big like the United State’s physician density.
Physician Density Questions #2 3. The 5 th and 6 th ranked countries are France and Australia. They are developed countries with high GDPs. They are in this ranking because the population isn’t as high as other countries. 4. The 7 th and 8 th ranked countries are Vietnam and South Korea. Vietnam is still developing but South Korea, however is developed but not as developed as other countries. What these two countries need to do to get into the top half ranking is their population and a higher GDP to pay for education.
Physician Density Questions #3 5. On the physician density chart, the country that stands out to me is the country of France. This country stands out to me because it has one of the highest rates on the entire chart of the countries I chose. Also it’s one of the smaller countries of the world so it’s surprising to see a small country with such a large rate.
Internet Users Graph
Internet Users Questions #1 1. The country with the largest column is the united States. Some of the reasons why the United States is because we consume the most money out of most countries and some of that money is used on electronics that always depends on the internet. 2. The country with the lowest column is Canada. Some of the possible reasons behind it is that Canada is mostly forest and tundra. Down south right above the Untied States, it’s mostly urban and the people there consume a lot like us.
Internet User Questions #2 3. The 5 th and 6 th ranked countries are Russia and South Korea. I think they are at this specific ranking because Russia has many mountains in it and for South Korea, it’s a small country. Also because it doesn’t consume as much as other developed countries do. 4. The 7 th and 8 th ranked countries in internet users are Canada and Australia. Canada is a developed country, but Australia, however, is not. What they need to do to get to the top half of the ranking is to have better internet connections and since Australia is a small island, the population is very small compared to other countries. Also both Canada and Australia are mostly rural areas.
Internet User Questions #3 5. The country that stood out to me on the internet users chart was Canada. The impact it has on world consumption is that it’s mostly unpopulated areas up north. There are many nature resources there that does not include computers or the internet. But towards America, it’s highly populated and people consume more because it has more people.
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