WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF Nutrition and Food Introduction TaskProcessEvaluationConclusion “Where you are what you eat!” Purpose: Students will be able to: Discuss factors that influence people’s diets. Explain how they can use the Food Guide Pyramid to make healthful food choices. Ms. Ha Nguyen’s Webquest EDUC 628 Life Science 7 th Grade
Statistics (information collected from the United States) USA Obesity Rates Reach Epidemic Proportions 58 Million Overweight; 40 Million Obese; 3 Million morbidly Obese 58 Million Overweight; 40 Million Obese; 3 Million morbidly Obese Eight out of 10 over 25's Overweight Eight out of 10 over 25's Overweight 78% of American's not meeting basic activity level recommendations 78% of American's not meeting basic activity level recommendations 76% increase in Type II diabetes in adults yrs old since % increase in Type II diabetes in adults yrs old since 1990 Home
► Why are Americans so fat? Tongue in-cheek - and burger in hand -- look at the legal, financial and physical costs of America's hunger for fast food. ► 37% of American children and adolescents are carrying too much fat and 2 out of every three adults are overweight or obese. Is it our fault for lacking self-control, or are the fast-food corporations to blame? ► Question 1: As consumers, what outside or external, influences affect your food choices? Use your work sheet to answer. ► After you answered the question, do you find yourself choosing the same foods your friends choose to eat, including foods you wouldn’t want to eat? ► Among your age group, knowing what types of foods to eat and the amount you should eat is something that needs to be addressed. How will you help your peers and influence them to make healthier food choices? Check out the statistics Home
Introduction ► You are a nutrition advisor for the school of Bethune. Students at Bethune are getting fatter by the moment. The administrators, teachers and staff don’t seem to understand the reason why the students are getting fatter. You on the other hand believe you have figured it out. Although you cannot stop Bethune students from eating the way they are, it is your job to educate the community about eating nutritious foods. Home
Task ► Students will: - complete the task of creating a balanced menu for students at Bethune. - You need to gather information from 2 students at Bethune stating what types of food they eat daily for the past 2 days. - You will then create a contrasting menu that should be just as good but have more nutritious value resulting with a balanced diet. You need to also consider the factors that influence the students you chose. - You will need to gather information about the types of foods you plan to use in your healthy menu. - The menu needs to have foods that can be combined to create a balanced meal. Home
How will you create a balanced menu? ► 1) You need to first explore what influences food choices. what influences food choices.what influences food choices. ► 2) Find two Bethune students and use the chart provided by your teacher. Fill in the blanks using their answers. ► 3) Using the Food Guide Pyramid, examine it and determine the portions needed for a balanced diet. Food Guide PyramidFood Guide Pyramid ► 4) With the chart and Food Guide Pyramid, create a balanced diet meal for each of the chosen students that you took down data for. ► Examples of Balanced Meals Balanced MealsBalanced Meals ► 5) For balanced menu ideas, check out: Creating menu Creating menuCreating menu ► 6) Look at the Evaluation Rubric to ensure you receive all the points. Evaluation Rubric Evaluation Rubric ► 7) Share the Menu you created with the two Bethune Students and have them answer the questions. Also have them sign their names. Share your results with your group. Home
What influences food choices? ► Personal Taste: The way foods look, smell, feel, and taste influences what you choose to eat. ► Geography: The land, climate, and agricultural products where you live affect food availability and influence your food choices. ► Family, friends, and cultural background: Your family’s traditions or ethnic background may influence your food choices. You may also select certain foods because of your friends. ► Advertising: Food ads may influence you to choose one food over others. ► Cost: If you don’t have much money to spend, you may choose certain foods because they cost less than others. ► Convenience: Sometimes you may select foods that you can prepare quickly and easily. Home
Evaluation ► Your webquest grade will be judged by the following criteria: ► -worksheet 1 is complete and demonstrates student went through the webquest. ► -worksheet 2 with chart is complete ► -a menu with a balanced meal is created for each chosen Bethune student ► -Response of Bethune students and their reactions on the menu you created. Home
Conclusion ► Congratulations! If you have reached this page, your healthy menu should be completed. You should now be able to tell what makes a balanced meal. In addition, you should be able to tell how many portions of food using the Food Guide Pyramid. Before turning in your assignment, it is a good idea to check the EVALUATION on this website. It might also be a good idea to have a classmate check your work also. Hopefully you enjoyed this quest on the web. Remember...everywhere you look, people are getting fatter, and it is your job to educate them as well as be an example of what it means to be a healthy eater. EVALUATION Home