Laughter: How it can heal the mind and body. "Laughing is the only tranquilizer with no side effects!" - Graffiti
What is Laughing Yoga? Laughing Yoga was founded in 1995 by a doctor named Madan Kataria. Laughing Yoga was founded in 1995 by a doctor named Madan Kataria. It was created to boost patient's mental and physical health. It was created to boost patient's mental and physical health. You start out doing breathing exercises, as well as silly laughter exercises. You start out doing breathing exercises, as well as silly laughter exercises. The idea is to fake laughter until you start laughing so hard you can't stop. The idea is to fake laughter until you start laughing so hard you can't stop.
Benefits of laughter When you laugh you boost your immune system, retrieving cells that help you fight off illness. When you laugh you boost your immune system, retrieving cells that help you fight off illness. Laughing can increase blood flow and the way blood vessels are functioning that could help prevent a heart attack and even heart disease. Laughing can increase blood flow and the way blood vessels are functioning that could help prevent a heart attack and even heart disease. Laughing with friends for 15 minutes could extremely raise a person’s pain tolerance by an average of 10%. Laughing with friends for 15 minutes could extremely raise a person’s pain tolerance by an average of 10%.
References "Brief History Of Laughter Yoga & How It Originated." Brief History Of Laughter Yoga & How It Originated. Web. 12 Sept "Brief History Of Laughter Yoga & How It Originated." Brief History Of Laughter Yoga & How It Originated. Web. 12 Sept Smith, Melinda, and Jeanne Segal. "Laughter Is the Best Medicine." : The Health Benefits of Humor. 1 Apr Web. 15 Sept Smith, Melinda, and Jeanne Segal. "Laughter Is the Best Medicine." : The Health Benefits of Humor. 1 Apr Web. 15 Sept By Cassidy Pickering By Cassidy Pickering