Which region of the country do you live in? North East South/South East South West Mid West West Coast 2 Opening Poll
3 Agenda Minutes Opening5 Course Tour20 View Unit 115 Preview Unit 215 Wrap Up5
4 Course Overview Goals Understand the principles of nutrition and their role in a healthy lifestyle Apply those principles to your own diet and food choices Importance The knowledge you gain in this course could change your life and the health of you and your family
5 New Course Format This course has a new online format. POLL: How many have watched the Course Tour? (It’s in the Course Home menu.)
6 What’s New? Guided online lessons Examples and practice in realistic scenarios Tests (“Perform”) are the same as practice Clear scoring Easy to build up points towards grade Read all instructions, follow them, invest the time, and you will do well
7 Overview: Checklist Review the unit checklists for all your to-dos. Also available in a Word version in Doc Sharing.
8 Seminar Attend the seminar every week. If you absolutely cannot attend a session, carefully review the archive and complete the Option 2 template. You can earn 5 points per seminar, up to 45 points for the term. In addition, you will score higher on your assignments because the seminar provides essential information for doing better on your assignments. Seminar scoring (see syllabus for seminar scoring guide) -Arrive on time and stay until the end (2 points) -Respond to all of the instructor’s chat and poll questions (2 pts.) -Ask at least one question or make at least one comment on topic (1 pts.)
9 Seminar Preparation Prior to attending the live seminar, or reviewing the seminar recording, complete the following tasks: 1.Check your grades and think about your performance in the previous unit: Where did you do well and where did you struggle? What would help you do even better in the current unit? 2.Read the current unit Overview, Seminar, and Discussion pages. 3.Read the current unit recommended textbook pages. 4.Write down at least two questions you would like answers to in the seminar.
10 Discussion
11 Discussion: Scoring Guide
12 Overview Seminar Discussion Introduce yourself and share your goals for the course Lesson 1 Use food labels to determine serving size, calories per serving, and percent daily values 1-2 hrs. Lesson 2 Recommend diet modifications based on the four components of a healthful diet 1-2 hrs. Unit 1: The Role of Nutrition with Guidelines & Tools Lesson 3 Create a log of what you eat and drink for 5 days 5-8 hrs.
1. Use food labels to determine serving size, calories per serving, and percent daily values 13 UNIT 1: Lesson 1 Prepare Making sense of the Nutrition Facts panel Each serving of cheese crackers contains:
14 UNIT 1: Lesson 1 Practice (Item 1) Which cereal has more calories per serving? Frosted Rice Krispies Wheaties Frosted Rice Krispies They both have the same 1. Use food labels to determine serving size, calories per serving, and percent daily values
Four Components of a Healthful Diet 2. Recommend diet modifications based on the four components of a healthful diet 15 UNIT 1: Lesson 2 Prepare Look for these 4 components and identify when any are missing
1. Analyze your diet and make recommendations that will reduce your risk of disease 16 UNIT 1: Lesson 2 Practice (Item 1) Which component of a healthful diet is Malik failing to practice in his diet? Adequacy Moderation Balance Variety
3. Create a log of what you eat and drink for 5 days 17 UNIT 1: Lesson 3 Perform Follow the instructions on the Perform page. In this Perform section, you will show your ability to keep a record of everything you eat and drink for five days. You will use the MyDietAnalysis software to complete these tasks.* You will submit your 5-day food log to your instructor for grading. * You won’t actually use MyDietAnalysis until Unit 2. At that time, you’ll copy your food log into the program for use in several assignments during the course. Perform Activity
3. Create a log of what you eat and drink for 5 days 18 UNIT 1: Lesson 3 Perform Use the scoring guide to maximize your points.
19 UNIT 1: Tips for Success The scoring guides are your friend – use them to get your maximum points and achieve the grade you want. Do all Practice items before the scored Perform items. If you don’t understand the feedback in a Practice item even after further study, ask and I will try to explain it. Do not submit a Perform item until you are sure you are ready – you get only one chance for each Perform item. The Practice and Perform activities are open book and untimed. So, take your time, and consult the textbook and online information. Don’t work ahead. Focus on the current unit.
20 Overview Seminar Discussion Reflect on your food log from Week 1 and compare it to the four components of a healthful diet Lesson 1 Determine if daily intake of water meets guidelines 1-2 hrs. Unit 2 Preview: Nutrients and Water in Action in the Human Body Lesson 2 Identify and correct electrolyte imbalances 1-2 hrs. Lesson 3 Enter your food log from last week into the MyDietAnalysis program and create a MyFoodList report 3-5 hrs.
1. Determine if daily intake of water meets guidelines 21 UNIT 2 Preview: Lesson 1 Prepare Follow these steps Example - Joseph 1.Total number of ounces consumed per day 2.Divide ounces by 8 to convert to cups 3.Compare cups consumed to recommended intake Recommendations* MEN: 15.5 cups 13 cups from drinking 2.5 cups from food WOMEN: 11.5 cups 9 cups from drinking 2.5 cups from food * Daily Recommended Intake (DRI) varies with body size and activity
22 UNIT 2 Preview: Lesson 1 Practice (Item 2) Did Samantha consume the minimum recommended amount of fluids for the day? Yes No 1. Determine if daily intake of water meets guidelines
2. Identify and correct electrolyte imbalances 23 UNIT 2 Preview: Lesson 2 Prepare Ensure sodium is consumed in correct amounts to avoid the following:
1. Analyze your diet and make recommendations that will reduce your risk of disease 24 UNIT 2 Preview: Lesson 2 Practice (Item 1) Which, if any, electrolyte imbalance does Terry seem to be suffering from? Hyponatremia Hypernatremia No imbalance
3. Enter your food log into the MyDietAnalysis program and create a MyFoodList report 25 UNIT 2 Preview: Lesson 3 Prepare Follow the demonstration in the Prepare section.
26 UNIT 2 Preview: Lesson 3 Perform Follow the instructions linked from the Perform page. 3. Enter your food log into the MyDietAnalysis program and create a MyFoodList report
27 UNIT 2 Preview: Lesson 3 Perform Use the scoring guide to maximize your points. 3. Enter your food log into the MyDietAnalysis program and create a MyFoodList report
28 UNIT 2 Preview: Tips for Success The scoring guides are your friend – use them to get your maximum points and achieve the grade you want. The Practice and Perform activities are open book and untimed. So, take your time, and consult the textbook and online information. Lesson 3 is your first time using the diet analysis software – study the demonstration in Lesson 3 Prepare Use your checklist to track your completion of tasks
29 AgendaMinutes Opening5 Course Tour20 View Unit 115 Preview Unit 215 Wrap Up5 Poll Question How many of you still have questions? Post your questions in “Course Questions” discussion board Yes No (Link in Course Home menu) Wrap Up