ETD Development in Southern Africa: Challenges and Innovations Ellen R. Tise University Librarian University of the Western Cape, South Africa
ETD Development in Southern Africa 2 Overview Introduction Collaborative ETD Efforts in Africa ETD’s in Southern African Universities ETD Service: The UWC Experience Challenges & Innovations Summary
ETD Development in Southern Africa 3 Introduction Why ETD’s in Africa? Issues impacting on access Opportunities Local content
ETD Development in Southern Africa 4 Collaborative ETD Efforts DATAD –Database of African Theses and Dissertations ARHNe –Adolescent Reproductive Health Network CODESRIA –Document and Information Centre (CODICE)
ETD Development in Southern Africa 5 ETD’s in Southern African Universities Zimbabwe –DATAD Namibia –National Register Botswana –University of Botswana – History and Archaeology Index
ETD Development in Southern Africa 6 ETD’s in Southern African Universities (2) South Africa –UCTD –Nexus –ETD Projects: 8 Universities –CHELSA
ETD Development in Southern Africa 7 UWC Experience
ETD Development in Southern Africa 8 UWC Experience Two year transitional phase ( ) Final Implementation (2006 onwards)
ETD Development in Southern Africa 9 UWC Theses Online
ETD Development in Southern Africa 10 UWC ETD Service
ETD Development in Southern Africa 11 Challenges Technical Factors Digital Preservation Intellectual Property and Copyright Submission Processes Descriptive Metadata Project Management Capacity Building
ETD Development in Southern Africa 12 Innovations IMARK – Information Management Resource Kit DATAD – African example of collaboration & sustainability DISA – non-profit initiative
ETD Development in Southern Africa 13 Summary Collaborative efforts –positive development Capacity to be developed Creating content Bridging the digital divide New models of scholarly publications
ETD Development in Southern Africa 14 In conclusion “ Knowing that you are now able to contribute to the world of knowledge, accessible all over, makes a huge difference” – Lecturer and author of a thesis. “This is great, as we now can access information of this caliber from anywhere and at anytime” – Student.
ETD Development in Southern Africa 15 Thank you!