Millridge Elementary
Kristin Barth My voic is
Cara Bokovitz My voic is
This year students will be going to a central spot upon arriving to school. They will be dismissed to their homerooms at 7:50 daily.
Students will complete Morning Work, which are daily math and language arts skills. This will give them the opportunity to review what they are learning as well as check their work as a class. They will also be using this time to participate in Morning Meeting (social skills)
During guided reading we will teach reading strategies, skills and comprehension. Students will read leveled books individually, with partners and in small groups.
Please send a HEALTHY snack to school with your child daily Fruit, vegetables, yogurt, bagels, cheese and crackers, cereal bars… No sweets please!!!! Morning recess will be INDOORS
During writing workshop, students will learn strategies for developing personal narrative and fictional stories. We will emphasize writing from our own life experiences, using model texts as examples. We will conference with students during this time to develop their individual writing skills.
During the first quarter, the focus will be on cursive writing. We will build on what was learned last year and practice forming the rest of the cursive letters. This will also be assigned as weekly homework. Throughout the year we will focus will be on grammar skills. Students will be learning about parts of speech and ways to make their writing more meaningful. During the 2 nd quarter, grammar homework will take the place of cursive writing. Throughout the year, students will also be taught using the PATHS program which teaches them ways to control their anger and learn how to communicate better with others by sharing their feelings.
Eat - Play
The third grade math curriculum emphasizes problem solving skills, basic facts, measurement and basic algebraic and geometric concepts. All grades K-5 will be using the Investigations Math Program. This is the program that your children used last year.
We will teach science to our class on Monday’s and Wednesday’s. The third grade science units include animal lifecycles and classification, composition of rocks and soils and matter.
Our class will have social studies on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s with Mrs. Rich. Our social studies units this year will focus on communities with an emphasis on the history, geography, economics, government and citizenship of our local area.
Monday- Library Tuesday- Music Wednesday- Library 2 nd Quarter- Art 3 rd Quarter- Music 4 th Quarter - Health Thursday- Art Friday- Physical Education
Students will pack up and get ready to go home. The first month of school, we will check to make sure that every student has what they need to take home. After that, we try to make them responsible for that. Please read your child’s agenda daily for assignments and due dates!
AssignmentDay GivenDue Date Math Home LinksMondayFriday Blue FluencyMondayWednesday RRJWednesdayFriday Pink Home-School Links Dsa will replace pink sheets 2 nd quarter MondayThursday AssignmentDay GivenDue Date MathMonday – do not work ahead! Varies – due daily Blue Fluency paperMondayWednesday Cursive handwriting Grammar will replace handwriting 2 nd quarter MondayThursday RRJ – composition notebook MondayFriday
You may be hearing a lot about green “Good Behavior” from your child. It is part of a system that helps students take responsibility for their own behavior in the classroom. A copy of the classroom discipline plan is included in the orientation packet.
We are a paperless school. So PLEASE read weekly s and look at the classroom website under Kristin Barth. We will not send a weekly newsletter home, but we will post it to the website and send it to your weekly. Corrected class work will be sent home in the Friday Folder weekly. Please empty the folder and return it to school on Monday.
The students will visit the Holden Arboretum twice this year, in the fall and spring, to explore science concepts. We will also visit the Mayfield Historical Society to see how people lived in our community long ago.
Please take the time to visit the webpage. We will not only have important information about upcoming events, there will also be a lot of pictures and videos month by month of your children!! This Powerpoint is on Kristin Barth’s Webpage
We look forward to working with you and your child this year. It is going to be a wonderful year filled with exciting learning experiences!! for taking the time to attend Orientation!