Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Clinical Knowledge Publisher Overview and Demonstration Sandra Davies, Senior Information Manager, Knowledge Services Group November 2012
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Background and context Developed alongside NHS Tayside through local clinical and eHealth engagement and partnership with NES Knowledge Services Problem: NHS Tayside wanted to make it much easier for busy clinicians to create and locate clinical pathways, guidelines and protocols in a consistent and reliable way ITT issued November 2011 – Bluebay CT awarded contract to produce system Currently being pilotted in NHS Tayside with 6 clinical pathways groups Training cascaded via Improvement and eHealth teams NES Knowledge Services now seeking new partners to pilot system as part of Knowledge into Action actionable knowledge workstrands
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland What is the Clinical Knowledge Publisher? A web-based system that allows logged-in users to: Design and publish clinical pathways and guidelines documents Link items together, e.g. linking from a pathway to a guideline recommendation, web links, resources from The Knowledge Network, or piece of freetext Apply metadata and taxonomy to pathways and guidelines at a general and granular level, for consistent description and to optimise information retrieval
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Demonstration Registration and log-in Designing a pathway Linking to related information Applying metadata and taxonomy Preview pathway Roles and permissions Other admin functionality: –Creating custom styles –Customise link categories –Customise node styles
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Log-in link Screen pre-log-in
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Log-in box Username = address Password = something of user’s choice New registration link
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland New account form Submitted to System Administrator for approval
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Logged-in “Documents” dashboard – search or browse for documents that you have permissions to access Menu bar
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Designer canvas Designer toolbar
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Click on node and drag to place a new node on the canvas
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Nodes positioned on canvas
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Join up nodes with Connections
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Select node, drag to connecting node to place connector
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Adding text to a node.. Select node by double- clicking..
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Brings up WYSIWYG text editor. HTML view also available.
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Use Properties to apply an item style to a particular node to designate something – in this case “red alert”
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Applying an Item Style. These are customisable by Administrator
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Use Link to link whole pathway or bits of pathway to supporting information
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Activates Link Manager Apply different types of linked information: guidelines, urls, free text, pathways, resources from Knowledge Network Organise in categories, configurable at Health Board level
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Linking to a piece of text and associating with “Information Category”
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Fires up text editor
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Linking to a resource from Knowledge Network and associating with Knowledge Network category
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Search for a resource from Knowledge Network in real-time
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
When a piece of linked information is associated with a node a little “i” icon displays
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Apply taxonomy to complete pathway or nodes within pathways
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Search from a controlled list of taxonomy terms
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Or enter Keyword
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland These terms can be made available to assist retrieval of the pathways at both general and granular level.
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Save pathway before previewing
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Preview pathway
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Expand page to see additional info
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Basic admin metadata
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Key
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Linked resources organised into categories
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland More Key examples
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Example of linking to a pathway
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Administrator Functions
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Changing style and presentation of pathway, e.g. colours, borders etc. on a per Board basis
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland
Configure Link Category settings on a per Board basis
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Configuring node styles on a per Board basis
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Approving new users and assigning roles
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Roles
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Create teams of users to work on same document
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Create team and assign users to team
Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Any questions?