BR/TSD Москва 2004 Workshop for CEE, CIS and Baltic States BCD Planning Principles and Approaches Сентябрь 2004 Москва David Botha
BR/TSD Москва 2004 Workshop for CEE, CIS and Baltic States BCD Planning Principles Planning Area for RRC-04/06 170°E
BR/TSD Москва 2004 Workshop for CEE, CIS and Baltic States BCD Planning Principles continued Plans associated with the new agreement A digital plan comprising two parts: – Part 1, digital broadcasting in MHz (T DAB and DVB T); – Part 2, digital broadcasting in MHz (DVB T). Contain existing and planned assignments and allotments (§ 1.7) and assignments and allotments approved by RRC-06. An analogue plan comprising two parts: – Part 1, for analogue broadcasting in MHz; – Part 2, for analogue broadcasting in MHz. Contain existing and planned analogue assignments (§ 1.7).
BR/TSD Москва 2004 Workshop for CEE, CIS and Baltic States BCD Planning Principles continued Equitable access Based on the principle of equitable access to frequency resources (No. 196 of Article 44 of the ITU Constitution). Take into account analogue, digital and other primary services (defined in § 1.7) Planning exercises to indicate the possibilities in different parts of the planning area
BR/TSD Москва 2004 Workshop for CEE, CIS and Baltic States BCD Planning Principles continued Equitable access Based on equitable access with respect to: coverage, in terms of area to be covered; quality of reception (C/I, C/N, protection ratio, power flux-density/minimum field strength to be protected); percentage of locations and percentage of the time for which a given quality of reception is to be achieved and for which the interference analysis is to be performed; type of reception: fixed, portable (indoor/outdoor), mobile; bandwidth available for planning; other criteria, which will be used for the establishment of the plan(s).
BR/TSD Москва 2004 Workshop for CEE, CIS and Baltic States BCD Planning Principles continued Equitable access New Agreement - framework for individual and different requirements on an equitable access basis; Reduced access to bands for digital broadcasting if other primary services are required; Further study on methods and criteria for the implementation of the principle of equitable access – to be reported to the RRC-06.
BR/TSD Москва 2004 Workshop for CEE, CIS and Baltic States BCD Planning Principles continued Flexibility regarding possible future developments Whole band (170 – 230 MHz) available for both T-DAB and DVB-T; Ensure cross-border compatibility – T-DAB and DVB-T – use bi- and multilateral coordination; Splitting of band III for DVB-T and T-DAB is a national decision only. T DAB and DVB T in Band III
BR/TSD Москва 2004 Workshop for CEE, CIS and Baltic States BCD Planning Principles continued Flexibility regarding possible future developments Subject to equitable access the planning should be able to deal with: MFN, SFN and a mixture of both, using appropriate system variants and location probabilities; Fixed reception, portable (outdoor and indoor) reception and mobile reception, using a limited number of appropriate system variants and location probabilities. Transmitter networks and reception modes
BR/TSD Москва 2004 Workshop for CEE, CIS and Baltic States BCD Planning Principles continued Flexibility regarding possible future developments New plans should: Provide a framework to satisfy individual requirements on an equitable basis; Be flexible and forward-looking to cover future developments. Digital terrestrial broadcasting to serve as data platform for innovative telecommunication applications. Efficient use of spectrum – use minimum number of channels Possible future developments
BR/TSD Москва 2004 Workshop for CEE, CIS and Baltic States BCD Planning Principles continued Approach to the production of a plan, including protection of existing and planned stations Deal separately with bands III and IV/V; Ignore low power assignments and small allotments (definitions § and § ); Do no consider digital broadcasting assignments of more than 200 kW e.r.p.; Administrations should indicate the existing and planned assignments that should be protected (§ 1.7); Bi- and multilateral discussions to aid the planning – notify outcome of discussion to ITU-BR; Planning based on notified requirements to the ITU-BR by administrations using the correct data format (Chapter 6). Attributes of the planning process:
BR/TSD Москва 2004 Workshop for CEE, CIS and Baltic States BCD Planning Principles continued Approach to the production of a plan, including protection of existing and planned stations The design of the plan to ensure: Compatibility between digital assignments/allotments and existing and planned analogue assignments; Compatibility between digital assignments/allotments; No need for additional procedures in both cases. Compatibility in the planning process – Protection of existing and planned stations
BR/TSD Москва 2004 Workshop for CEE, CIS and Baltic States BCD Planning Principles continued Approach to the production of a plan, including protection of existing and planned stations Compatibility between digital assignments/allotments and existing and planned analogue assignments – non- optimum use of the spectrum; Do not take existing and planned assignments into account – maximize spectrum utilisation; Use the iterations of planning exercise and draft plan to establish the extent of the application of the above two approaches Notify digital conversions to the ITU-BR – indicate them in the output of the plan. Record the date limit for the application of restrictions - transition Approaches to the production of the plan
BR/TSD Москва 2004 Workshop for CEE, CIS and Baltic States BCD Planning Principles continued Treatment of digital broadcasting requirements Two types of notices: Assignments Allotments Link notices of assignments that form an SFN; Receiving antenna polarisation is not taken into account, except in the case of fixed reception; T-DAB planning is based on mobile and indoor portable reception; Digital television planning is based on fixed, portable (indoor and out door) and mobile reception modes. Scope of digital broadcasting requirements
BR/TSD Москва 2004 Workshop for CEE, CIS and Baltic States BCD Planning Principles continued Treatment of digital broadcasting requirements Based on the outcome of planning exercises, use bi- and multilateral agreements to remove incompatibilities as far as possible; Conduct discussions directly or with assistance from ITU- BR (within limits of resources); All digital requirements are open for discussion; Technical characteristics of requirements may be changed; Notify agreements to ITU-BR – to be taken into account in establishing the new plan; Agreements can only be considered when not affecting other administrations. Bilateral and multilateral agreements
BR/TSD Москва 2004 Workshop for CEE, CIS and Baltic States BCD Planning Principles continued Treatment of other primary services ITU-BR to publish lists of assignments of other primary services to be taken into consideration (CR/216 and CR/220) according to definitions (1.7); Use bi- and multilateral agreements to reduce incompatibilities; Assignments of other primary service should only be taken into account upon request of the administration. General considerations Protection of assignments of other primary services during the establishment of the plan Should be ensured by the design of the plan
BR/TSD Москва 2004 Workshop for CEE, CIS and Baltic States BCD Planning Principles continued Preparation of requirements It is the responsibility of the administrations; ITU-BR to produce data capture software; Administrations not present at the RRC-06 and which have not submitted any requirements, should be provided with a reasonable number of allotments and/or assignments.
BR/TSD Москва 2004 Workshop for CEE, CIS and Baltic States BCD Planning Methods General aspects of the planning structure Different approaches for different geographical areas – measures to ensure compatibility; Different planning methods for different parts of the bands; Both lattice and non-lattices based planning. Planning approach and methods
BR/TSD Москва 2004 Workshop for CEE, CIS and Baltic States BCD Planning Methods continued General aspects of the planning structure continued T-DAB planning based on allotments, if appropriate; DVB-T planning based on allotments, assignments or combination; Protection of the services areas of assignments and allotments; Administrations should be able to specify requirements as assignments and/or allotments. Allotments and assignments
BR/TSD Москва 2004 Workshop for CEE, CIS and Baltic States BCD Planning Methods continued General aspects of the planning structure continued T-DAB planning based on SFN, as far as practicable; DVB-T planning based on SFN, MFN or combination of both; For T-DAB and DVB-T planning methods to develop plans for different RPCs and reference networks; Number of systems variants to be limited as far as possible. Network configurations, receiving modes and system variants
BR/TSD Москва 2004 Workshop for CEE, CIS and Baltic States BCD Planning Methods continued Allotments and assignments Used already extensively during past planning conferences; Requires considerable individual station planning for each assignment prior to the frequency planning; Based on a lattice structure is appropriate if transmitter sites have the same/uniform characteristics; Provides a frequency for each station – locations and characteristics of transmitters are known – brought into service without further coordination; Set a lower power limit for stations to be taken into consideration – such stations may be added later as plan modifications. Assignment planning (defined in 1.6.2)
BR/TSD Москва 2004 Workshop for CEE, CIS and Baltic States BCD Planning Methods continued Allotments and assignments In particular practical where SFNs are used; May also be applied for MFNs if detail planning has not been completed; Require the definition of reference transmission conditions to represent interference potential for compatibility analysis; Provides a frequency for each allotment area – locations and characteristics of transmitters are not known – brought into service without further coordination if real transmitter does not exceed the simulated interference potential. Allotment planning (defined in 1.6.1)
BR/TSD Москва 2004 Workshop for CEE, CIS and Baltic States BCD Planning Methods continued Allotments and assignments No need for exclusive assignment or allotment planning; In mixed situations it is necessary to define: 1.The intended service areas; 2.The interference potential of the assignments or allotments. A mixed plan should give equal priority to both. Mixed planning
BR/TSD Москва 2004 Workshop for CEE, CIS and Baltic States BCD Planning Methods continued Allotments and assignments Specified by test points; For allotments – specified as part of the requirement; For assignments – calculated using the method in A Specification of services areas
BR/TSD Москва 2004 Workshop for CEE, CIS and Baltic States BCD Planning Methods continued Allotments and assignments For assignments based on characteristics of the particular assignment; For allotments: 1.Based on aggregate of assignments associated with the allotment; 2.Based on the relevant reference network specified by the administration. Characterisation of interference potential
BR/TSD Москва 2004 Workshop for CEE, CIS and Baltic States BCD Planning Methods continued Allotments and assignments Establish a plan for digital broadcasting based on existing analogue frequency plans or assignments; It may be advantageous in some cases to utilise conversions; The report provides descriptions of two such methods: 1.MFN conversion (A ) 2.Channel potential method (A ). Methods for the conversion of analogue assignments into digital allotment or assignment requirements
BR/TSD Москва 2004 Workshop for CEE, CIS and Baltic States BCD Procedure for the production of a plan Lattice and non-lattice based methods Two methods for the preparation of a frequency plan: 1.Lattice-based – systematic, geographically regular distribution of frequency resources over an area; 2.Non-lattice-based – irregular, spectrum utilisation efficient distribution of frequency resources over an area. Both are suitable for allotment/assignment planning and to be used in the presence of existing constraints; Lattice based planning could find application in areas with uniformity of requirements – in cases where conversion is applied
BR/TSD Москва 2004 Workshop for CEE, CIS and Baltic States BCD Procedure for the production of a plan Compatibility analysis and synthesis process Analysis Synthesis Admin/BR BR/PXT Admin/BR Admin.
BR/TSD Москва 2004 Workshop for CEE, CIS and Baltic States BCD Спасибо