Mgr. Petra Soukupová
1. Pre-reading Questions 2. Photo 3. Post-reading Questions 4. Resources 5. Key
* Are you a conventional type of person or do you like changes and following trends? * How do you feel about technology – is it useful for our society? * Can you name some of the most important inventions/innovations? * What invention do you personally use?
1. On what devices is it possible to read an e-book? 2. What does an e-reader software allow its owner to do with the text? 3. Who can benefit the most from the Text-to-speech software? Why? 4. Is the production of an e-reader more ecological than the production of a traditional book? 5. Comment on the availability of e-books.
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English: The Living Dictionary. Editor Stephen Bullon. Essex: Pearson Education Limited, 2003, 1949 s. ISBN E-book. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. San Francisco (CA): Wikimedia Foundation, [cit ]. Dostupné z:
1. Pre-reading Questions: Students´ own answers. 2. Photo: Ángela Ruiz Robles patents the first electronic book in Post-reading Questions: 1. computers, e-readers, smart phones with corresponding applications; 2. change its fonts; highlight the text; display motion; look for new words, etc.; 3. visually impaired, elderly or dyslexic people because the e-reader software can enlarge the fonts; 4. yes, it is. It uses less power and water to be made. 5. they are easily available on the internet, they can be bought or borrowed and used immediately; there are millions of e-books available worldwide now.