Healthy Eating and Exercise In partnership with PSS Health Trainers
Objectives O Weight Balance-Are you tipping the scales? O Sort foods into food groups-Eatwell Plate O Portion sizes and what they mean O Physical activity and making improvements
Food Diary O What did you eat yesterday? O Complete the food diary O We will come back to this mid-session
Weight Balance
Activity O Eatwell Plate Game! O Sort foods onto the Eatwell Plate O Discuss what goes into the different groups
Starchy foods (bread, rice, potatoes, pasta) 7portions daily O Carbohydrates – fuel for the body O Base meals around these foods – 1/3 O Wholemeal, wholegrain, wholewheat, why?
Meat, Fish, Eggs and Beans (2 portions) O Essential sources of protein O Eating two or more portions of oily fish has been proven to lower risk of heart disease
Milk and dairy foods (2 portions) O Good sources of protein/ calcium keeping bones healthy O However some are high in saturated fat O Use alternatives for health benefits
Fruit and Vegetables (7 Portions or more) O Five reasons for fruit and vegetables O There are different ways and means to tackle 5 a day
Fat and Sugar (up to 100kcals) O Has the most detrimental effects on health O Often high in calories O Powerful source of energy O Too much = more energy = weight gain (if not burnt off)
Food Diary Recap O Considering the Eatwell Plate and portions of different food groups, how healthy is your food diary on reflection? O What changes could you make?
Active vs Inactive O Activity: O Split into two groups O Draw around yourself on flipchart paper O Make a model of an active and inactive person O List the positive and negative effects O Discuss how to make changes
Recap O Diets Don’t Work!!!! O Meals should be based around starchy options O Reduce fats/change to lower fat options O Aim for 5 a day O Fill up on fruit and veg O Remember portion sizes O Be Active
Services at the HWBC To book an appointment call or call into Old Mill Lane