CONSER RDA Bridge Training [date] Presenters : [names] 1
Acknowledgements Special thanks are due to: –Renette Davis –Judy Kuhagen –Robert Maxwell –UCLA RDA Continuing Resources Study Group –UCSD colleagues Used with permission 2
Topics 1.Introduction to CONSER RDA cataloging 2.Getting started 3.Description of manifestation 4.Identifying work and expression 5.Related works, expressions, and manifestations 6.Working with copy/When to create a new record 3
1: Introduction to CONSER RDA cataloging CONSER RDA documents Identifying RDA records Terminology Transcribed vs. recorded elements 5
CONSER RDA Documents RDA documentation on CONSER Web site: CONSER RDA core elements CONSER MARC 21 to RDA core elements CONSER RDA cataloging checklist 6
Other RDA Documents Electronic serials: Provider-neutral E-resource MARC record guide PN-guidelines.html Post RDA Implementation Guidelines and Standards:Post RDA Implementation Guidelines and Standards guidelines/Post-RDA-Implementation- Guidelines.html 7
How to identify RDA records MARC coding for RDA bibliographic records: 040 $a ____ $b eng $e rda $c ____ PCC practice: Code for (and use) ISBD punctuation: Leader/18: value “i” 8
RDA records always have: 040 $e rda PCC Practice: Fixed field Desc “i” 9
Other elements in RDA records MARC fields: Production, publication, distribution, manufacture, and copyright notice (264) Content type (336) Media type (337) Carrier type (338) Spelled out descriptions e.g., volumes, edition, illustrations 10
Other elements in RDA records Treat as “clues” only: MARC fields: Production, publication, distribution, manufacture, and copyright notice (264) Content type (336) Media type (337) Carrier type (338) Spelled out descriptions e.g., volumes, edition, illustrations 11
RDA records vs. RDA-like elements allowed in pre-RDA records 264 field(s) 33X fields –May see some PCC AACR2 records with these elements –PCC Guidelines for Enhancing & Editing non- RDA Serial Records ines/Hybrid-Guidelines-Serials-Post-Impl.docx 12
RDA (and some AACR2) records have: New MARC fields, fuller transcription 13
Terminology comparison AACR2 ◦ Rules ◦ Areas of description ◦ Physical description ◦ Classes of material ◦ General material designation [GMD] ◦ Notes RDA ◦ Instructions ◦ Elements ◦ Describing carriers ◦ Types of content and carrier ◦ Media, carrier, and content type ◦ Describing content and recording relationships 14
Terminology comparison AACR2 ◦ [Controlled] Heading ◦ Main entry ◦ Added entries for uncontrolled headings ◦ Author ◦ Uniform title RDA ◦ [Authorized] access point ◦ Preferred name / preferred title (authorized access point for creator +/or preferred title) ◦ Access points ◦ Creator (also author) ◦ Preferred title (title proper + qualifiers to distinguish from title of another work) 15
16 Terminology Title of a work: words or characters by which a work is known Preferred title of a work ( ) –Basis for authorized access point –Based on title proper of first manifestation Variant title(s) of a work –Other title(s) in addition to the title or form of title chosen as the preferred title for the work
17 Terminology Access point – name, term, code, etc. representing an entity Examples: Title of a work, a name of person, or corporate body Authorized access point – the standardized access point representing an entity Example: 110 2# $a Society of Linguists
18 Terminology Authorized access point representing a work –Preferred title for the work preceded by Authorized access point representing the creator, a person, family, or corporate body responsible for the work –May include additional elements if necessary to distinguish one work from another –May be the preferred title if no creator and no conflict
Terminology For serials, often the authorized access point is the preferred title if no creator in 1XX Conflict with the authorized access point of another work? –Add a term to distinguish and record authorized access point in the 130 field –Not limited to other serial works 19
Transcription vs. Recording ICP principle of representation = information transcribed as found on the resource Other information may be manipulated when recorded by the cataloger (either when taken from the resource or from another source) 20 International cataloging principles: international-cataloguing-principles
Transcribed manifestation elements Title proper and parallel title proper Other title information Statement of responsibility Edition information Numbering information Place of publisher, distributor, manufacturer Name of publisher, distributor, manufacturer Series information other than ISSN 21
Reminders about transcribed elements 22
Reminders about transcribed elements Do not abbreviate full forms of found information 23
Reminders about transcribed elements Do not abbreviate full forms of found information Generally, do not convert one form of found information to another form 24
Reminders about transcribed elements Do not abbreviate full forms of found information Generally, do not convert one form of found information to another form Generally, do not omit information (e.g., part of a publisher name, responsible bodies beyond three in a statement of responsibility) 25
Exceptions and options Omit numbering from title proper or parallel title (use mark of omission wherever in title) Some alternatives allow some conversions and some omissions for some elements 26
Recorded manifestation elements Date of publication, distribution, manufacture Copyright date Mode of issuance Frequency Identifier of the manifestation (e.g., ISSN usually) Key title Notes about element (e.g., source of title) Issue or part used as basis of description (DBO and LIC) Notes about changes over time 27
Recorded carrier characteristics ch. 3 Common carrier characteristics –Extent –Dimensions –Carrier type –Media type –Characteristics for other than volumes as carriers (e.g., CD-ROMs, digitized files, videotapes) 28
Common carrier characteristics 29
Summary CONSER RDA core elements RDA records identified by coding Familiar concepts, new terminology in RDA Some manifestation elements are transcribed Other manifestation elements can be recorded with some adjustment There are many exceptions to transcription instructions for serials (variable data) 30
Quiz 1
answers and discussions