PHENIX Simulation System 1 July 7, 1999 Simulation Progress and ROOT-in-PISA Charles Maguire Vanderbilt University July ‘99 Software Meeting
PHENIX Simulation System 2 July 7, 1999 Recent Progress Upgrade of WWW documentation PISA Primer Manual Version 4.0 Self-contained introduction to PHENIX and software for the utter novice Available in HTML or PostScript form (bound volumes sold-out) New Event Generator WWW pages Includes VNI vs HIJING comparisons Participation in OSCAR II in order to update event generators Developed PRDF event mixing prototype More discussion in following talk Embarked on ROOT I/O learning curve Successfully read/wrote BBC ZEBRA/O-O data structures !
PHENIX Simulation System 3 July 7, 1999 ROOT-in-PISA Developments Null Experience with ROOT I/O & Classes Began learning curve in early June Saw existing GEANT-to-ROOT model gh2root First run F77 exe to convert ZEBRA data structures to ROOT objects ROOT objects based on standard GEANT data structures ROOT objects converted to detector hits based on knowledge of GEANT geometry tree in Off-Line framework (GFHITS calls) Not well-matched to current PHENIX model Pushing the ROOT envelope Want to write directly a ROOT file from PISA Saves F77 conversion step; decouples GEANT tree from PHOOL Requires mixing of F77, C, and C++ classes, and a motley crew of various libraries who need to be tamed
PHENIX Simulation System 4 July 7, 1999 ROOT-in-PISA Developments Pushing the ROOT envelope Learned Event example in ROOT Introduces ROOT I/O Trees Good mapping between ROOT Tracks Class and new PISA Hits Class Allows internal historgramming browsing equivalent to external software written for STAF browsing of PISA hits files Teaches one how to incorporate user classes inheriting from ROOT classes Developed BbcPISAEvent class Prototype of all detector subsystem classes for PISA events Wrote stand-alone program to read existing PISA hits file from MDC Taken from DIO with all references to STAF software removed ZEBRA data structures are READ and Event objects are WRITTEN Write components will now be transferred into PISA Stand-alone program mixes F77, C, and C++ source files and libraries Demonstrated to work on Linux and DEC Alpha platforms Developed PGF77-free version of PISA on Linux Needs correct match of CERNLIBs (only “new” 98 works)
PHENIX Simulation System 5 July 7, 1999 Schedule and Summary ROOT-in-PISA to be ready by July 30 Aggressive scheduling to keep edge Includes writing of PISA ROOT files and reading of these files in PHOOL framework to make PRDFs Aim to be as transparent as possible for subsystem programmers Will support all existing Simulation functions now in STAF including event merging and ancestry tracing PISA make file with be PGF77 free by July 30 No need to build your own, they all exist on AFS at RCF ! PRDF merging as per following talk results 3D magnetic field map by August 30