Tutorial for leadership teams of ITU-T study groups, TSAG, tariff groups and focus groups Choice of approval process and The TAP process Richard Hill Counsellor, SG2 and SG3 ITU Geneva, December 2008
2 Tutorial for SG & TSAG leadership teams Geneva, December 2008 Outline Choice of approval process The TAP process
3 Tutorial for SG & TSAG leadership teams Geneva, December 2008 Choice of approval process (1/2) (ref. 8 of Res. 1) TAP used – for numbering/addressing – charging/tariffing/accounting – work methods for ITU-T study groups (A-Series) But TAP could also be used for other areas, see WTSA Resolution 40: – Right to correspond – Protection of installations – Security – Safety of life – Competitive markets
4 Tutorial for SG & TSAG leadership teams Geneva, December 2008 Choice of approval process (2/2) (ref. 8 of Res. 1) Choice of TAP versus AAP is made by consensus Failing that, the choice is made by vote of Member States Choice is usually at the Question level Choice cannot be changed once the Recommendation is Determined or Consented
5 Tutorial for SG & TSAG leadership teams Geneva, December 2008 The TAP process (1/2) (ref. 9 of Res. 1) The SG determines the Recommendation: text must be stable The Director issues a Circular informing the membership that the Recommendation in question should be approved at the subsequent SG meeting Member States should assign authority to the SG for the approval
6 Tutorial for SG & TSAG leadership teams Geneva, December 2008 The TAP process (2/2) (ref. 9 of Res. 1) Members can submit proposals for editorial changes At the subsequent meeting, any editorial changes are considered and, if appropriate, agreed The SG then decides whether or not to approve the Recommendation Opposition from one Member State is sufficient to prevent approval (except at WTSA)