Summary of Results Study Period ITU-T Study Group 4 Telecommunication Management David J. Sidor
International Telecommunication Union 2 ITU-T Study Group 4 Telecommunication Management Contents Terms of reference Highlights of achievements Telecommunication Management Collaboration: FGs / JCA Future work Supplemental slides
International Telecommunication Union 3 ITU-T Study Group 4 Telecommunication Management Terms of Reference Responsible for studies regarding the management of telecommunication services, networks, and equipment, including support for next-generation networks (NGN) and the application and evolution of the telecommunication management network (TMN) framework. Additionally, it is responsible for other telecommunication management studies relating to designations, transport-related operations procedures, and test and measurement techniques and instrumentation. Lead SG for Telecommunication Management
International Telecommunication Union 4 ITU-T Study Group 4 Telecommunication Management Highlights of achievements (I) Evolved TMN multi-paradigm framework to support NGN management based on updated eTOM business processes – Generated NGN management architecture and requirements (M.3060) – Specified C2B/B2B NGN service assurance; also NGN SLA and appointment management – Led harmonization of SG 13s NGN accounting management with 3GPP and ATIS solutions – Harmonized multi-organizational NGN requirements and their traceability
International Telecommunication Union 5 ITU-T Study Group 4 Telecommunication Management Highlights of achievements (II) Continued to emphasize the definition of management information regardless of the underlying interface technology – Harmonized M.3020 requirements and protocol-neutral information modeling methodology with its 3GPP equivalent – Created protocol-neutral version of M.3100 generic network information model (M.3160) – Adopted two parts of the TM Forums Shared Information and Data model (M.3190)
International Telecommunication Union 6 ITU-T Study Group 4 Telecommunication Management Highlights of achievements (III) In collaboration with ATIS, initiated major new security-related work – Specified security of management interfaces (M.3016 series) – Specified functional requirements for security management systems (M.3410) Generated Ethernet over Transport requirements and a protocol-neutral information model (Q.840.1) harmonized with MEF
International Telecommunication Union 7 ITU-T Study Group 4 Telecommunication Management Highlights of achievements (IV) Updated M.1400 and M.1401 inter- operator designation definitions Generated a set of human-computer data specifications (M ) Refined and expanded the set of test and measuring specifications, including support for OTN (O.173, O.182), SDH (O.172), and O.211 (IP)
International Telecommunication Union 8 ITU-T Study Group 4 Telecommunication Management Telecommunication Management Collaboration (I) As Lead SG for Telecommunication Management, tracked related SG activities Established partnerships and collaborative activities with SGs and other standards organizations to achieve SG 4 goals – Focus Group on Human Machine Interfaces – Focus Group on Multi-technology Network Management – NGN Management Focus Group – JCA on Management
International Telecommunication Union 9 ITU-T Study Group 4 Telecommunication Management Telecommunication Management Collaboration (II) Under a collaboration agreement between the ITU-T and the TM Forum, two focus groups were established – For HMI: Transformed TM Forum human machine interface specifications into ITU-T Recommendations (Z.371, Z.372) – For transport management: Produced SOA- based CORBA conformance specifications (Q.816.2, X.780.2) to allow the adoption of TM Forum Multi-Technology Network Management (M.3170 series)
International Telecommunication Union 10 ITU-T Study Group 4 Telecommunication Management Telecommunication Management Collaboration (III) NGN Management Focus Group (NGNMFG) – Produced the NGN Management Specification Roadmap, a compendium of approved and emerging management interface specifications developed by the ITU-T and other SDOs and forums that were judged relevant to support the management of ITU-Ts NGN. – Identified, stimulated, and tracked the harmonization of overlapping management specifications – Identified management specification gaps
International Telecommunication Union 11 ITU-T Study Group 4 Telecommunication Management Telecommunication Management Collaboration (IV) Joint Coordination Activity on Management – Facilitates work assignments among involved SGs and coordination among other relevant SDOs/forums – Continues and expands the harmonization and gap analysis of management interface specifications begun by the NGNMFG – Includes key representatives of SGs, SDOs, and forums
International Telecommunication Union 12 ITU-T Study Group 4 Telecommunication Management Future Work Focus on interfaces between management systems and network elements and between management systems Continue management collaborative activities with SGs and other SDOs/forums, including sponsorship of JCA on Management Transfer test and measurement of transmission equipment activities to transport-oriented SG
International Telecommunication Union 13 ITU-T Study Group 4 Telecommunication Management Supplemental Slides Management team Structure Statistics Others (if any)…
International Telecommunication Union 14 ITU-T Study Group 4 Telecommunication Management Management Team ChairDavid Sidor(USA) Vice-Chairs:Dmitry Cherkesov(Russia) Nobuo Fujii(Japan) Qi Feng Baker (China) (Syria) WP Chairs:Leen Mak(Germany) Geoff Caryer(UK) Nobuo Fujii(Japan) TSBRichard Hill (until 5/05) Greg Jones (until 6/07) Tatiana Kurakova
International Telecommunication Union 15 ITU-T Study Group 4 Telecommunication Management Study Group Structure WP1: Designations, peformance, and test equipment WP2: Common telecommunication management capabilities WP3: Telecommunication management information models and protocols Telecommunication management collaboration focus groups for – Human Machine Interfaces – Multi-technology Network Management – NGN Management Joint Coordination Activity on Management
International Telecommunication Union 16 ITU-T Study Group 4 Telecommunication Management Statistics (I) 6 SG meetings held – Also 1 WP meeting – Multiple Rapporteur level meetings, most as electronic meetings and many using collaborative software 114 contributions received 1316 TDs handled Average of 58 SG participants, low of 44 at Feb07 meeting, high of 65 at Sept05 meeting
International Telecommunication Union 17 ITU-T Study Group 4 Telecommunication Management Statistics (II) 29 new Recommendations approved 18 existing Recommendations amended/revised 2 new and 2 revised M-Series Supplements developed 4 Implementers Guides approved 12 Questions assigned by WTSA-04 One Question revised during study period 13 Questions proposed for next period – All current Questions: continue with revisions – 2 new
International Telecommunication Union 18 ITU-T Study Group 4 Telecommunication Management Workshops Telecommunication Management and Operations Support Systems – May 2006 – Beijing, China – > 150 participants from 14 countries
International Telecommunication Union 19 ITU-T Study Group 4 Telecommunication Management Acknowledgements To Vice Chairmen Cherkesov, Qi, and Fujii and WP Chairs Mak and Caryer for their guidance on the Management Team To my TSB partners for their support: Messrs Hill and Jones and Madame Kurakova To all those SG 4 leaders and editors that contributed so much of their time and effort to progress SG 4s primary deliverables, its Recommendations. To all those SG 4 leaders and editors (and their sponsors) that will continue to volunteer their time and effort for the next study period.
International Telecommunication Union 20 ITU-T Study Group 4 Telecommunication Management David J. Sidor David Sidor has been involved in ITU-T standardization activities since He became active in SGs 4 and 11 TMN activities in 1987 and led the generation and served as editor of various TMN Recommendations. Since 1991, he has represented Nortel Networks (USA) and served as the chairman of the ITU-T Joint Coordination Group on TMN, SG 4 WP chairman, and SG 4 chairman since Under his chairmanship, SG 4 first changed TMN into a multi-paradigm framework by embracing market- supported IT and IP-based technologies and then evolved TMN framework to support NGN, realigned its mission to emphasize the definition of management information regardless of the underlying interface technology, and established partnerships and collaborative activities with other standards organizations to achieve its goals, including sponsorship of relevant focus groups and a JCA.