1 ns-3 Premier Egemen Çetinkaya Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science The University of Kansas
2 Outline Introduction General comparison of ns-2 vs. ns-3 Model comparison of ns-2 vs. ns-3 References, links, documents
3 Introduction 1 ns-3 is a discrete event network simulator for Internet systems Targeted for research & education Community-oriented open source development Free and open source software Emphasis on layers 2-4 of the network stack Integration of open source tools/software and capability to simulate and emulate (e.g. tcpdump, Ethereal packet analysis)
4 Introduction 2 Can be installed on any platform e.g. desktop, server, on 32 or 64 bit architectures So far experience shows that installations are very easy (Ubuntu LTS, Fedora 9, Cygwin) Installed latest release of ns-3, ns-3.2 to ITTC machines (lutetium and freestyle) Planned to reuse many models in ns-2 ns-3 is not backward compatible, ns-2 scripts cannot be run in ns-3
5 Introduction 3 Customizable trace files ns-3 development so far focuses on the core feature development rather than the models No support for visualization yet, but saw bunch of threads on the subject Python bindings for ns-3 is a work in progress, and some limitations are know by developers
6 Introduction 4 Roadmap can be found on the following link - Releases are date driven, instead of feature or bug driven There are already papers being published -
7 ns-2 vs. ns-3 Comparison 1 First release: 1996 vs Based on: ns-1 & REAL simulator vs. ns-2, GTNets, YANS Architecture: OTcl & C++ vs. C++ & optional Phyton scripting Funded by: DARPA VINT,SAMAN & NSF CONSER vs. NSF CISE & INRIA Current support: Volunteers, USC ISI & Sourceforge vs. NSF, INRIA, GT, WashU & volunteers
8 ns-2 vs. ns-3 Comparison 2 Scripting: OTcl vs. Python Visualization: nam vs. ns3-viz, pyviz, nam, iNSpect ? (all under development) Scalability: sequential simulations vs. distributed simulations
9 Model Comparison: ns-2 vs. ns-3 Application and Transport Ping, vat, telnet, FTP, multicast, FTP, probabilistic and trace- driven traffic gen., webcache TCP, UDP, SCTP, XCP, TFRC, RAP, RTP, Multicast: PGM, SRM, RLM, PLM Sockets-like API, P2P, traffic generator TCP stack emulation (Linux,BSD), DDCP, additional high speed TCP variants, UDP
10 Model Comparison: ns-2 vs. ns-3 Network Unicast: IP, MIP, DV, LS, IPinIP, SR, Multicast: SRM, MANET: AODV, DSR, DSDV, TORA, IMEP, Queuing: DiffServ, RED, WFQ, DropTail full IPv4 & IPv6 support, NAT, BGP, OSPF, RIP, IS-IS, PIM-SM, IGMP/MLD, static (Dijkstra) unicast, static multicast MANET: OLSR
11 Model Comparison: ns-2 vs. ns-3 Link and MAC ARP, HDLC, GAF, MPLS, LDP MAC: CSMA, b, , satellite Aloha new model, variants (mesh, QoS), , TDMA, CDMA, GPRS, CSMA
12 Model Comparison: ns-2 vs. ns-3 Physical and Mobility TwoWay,shadowing,O mni Antennas,Energy model Satellite repeater Many including bonn- motion tool IEEE 802 physical layers, Rayleigh and Rician fading channels, GSM, Jakes composite loss model, Friis, log- distance Hierarchical, Random direction, RWP, RW, ns-2 Scen-Gen
13 References ns-3 main page for documents, news etc. ns-3 wiki page roadmap, howtos, etc. ns-3 users group Thomas R. Henderson, Sumit Roy, Sally Floyd, George F. Riley, ns-3 project goals, ACM, Proceeding from the 2006 workshop on ns-2: the IP network, Pisa, Italy, 2006