Numbering, Naming, and Addressing at ITU-T Study Group 2 (SG2) Presentation by: Fred Gaechter Rapporteur, Q1/2 +1 732 699 5500 Document IPW-3
Question 1: Applications of Numbering, Naming and Addressing Plans for Fixed & Mobile Services ITU-T Study Group 2: Network & Service Operations Collaborators Work Method & Considerations Scope of Work NN&A Expertise & Experience Successful Resolutions E.164 Numbers - Format and Functions NN&A for New Technologies Work Program for 2001-2005 Study Period
Q1/2 Collaborators Network Operators (Competitors) Domestic - fixed and wireless International Global and Regional Satellite Service Providers Vendors - Equipment and Software Regulatory Authorities Numbering Plan Administrators Industry Associations Regional Standards Forums
Work Methods and Considerations Contribution driven Consensus decisions at RG and WP levels Work Considerations Enable new services and capabilities Ensure resource inventory - availability vs. conservation Fair and equitable use and assignment of resources Accommodate and encourage competition Conform to regulations in all countries Support growth in developing countries
Scope of Work Development, Maintenance, and Application of E-Series Numbering, Naming and Addressing Recommendations E.164 E.164.1 - Criteria & Procedures for the Reservation, Assignment & Reclamation of E.164 CCs and ICs E.168 - Application of E.164 for UPT E.169 - Application of E.164 Numbering Plan for UIFN E.169.2 - Application of E.164 Numbering Plan for UIPRN E.169.3 - Application of E.164 Numbering Plan for UISCN E.190 E.191 - B-ISDN Numbering and Addressing E.191.1 - Criteria & Procedures for ITU-Defined AESAs E.193 - E.164 Country Code Expansion E.195 - ITU Global Numbering Resource Administration E.212 - International Identification Plan for Mobile Terminals and Mobile Users
Scope of Work Resolve requests for Numbering Resources Develop New Recommendations Consultant to the ITU-TSB (Resource Registrar) Numbering Coordination Team (NCT) Assignment Guidelines and Procedures for Global Resources Global Numbering Resource Management Lead ITU Study Group(SG2) for Numbering matters (Res. 20)
Successful Issue Resolutions Expanded Numbering Resource Functionalities E.164 - Geographic to Services, Networks, and GMSSs E.212 - Wireless to Fixed Numbering Resources for New Services/Capabilities UPT, B-ISDN, UIFS, UIPRS, UISCS, GMSS, IMT2000 Studied IP Telephony Numbering - based on ETSI Tiphon Request E.164/X.121 Interworking Arrangement Advisor to ITU-TSB as Global Resource Registrar Report on Numbering Plans for GII Carrier/Service Provider Selection Supplement Number Portability Supplement Resources for Groups of Countries Resources for Trials INMARSAT SNAC
NNA Expertise and Experience Numbering/Dialing Plan Design and Utilization Numbering Plan Administration and Management Numbering Requirements for Services/Capabilities Network Operations Numbering Impacts on Networks Regulatory Impacts of Numbering/Dialing Issues
E.164 Numbers - Format & Functions(1/3) History Available since 1964 as international telephony number plan Has evolved to enable and conform to new technologies, e.g. ISDN, Intelligent Network, ATM, etc. Three formats available (differentiated with Country Code) Geographical (Switzerland, North America, etc.) Global service (e.g., International Freephone Service, etc.) Network (BT, MCIWorldcom, etc) Country Code National Destination Code Subscriber Number responsibility of each country or geographical area ITU Country Code Global Subscriber Number ITU responsibility Country Code Identification Code Subscriber Number responsibility of each network ITU responsibility
E.164 Numbers - Format & Functions(2/3) Typical Functions Identify a terminating network and a customer’s physical interface of telephone / ISDN Identify customer premises connected to an interface (dial-in) Identify services and customers (freephone/ mobile) Logical Physical Name like Address like A Trend of E.164 (increasing “naming” role) Created as “address” for telephony Today, use of E.164 number as “name” is increasing: - Intelligent Network Services - Number Portability E.164 number eg. 800XXXXXXXX E.164 number eg. 41227305887 translation
E.164 Numbers - Format & Functions(3/3) Dialing and Sub-addressing ITU-T terminology “prefix” is not a part of “E.164 number” Prefixes determine the following format of E.164 number Sub-addresses provide additional address information Security E.164 numbers are transported in secure dedicated signalling network Calling Line Identification (Caller ID) is provided / verified by network operators Prefix Number International Prefix CC NDC SN National Prefix NDC SN E.164 Number Sub-address
E.164 advantages Simplicity Language neutral & Special characters unnecessary Supported by simple terminals Administration Unambiguous administration Generally no explicit linkage between digits and an organization Security Competition Mechanism available to select transit network operator based on a caller’s choice
NN&A For New Technologies - Example of Collaborative Effort E.191, B-ISDN Addressing Created strong linkage with ATM Forum Organized presentations in both Forums (ITU & ATM) Gained knowledge of each other’s perspective Broke down barriers and mistrust Ongoing relationship - regular meeting updates Cross fertilization of ideas through frequent communication Identified gap for global address authority Filled that gap - development of ITU IND Separation and definition of Name, Number, and Address Re-naming E.191 to B-ISDN Addressing to accommodate ATM terminology Recognition and promotion of the Addressing and Routing linkage
2000-2005 Work Plan Continuation/Conclusion of Projects Shown in “Scope of Work” and “Successful Issue Resolutions” Global Evolution of NN&A Predict evolution of services, technologies, capabilities, and networks Define NN&A in the context of the predictions Develop a NN&A scheme for the future NN&A for Interworking Between E.164 & IP Address-Based Networks Assumes convergence of existing telecom networks and IP address-based networks Develop NN&A mechanism(s) to support interworking Near-term: determine use of E.164 resources by IP address-based networks Long-term: study potential convergence of NN&A schemes for all international networks