World Meteorological Organization Working together in weather, climate and water WMO OMM WMO Climate & Water Department Global Framework for Climate Services Expert Team on Climate Risk and Sector-Specific Climate indices July 2011 Tarragona,Spain
WMO OMM World Climate Conference-3 Geneva, Switzerland 31 August–4 September 2009 Better climate information for a better future
WMO OMM Key WCC-3 statistics 13 messages by Heads of State/Governments 57 Ministers or equivalent officials also addressed the HLS 14 Executive Heads of UN Agencies & Programmes present 17 major contributors to Conference trust fund ~ 2500 scientists participated in the expert sessions 12 White Papers addressing key climate service issues Review of the Outcome of WCC-3
WMO OMM CONFERENCE DECLARATION CONFERENCE DECLARATION Decided to establish a GFCS Requested the SG of WMO to convene an Intergovernmental Meeting within four months Decided that the High Level Taskforce should prepare a report after wide consultation Decided that the report of the Taskforce be circulated to Member States for consideration at the next WMO Congress (in 2011)
WMO OMM Findings of the Taskforce Present capabilities to provide climate services fall short of meeting present and future needs particularly the case in developing and least developed countries; Existing climate services are not focused well enough on user needs do not reach to the people who need them most; To support climate services, high quality observations is inadequate, particularly in developing countries; Effective climate services will depend on new research developments and strengthened collaboration between all relevant research communities; Current capacity building activities to support climate services need to be scaled up and better coordinated.
WMO OMM Pre-requisites for climate services Available: at time and space scales that the user needs, Dependable: delivered regularly and on time, Usable: presented in user specific formats so that the client can fully understand, Credible: for the user to confidently apply to decision-making Authentic: entitled to be accepted by stakeholders in the given decision contexts Responsive and flexible: to the evolving user needs, and Sustainable: affordable and consistent over time.
WMO OMM GFCS: Objectives Provide a cooperative framework in which all nations, International organizations, scientists and sectors will work together to operationally provide climate information to meet the needs of users; Enable users to benefit from improved user driven climate information and prediction; Mobilize climate science globally to advance the skills of seasonal-to-interannual and multi-decadal climate predictions to generate and provide future climate information on an operational basis; Cooperative global infrastructure to foster sharing new advances in science and information.
WMO OMM Guiding Principles Principle 1: All countries will benefit, with priority to building the capacity of climate- vulnerable developing countries Principle 2: The primary goal: to ensure greater availability of, access to, and use of climate services for all countries Principle 3: W ill address three geographic domains; global, regional and national Principle 4: Operational climate services will be the core element of the Framework Principle 5: Climate information is primarily an international public good provided by governments, which will have a central role in its management Principle 6: The Framework will promote the free and open exchange of climate- relevant observational data while respecting national and international data policies Principle 7: The Framework will facilitate and strengthen, not duplicate. Principle 8: The Framework will be built through user – provider partnerships that include all stakeholders
WMO OMM … engagement of NMSs in climate risk management Seasonal Climate Outlooks Decadal Climate Prediction Long-term Climate Projections Interaction with users Climate Observations Climate Data Management Climate Application Tools Climate Monitoring Specialised climate products Customized climate products Basic Climate Services Cat 1 Essential Climate Services Cat 2 Advanced Climate Service Cat 4 Full Climate Services Cat 3
WMO OMM User Interface Platform UN Delivering: As One Regional Climate Outlook Fora Sector-specific Climate Outlook Fora National Communication Fora User Fora Mechanism The needs of the user community are diverse and complex
WMO OMM Climate information for adaptation and risk management
WMO OMM Priority Sectors for GFCS In the initial implementation, the HLT recommends a priority to climate services for Agriculture, Water, Health and for Disaster Risk Reduction The User Interface component of the GFCS requires cross disciplinary knowledge and collaboration. WMO and partners will collaborate closely in development of tailored climate services
WMO OMM Proposed Governance Options
WMO OMM Sixteenth World Meteorological Congress 16 May to 3 June 2011, Geneva, Switzerland Appreciated the work of the High-level Taskforce on the Global Framework for Climate Services in producing a high quality and well balanced report and endorsed the broad thrust of the Report Decided to support the implementation of the GFCS as a priority of the Organization in the sixteenth financial period Noted the urgent need to put in place improved climate services for all, but especially in developing countries
WMO OMM Sixteenth World Meteorological Congress 16 May to 3 June 2011, Geneva, Switzerland Requested Members to : Further develop national/regional requirements for climate services so that capacity development projects can be designed and implemented; Facilitate coordination and collaboration among various institutions within the countries required for the generation and use of climate services through appropriate legal and institutional arrangements Provide adequate resources to the NMHSs for strengthening weather, climate and water data networks and recruiting experts in new technical skills required for generating and delivering climate services;
WMO OMM Sixteenth World Meteorological Congress 16 May to 3 June 2011, Geneva, Switzerland Requested NMHSs to: (1) Develop partnerships with relevant intermediary organizations and specialized sectoral institutions within the countries including establishing NCOFs/National Climate User Platforms; (2)Collaborate with universities, climate research institutions, and regional and national training centres to continuously improve the technical skills for developing climate services and serving the needs of various users; (3)Continue to improve the technical skills of the staff within their institutions through regular training.
WMO OMM Sixteenth World Meteorological Congress 16 May to 3 June 2011, Geneva, Switzerland Requested Technical Commissions to: (1)Regularly review the technical needs of the Framework as they relate to the activities and competencies of their Commission, guide establishment and improvement of procedures and processes on technical matters to support GFCS operations, and assist with the implementation of the Framework to the extent possible; (2)Improve coordination of ongoing activities relevant to the Framework within, and between, technical commissions;
WMO OMM Sixteenth World Meteorological Congress 16 May to 3 June 2011, Geneva, Switzerland Requested Executive Council to: (1) Provide support for, and guidance to, the process of developing the detailed implementation plan and monitoring of its implementation through appropriate working mechanisms; (2)Review Annex I of Resolution 40 (Cg-XII) with a view to ensuring that the climate data and products needed for the GFCSs climate services are included therein; (3)Review the role and operation of NMHSs specifically addressing the needs of GFCS;
WMO OMM Implementation Objectives Establishing mechanisms to strengthen the global cooperative system for collecting, processing and exchanging observations and for using climate- related information Designing and implementing a set of projects that target the needs of developing countries, particularly those currently least able to provide climate services Developing strategies for external communications, resource mobilisation and capacity building programmes Establishing internal working methods, particularly for communications and for debating and deciding on implementation priorities, including for the observations, information systems, research and capacity building components Setting targets and establishing procedures for monitoring and evaluating the performance of the Framework
WMO OMM Implementation Priorities Capacity building in developing countries – Linking climate service users and providers. – Building national capacity in developing countries. – Strengthening regional climate capabilities. Building capacity to implement the User Interface Platform in the developing world Improving climate observations in data sparse areas Building the capacity of the climate research sector in developing countries
WMO OMM Immediate Next Steps An implementation Plan for the Framework will be set up by WMO and partners WMO will hold an extraordinary session of Congress in autumn This session will create the Intergovernmental Board for the GFCS. WMO will contact relevant stakeholders and invite their participation WMO is supported by an EC Task group on GFCS It may be needed to set baselines to guide priority setting for implementation
WMO OMM Project (Cg-XVI 2011) Project : Development of user-targeted climate services for agriculture, water, and health sectors for Climate Risk Management and adaptation. –Seeking collaboration to find and apply 4 million CHF over 48 months. –Builds on work already initiated through WCP, HWRP, AgMP, DRR and their respective technical commissions (CCl, CHy, CAgM, CBS). –Guidance will be provided through a new Joint Expert Group on Climate, Food and Water. –Information will be provided by/through WMOs GPCs, RCCs, NMHSs. –Outputs will include methods and tools, training and outreach materials, tailored information, products, forums and workshops. –Outcomes include improved collaboration, enhanced and expanded user interface and communications mechanisms, improved applied climate research with sectoral user communities. –Ultimately, this aims to improve decisions related to CRM and adaptation to climate change, increase social and economic resilience for sustainable development
WMO OMM Proposed Timelines By end Complete an organisation building phase, including establishment of a secretariat to support the Framework and necessary management and executive (technical) committee structures. By end Facilitate access to improved climate services globally in four priority sectors (agriculture, disaster risk reduction, health and water). Complete of a mid-term review of the implementation of the Framework By end Facilitated access to improved climate services globally across all climate-sensitive sectors. Involve at least eight United Nations entities and participate in at least USD 250 M of climate-related development projects
World Meteorological Organization Working together in weather, climate and water WMO OMM WMO Climate & Water Department Also visit: For more information, please contact: R.K. Kolli, Ph.D. Chief, World Climate Applications & Services Division Climate Prediction & Adaptation Branch Climate & Water Department World Meteorological Organization Tel: Fax: Leslie Malone Scientific Officer Climate Prediction & Adaptation Branch Climate & Water Department World Meteorological Organization Tel: Fax:
WMO OMM Thank you MerciСпасибоGraciasشكرا Thank you MerciСпасибоGraciasشكرا
WMO OMM Climate Information for Adaptation and Risk Management : Objectives and Core Activities of CCl OPACE 4 Objective: to improve decision-making for planning, operations, risk management and for adaptation to both climate change and variability (from seasonal to centennial) Achieved through : a higher level of climate knowledge, and by access to and use of actionable information and products, tailored to meet users needs. Better decisions enabled through: provider-user liaison, dialogue, response Teams: Expert Team on Climate Risk and Sector-specific Climate Indices (ET-CRSCI Task Team on User Participation in Climate Outlook Forums (TT- UPCOF) Task Team on User Interface (TT-UI) Task Team on Climate Risk Management (TT-CRM)
WMO OMM Pre-requisites for climate services Available: at time and space scales that the user needs, Dependable: delivered regularly and on time, Usable: presented in user specific formats so that the client can fully understand, Credible: for the user to confidently apply to decision-making Authentic: entitled to be accepted by stakeholders in the given decision contexts Responsive and flexible: to the evolving user needs, and Sustainable: affordable and consistent over time.
WMO OMM Elements of the Climate Services Information System
WMO OMM WMO Regional Climate Centres RCCs are Centres of Excellence, which perform mandatory operational regional-scale climate functions in the domains of long-range forecasting, climate monitoring, data services and training Highly recommended functions comprise the domains of climate projections, co-ordination, capacity building and R&D RCCs are complementary to and supportive of NMHSs, which deliver all warnings and national-scale products Mandatory product list (examples): Assessment of GPC products Regional/sub-regional seasonal outlooks Consensus outlook statements Verification datasets Climate diagnostics bulletins Reference climatologies Implementation of climate watches Regional climate datasets Training, feedback mechanisms, information portals
WMO OMM WMO RCC Status Worldwide Designated RCCs Pilot RCC Networks BCC TCC NEACC ICPAC ACMAD CIIFEN Pilot RCCs Pilot RCCs by 2012 Pilot RCC Networks by 2012 Pilot RCCs in development SADC-CSC
WMO OMM Gobal Producing Centres of Long Range Forecasts (GPCs) Regional Climate Centres (RCCs) (* Pilot phase) RCC Network Nodes (Pilot) Global Network of WMO GPCs and RCCs Washington Montreal Exeter ECMWF Toulouse* Moscow * Pretoria Melbourne Beijing Seoul Tokyo Lead Centre for SVSLRF Lead Centre for LRFMME SVSLRF: Standardized Verification System for Long Range Forecasts LRFMME: Long Range Forecast Multi-Model Ensemble CPTEC Brazil De Bilt*Offenbach* ACMAD*
WMO OMM Global Analysis and Prediction Centres Global Applications Centres International User Organizations National Meteorological Centres Sector support institutions Water, Agriculture, Health….. Sector support institutions Water, Agriculture, Health….. National and local users Regional User Organizations Regional User Organizations Regional Analysis and Prediction Centres Regional Applications Centres Scientific and technical analysis and prediction Social and economic actions Climate information flow from producers to end-users