June 4, MAGPI, Internet2, and NJEDGE: Advanced Research in Medicine and the Health Sciences via High Performance Networking Gregory D. Palmer, Director Jennifer MacDougall, Applications Coordinator
2 Internet2, The Gateway to National and International Research Communities
3 Application Attributes Interactive collaboration Real-time access to remote resources Mark Ellisman, UCSD
4 Attributes, cont. Large-scale, multi- site computation and data mining Shared virtual reality Any combination of the above Glen Wheless, Old Dominion
5 Internet2 Partnerships International 38 R&E networks worldwide North America South America Europe Asia Middle East Australia Government National Science Found. DARPA Dept. of Energy NASA Dept. of Defense National Inst. of Health NIST, (Nat’l Inst. Of Stds & Tech.)
6 International MoU Map Asia-Pacific AAIREP (Australia) APAN (Asia-Pacific) APAN-KR (Korea) APRU (Asia-Pacific) CERNET, CSTNET, NSFCNET (China) JAIRC (Japan) JUCC (Hong Kong) NECTEC / UNINET (Thailand) SingAREN (Singapore) TAnet2 (Taiwan) Americas CANARIE (Canada) CUDI (Mexico) CRNET2 (Costa Rica) REUNA (Chile) RETINA (Argentina) RNP2 (Brazil) SENACYT (Panama) Europe-Middle East ARNES (Slovenia) BELNET (Belgium) CARNET (Croatia) CESnet (Czech Republic) DANTE (Europe) DFN-Verein (Germany) GIP RENATER (France) GRNET (Greece) HEAnet (Ireland) HUNGARNET (Hungary) INFN-GARR (Italy) Israel-IUCC (Israel) NORDUnet (Nordic Countries) POL-34 (Poland) RCCN (Portugal) RedIRIS (Spain) RESTENA (Luxembourg) Stichting SURF (Netherlands) SWITCH (Switzerland) TERENA (Europe) JISC, UKERNA (United Kingdom)
7 Application Areas Supported Telemedicine Arts & Humanities Foreign Languages International Business Nanotechnology Genomics Computer Science International Cultures Network Technology Addictions Physics Astronomy Pharmacology Workforce Development Digital Libraries
8 Health Sciences Collaborations 3-D Brain Mapping - Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center - Dr. Jonathan Cohen, co-directs the Laboratory for Clinical Cognitive Neuroscience Virtual Tumor Board – Univ of Washington Med. School uses Access Grid Technology to review complex pathological, radiological images by experts located in different geographic locations BIOMEDICAL INFORMATICS RESEARCH NETWORK(BIRN) A Multiscale Investigations of Animal Models of Human Diseases Pooling of Image Data across Sites to Accelerate Recognition and Understanding of Human Disease National Digital Mammography Archive - national breast imaging archive and network infrastructure to support digital mammography using Next Generation Internet (NGI) technologies. The Visible Human - a digital image dataset of complete human male and female cadavers in MRI, CT and anatomical modes.
9 NIH-Funded PathMiner Project: David J. Foran, Ph.D. 1) National repository of digitized pathology specimens. 2) Web-based telemedicine/computer assisted diagnosis. 3) Elucidate role of protein expression in determining morphology for a spectrum of malignancies.
10 Web Telemicroscopy & Intelligent Databases
11 CERMUSA and Rural Health Precepting: The design of the clinic's telemedicine prototype includes a dermascope, otoscope, document camera, VCR, and a computer Consulting In situations where a physician cannot be on site, local telecommunications provide access to diverse sites with the ability to relay images via Internet2 for expert review
12 High Performance Group-to-Group Collaboration ; 104 sites as of 6/02
13 The Research Channel Goal: to use program content creation and manipulation processes as testing medium for analog and digital broadcast and on-demand multimedia offerings, thus providing an unusual opportunity to experiment with new methods of distribution and interaction on a global basis.
14 Eastern Orthopaedic Research Network (EastORN) Goal to enable lifelong learning for orthopedic surgeons Requires high speed networks for real time streaming of live surgeries Network as a teaching aid
15 Thank You!