Island Biogeography
Krakatau – before and after 1883 eruption
Aerial photo of Anak Krakatau and Krakatau
Krakatau today
Central American Coati
Mangrove islands off the Florida coast
Mangrove Island Close-Up
Dan Simberloff on Mandolin Nick Gotelli on Guitar
Simberloff’s defaunation experiment on Mangroves
Bracken Fern
Bracken Fern - Australia
Number of species found on Bracken Fern
Picture Winged Drosophila
Picture Winged Drosophila – more than 500 species from 1 ancestor
Cichlid Diversity
African Rift Lakes
Cichlids from Lake Tanganyika (left) and Lake Malawi (right)
Rift Lake Age, Cichlid Diversity LakeAge# Cichlid Species Lake Tanganyika12 Million years old~250 Lake Malawi5 Million years old~700 Lake Victoria250,000 to 750,000~700
Back to Fragmentation
Elk Migration – Yellowstone - late spring to higher meadows
Pika – victim of climate change?
Edge effects and island size
Overexploitation Tokyo Tuna Market
Woolly Mammoth
Giant Elk or Irish Elk
Giant Ground Sloth – 4 m tall
Dire wolf – Canis dirus
Polynesian Migrations
Maori Migration to New Zealand
Upland Moa
Moa Size
Moa Sizes
Nene – Hawaiian flightless goose
Elephant Bird - Madagascar
Carolina Parakeet
Labrador Duck
Great Auk