PLASTIC SURGERY and Other Common Documentation Tips ICD 10 Documentation Specificity Needed based on Conifer ICD 10 CDI Queries
2 ©2015 Conifer Health Solutions, LLC. All Rights Reserved. ICD 10 Documentation Specialty Introduction ICD 10 is being mandated by CMS. Compliance date is set at October ICD-9 Diagnosis Codes = 14,000 ICD-10 Diagnosis Codes = 69,000 ICD-9 Procedure Codes = 3,800 ICD-10 Procedure Codes = 71,000 The CDI team is here to help with inpatient provider documentation specificity needed in I-10. Based on Conifer ICD 10 Updated queries, the attached pages will assist with the documentation needed in I-10.
3 ©2015 Conifer Health Solutions, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Table of contents Anemia4 BMI – high5 BMI –low6 Cellulitis7 Cleft Palate8 Debridement9 Dementia10 Diabetes11 Foot deformity12 Fracture-bone13 Neoplasm14 Non pressure ulcer15 Malnutrition16 Open Fracture17 Osteomyelitis18 Pain19 Personal Injury20 Pneumonia-Specificity 21 Pressure Ulcer22 Respiratory failure post op23 Sepsis24 Shock25 Urosepsis26 UTI27 Hospital specific Documentation Specialists contact info28-35
4 ©2015 Conifer Health Solutions, LLC. All Rights Reserved. ICD10 documentation specificity needed ICD9 Documentation Anemia [ ] Acute blood loss anemia [ ] Post-op anemia related to acute blood loss [ ] Anemia: [ ] Aplastic [ ] Nutritional [ ] Drug induced (specify)________ [ ] Hemolytic: [ ] Hereditary [ ] Acquired [ ] Autoimmune [ ] Non-autoimmune [ ] Enzyme disorder [ ] Anemia due to Neoplasm: [ ] Primary [ ] Secondary [ ] Due to Chemotherapy [ ] Due to Radiotherapy [ ] Chronic anemia – other etiology: ICD10 Documentation Needed Same as in ICD 9
5 ©2015 Conifer Health Solutions, LLC. All Rights Reserved. ICD10 documentation specificity needed ICD9 Documentation BMI > 40 with associated diagnosis of: [ ] Morbid (Severe) Obesity [ ] Overweight [ ] Obesity (unspecified) ICD10 Documentation Needed Morbidly Obese [ ] Morbid (Severe) Obesity [ ] Due to excess calories [ ] Familial [ ] Endocrine [ ] with Alveolar Hypoventilation (Pickwickian syndrome) [ ] Drug-induced (Name of drug: _____)
6 ©2015 Conifer Health Solutions, LLC. All Rights Reserved. ICD10 documentation specificity needed ICD9 Documentation BMI < 19 with associated diagnosis of: (check one) [ ] Underweight [ ] Protein Calorie Malnutrition: [ ] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe [ ] Unspecified [ ] Cachexia [ ] Emaciation due to malnutrition ICD10 Documentation Needed Same as ICD 9
7 ©2015 Conifer Health Solutions, LLC. All Rights Reserved. ICD10 documentation specificity needed ICD9 Documentation Cellulitis ICD10 Documentation Needed Identify location, laterality and if related to Location: _________________ Laterality: [ ] Left [ ] Right [ ] Bilateral [ ] Upper [ ] Lower [ ] Cheek-internal [ ] Cheek-external [ ] N/A_____ [ ] Bacterial - Causative Agent (if known): ____ [ ] Viral [ ] R/T Lymphangitis (chronic / subacute) [ ] R/T Venous Stasis ulcer with PVD [ ] Manifestation of Diabetes [ ] Does not apply to this patient – no cellulitis
8 ©2015 Conifer Health Solutions, LLC. All Rights Reserved. ICD10 documentation specificity needed ICD9 Documentation Cleft Palate ICD10 Documentation Needed Identify Type, Laterality and any associated diagnosis [ ] Hard [ ] Medial [ ] Soft [ ] Uvula [ ] Hard with Soft [ ] Cleft Lip Involvement [ ] Unilateral Cleft Lip [ ] Bilateral Cleft Lip [ ] Median Cleft Lip [ ] Associated diagnosis/conditions (please specify): ___________________
9 ©2015 Conifer Health Solutions, LLC. All Rights Reserved. ICD10 documentation specificity needed ICD9 Documentation Debridement [ ] Excisional Debridement: [ ] Excised [ ] Removed [ ] Cut away [ ] Other: ________ Depth / layer: (deepest layer of debridement): [ ] Skin/SubQ [ ] Fascia [ ] Muscle [ ] Bone Margins: (please specify): ___ / __ x __ x ___ Instruments used: [ ] Scissors [ ] Scalpel [ ] Curette [ ] Tweezers/forceps [ ] Soft tissue clipper[ ] Other: _____ [ ] Non-excisional Debridement - Removal by flushing, brushing, or washing [ ] Incision and Drainage only (No Debridement): Depth: [ ] Skin & Sub Q only[ ] Into soft tissue [ ] Escharectomy ICD10 Documentation Needed Same as ICD 9
10 ©2015 Conifer Health Solutions, LLC. All Rights Reserved. ICD10 documentation specificity needed ICD9 Documentation Dementia ICD10 Documentation Needed Identify type and accompanying behaviors Type of Dementia (check all appropriate): [ ] Vascular (due to cerebrovascular infarct or HTN) [ ] Frontotemporal [ ] Pick’s Disease [ ] In Substance Use/Abuse/Dependence Specify substance: ____________________ [ ] With Lewy Bodies (in Parkinson’s Disease) [ ] In other specified diseases (such as Alzheimer’s,, Parkinson’s, or other degenerative nervous system disease) [ ] Unspecified (such as Senile or Pre-senile) [ ] Unable to determine type of Dementia Accompanying Behaviors (check all appropriate): [ ] Behavioral disturbances (aggressive, combative, violent) [ ] Psychosis [ ] Delirium [ ] Delusions [ ] Hallucinations [ ] Depression [ ] Wandering [ ] Other behaviors: ___________________
11 ©2015 Conifer Health Solutions, LLC. All Rights Reserved. ICD10 documentation specificity needed ICD9 Documentation Diabetes ICD10 Documentation Needed IDENTIFY TYPE, ETIOLOGY, CONTROL and any MANIFESTATIONS TYPE: [ ] Type I [ ] Type II [ ] Insulin Use Etiology: [ ] Drug / chemical induced [ ] Due to underlying condition (specify)________ [ ] Other specified type_____ Control: [ ] Inadequate [ ] Out of control [ ] Poor [ ] Hypoglycemia [ ] Hyperglycemia Manifestation: [ ] Ketoacidosis [ ] Neurological complications (specify) __ [ ] Kidney complication (specify) ______________ [ ] Skin complication (specify) ____________________ [ ] Other (specify)________________________ [ ] Gastropathy/ Gastroparesis [ ] Osteomyelitis [ ] Cellulitis [ ] CKD
12 ©2015 Conifer Health Solutions, LLC. All Rights Reserved. ICD10 documentation specificity needed ICD9 Documentation Foot Deformity ICD10 Documentation Needed IDENTIFY SPECIFICITY (for any deformity marked below specify): [ ] Congenital [ ] Acquired [ ] Talipes equinovarus [ ] left [ ] right [ ] bilateral [ ] Talipes calcaneovarus [ ] left [ ] right [ ] bilateral [ ] Metatarsus varus [ ] left [ ] right [ ] bilateral [ ] Talipes calcaneovalgus [ ] left [ ] right [ ] bilateral [ ] Pes planus [ ] left [ ] right [ ] bilateral [ ] Pes cavus [ ] left [ ] right [ ] bilateral [ ] Vertical talus deformity [ ] left [ ] right [ ] bilateral [ ] Other foot deformity (please specify): _________ [ ] Associated diagnosis/conditions (please specify): __
13 ©2015 Conifer Health Solutions, LLC. All Rights Reserved. ICD10 documentation specificity needed ICD9 Documentation Bone fracture ICD10 Documentation Needed IDENTIFY Site, Laterality, Type, Cause and Encounter Site: ________ Laterality:[ ] Right[ ] Left Type of fracture: Check all that apply [ ] Traumatic fracture[ ] Pathologic fracture [ ] Osteoporosis fracture--- [ ] Disuse [ ] Drug- induced [ ] Postmenopausal [ ] Idiopathic [ ] Post-surgical malabsorption [ ] Other (specify)___________ [ ] Stress or fatigue fracture [ ] Neoplastic fracture Other type of fracture: Check all that apply [ ] Non-displaced[ ] Displaced [ ] Open (Gustilo) [ ] Closed (greenstick, spiral) [ ]Salter-Harris—specify type_________ External cause of fracture (fall, skiing) _________________________ Encounter type: [ ] Initial encounter [ ] Subsequent encounter--- [ ] Routine healing [ ] Delayed healing [ ] Nonunion [ ] Malunion[ ] Sequela
14 ©2015 Conifer Health Solutions, LLC. All Rights Reserved. ICD10 documentation specificity needed ICD9 Documentation Neoplasm ICD10 Documentation Needed Identify Site, Laterality, Type, Malignancy and associated conditions Site: Identify:_______________ Laterality:[ ] Right[ ] Left [ ] Bilateral Type:[ ] Primary [ ] Secondary [ ] In situ [ ] Overlapping primary [ ] Secondary sites [ ] Malignant [ ] Benign [ ] Unspecified Behavior [ ] Other__________ Malignancy: [ ] Excised [ ] Eradicated [ ] Treatment still provided for primary and/or metastatic site [ ] Evidence of remaining malignancy at primary site [ ] Conditions associated with neoplasm: (Specify) ____________________________ [ ] Any associated diagnoses / condition ____________________________________
15 ©2015 Conifer Health Solutions, LLC. All Rights Reserved. ICD10 documentation specificity needed ICD9 Documentation Non Pressure Ulcer ICD10 Documentation Needed Identify Location, laterality, depth, type and gangrenous Location [ ] Back [ ] Buttock [ ] Lower limb [ ] Ankle [ ] Calf [ ] Heel/ midfoot [ ] Thigh [ ] Other__________ Laterality [ ] Left [ ] Right [ ] Bilateral [ ] Upper [ ] Lower [ ] N/A Depth [ ] Skin only [ ] Fat exposed [ ] Muscle Necrosis [ ] Bone Necrosis Type [ ] Diabetic [ ] Vascular r/t PVD [ ] Varicose [ ] Atherosclerosis of lower limb [ ] Postphlebitic syndrome [ ] Postthrombotic syndrome [ ]Chronic venous hypertension [ ] Other (specify) ______ Gangrene [ ] Yes [ ] No
16 ©2015 Conifer Health Solutions, LLC. All Rights Reserved. ICD10 documentation specificity needed ICD9 Documentation Malnutrition [ ] Under-nutrition / Malnutrition: [ ] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe [ ] Unspecified [ ] Protein Calorie Malnutrition: [ ] Mild [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe [ ] Unspecified [ ] Marasmus [ ] Nutritional Edema [ ] Other Malnutrition (please specify) _______________________________ ICD10 Documentation Needed Same as ICD 9
17 ©2015 Conifer Health Solutions, LLC. All Rights Reserved. ICD10 documentation specificity needed ICD9 Documentation Open Fraction ICD10 Documentation Needed Specificity for open fractures of the forearm, femur, and lower leg require documentation to Specify Gustilo Type I through Type IIIC. OPEN Fracture(s): ___________________________ Site: __Laterality: [ ] Right [ ] Left Gustilo type:___ GUSTILO CLASSIFICATION Type I: Wound < 1cm, clean, generally caused by a fracture fragment that pierces the skin Type II: Wound > 1cm, not contaminated, without mod soft tissue injury or defect. Type III: Wound > 1 cm. with significant soft tissue disruption, severely unstable fracture with varying degrees of fragmentation Type IIIA: Wound < 10 cm, crush injury and contamination, sufficient soft tissue to cover the bone without the need for local or distant flap coverage Type IIIB: Disruption of the soft tissue is extensive, such that local or distant flap coverage is necessary to cover the bone. The wound maybe contaminated and serial irrigation and debridement procedures are necessary to ensure a clean surgical wound >10 cm, crushed tissue Type IIIC: Any open Fracture associated with an arterial injury that requires repair.
18 ©2015 Conifer Health Solutions, LLC. All Rights Reserved. ICD10 documentation specificity needed ICD9 Documentation Osteomyelitis ICD10 Documentation Needed Identify site, acuity and if related to diabetes Osteomyelitis site: ____________ [ ] Acute osteomyelitis directly related to diabetes mellitus [ ] Acute osteomyelitis unrelated to diabetes mellitus [ ] Chronic osteomyelitis directly related to diabetes mellitus [ ] Chronic osteomyelitis unrelated to diabetes mellitus
19 ©2015 Conifer Health Solutions, LLC. All Rights Reserved. ICD10 documentation specificity needed ICD9 Documentation Pain ICD10 Documentation Needed Identify acuity and cause [ ] Acute Pain [ ] Trauma [ ] Post- Thoracotomy [ ] Post- operative / post-procedural [ ] Other __________________ [ ] Chronic pain [ ] Trauma [ ] Post-Thoracotomy [ ] Post-operative / post-procedural [ ] Other __________________ [ ] Neoplasm pain
20 ©2015 Conifer Health Solutions, LLC. All Rights Reserved. ICD10 documentation specificity needed ICD9 Documentation Injury ICD10 Documentation Needed For this injury _________, please document the following information: How the injury occurred (i.e. fall, MVA, etc.) ___________________ Location where the injury occurred (i.e. home, work, school, etc.) ____________________________ Activity at time of injury (i.e. running, gardening, skating, etc.) ______________________________ Status at time of injury (i.e. civilian, military, volunteer, etc.) ______________________________
21 ©2015 Conifer Health Solutions, LLC. All Rights Reserved. ICD10 documentation specificity needed ICD9 Documentation Pneumonia- identify specificity [ ] Gram Negative Pneumonia [ ] Gram Positive Pneumonia [ ] MRSA Pneumonia [ ] MSSA Pneumonia [ ] Pneumonia due to ________ (specify organism / underlying disease)(e.g. E. Coli, Klebsiella, Pneumococcus, Pseudomonas, Other Staph) [ ] Community acquired (simple) Pneumonia [ ] Healthcare / Hospital Acquired Pneumonia (outside facility / prior hospitalization) [ ] Aspiration pneumonia [ ] Ventilator – associated pneumonia [ ] Radiation induced pneumonia [ ] Associated illness: [ ] Respiratory failure [ ] Sepsis [ ] Underlying lung disease [ ] Other _______________ [ ] Pneumonia of unknown etiology [ ] Infiltrates without evidence of Pneumonia ICD10 Documentation Needed Similar to ICD 9
22 ©2015 Conifer Health Solutions, LLC. All Rights Reserved. ICD10 documentation specificity needed ICD9 Documentation Pressure Ulcer ICD10 Documentation Needed Identify Location, stage, laterality, POA and gangrene present Decubitus Ulcer: Location: __________ POA: [ ] Yes [ ] No[ ] Unable to determine Stage (I to IV): _______ Laterality: Left_____ Right_____ Bilateral_____ N/A_____ [ ] Gangrene present [ ] Yes [ ] No (Stage I: Erythema; Stage II: Partial thickness; Stage III: Full thickness; Stage IV: Necrosis to muscle/bone)
23 ©2015 Conifer Health Solutions, LLC. All Rights Reserved. ICD10 documentation specificity needed ICD9 Documentation Post op Respiratory Issues ICD10 Documentation Needed Identify Acuity and surgery type [ ] Post-op Acute pulmonary insufficiency [ ] Thoracic surgery[ ] Non-Thoracic surgery [ ] Post-op Acute respiratory failure [ ] Thoracic surgery [ ] Non-Thoracic surgery [ ] Post-op Chronic pulmonary insufficiency [ ] Post-op Chronic respiratory failure [ ] Hypoxia [ ] Respiratory failure not related to surgical procedure [ ] Acute [ ] Chronic [ ] Acute on Chronic
24 ©2015 Conifer Health Solutions, LLC. All Rights Reserved. ICD10 documentation specificity needed ICD9 Documentation Sepsis ICD10 Documentation Needed Identify causative agent, due to, name organ dysfunction- if applicable [ ] Sepsis (include causative agent if known) _________ Due to: [ ] Device [ ] Implant [ ] Graft [ ] Infusion [ ] Abortion [ ] SIRS due to non-infectious process [ ] with organ dysfunction [ ] without organ dysfunction [ ] Severe sepsis with acute organ dysfunction of: __________________________________________ (Examples: respiratory failure, encephalopathy, acute kidney failure, other) [ ] SIRS due to infection or infectious process [ ] with organ dysfunction [ ] without organ dysfunction [ ] Septic shock [ ] Sepsis related to a device (i.e. port, IV line, pacer / ICD leads, Foley, etc.) _______________________
25 ©2015 Conifer Health Solutions, LLC. All Rights Reserved. ICD10 documentation specificity needed ICD9 Documentation SHOCK [ ] Hypovolemic shock [ ] Hemorrhagic shock [ ] Cardiogenic shock [ ] Septic shock (Circulatory failure associated with severe sepsis, represents organ failure) ICD10 Documentation Needed Same as ICD 9
26 ©2015 Conifer Health Solutions, LLC. All Rights Reserved. ICD10 documentation specificity needed ICD9 Documentation UROSEPSIS- codes to UTI, please state if [ ] Sepsis from a urinary source Related to: [ ] Urinary obstruction [ ] Indwelling catheter [ ] Self-catheterization [ ] Suprapubic catheter [ ] Localized urinary tract infection (without sepsis) ICD10 Documentation Needed Same as ICD 9
27 ©2015 Conifer Health Solutions, LLC. All Rights Reserved. ICD10 documentation specificity needed ICD9 Documentation UTI ICD10 Documentation Needed Identify acuity, site and due to Acuity: [ ] Acute[ ] Chronic [ ] Acute on Chronic Site: [ ] Kidney [ ] Ureter [ ] Bladder[ ] Urethra [ ] Other site __________ [ ] Unable to determine [ ] UTI due to or related to: [ ] Indwelling catheter [ ] Self-catheterization [ ] Neurogenic bladder [ ] Suprapubic catheter
28 ©2015 Conifer Health Solutions, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Questions—contact your Clinical Documentation Specialists at your hospital Jewish Hospital CDI office for all specialists Jewish Shelbyville CDI office Clinical Documentation Specialists -- Candy Rickard Peggy Barlar Charlotte Hopewell Susan Hinkle Dale Crosby Becki Fudge Sara Goff Manager- Sandy Hodge- Bowman Supervisor- Kristen Boles
29 ©2015 Conifer Health Solutions, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Sts. Mary and Elizabeth Clinical Documentation Specialists Mickey Decker– Cheryl Brooks Annette Majors Manager- Sandy Hodge- Bowman Supervisor- Kristen Boles Questions—contact your Clinical Documentation Specialists at your hospital
30 ©2015 Conifer Health Solutions, LLC. All Rights Reserved. University of Louisville Clinical Documentation Specialists Katie Hernandez– Hilda Meehan— Olga Soukhanova— Cheryl Ward— Peggy Fields— Manager- Sandy Hodge- Bowman Supervisor- Kristen Boles Questions—contact your Clinical Documentation Specialists at your hospital
31 ©2015 Conifer Health Solutions, LLC. All Rights Reserved. St Joe Main Clinical Documentation Specialists Michelle Ahady— Tina Baker— Lynnette Tuttle— Ann Spero— Teressa Cozine— Trudy Paynter— Karen Browning— Manager- Sandy Hodge- Bowman Supervisor- Kristen Boles Questions—contact your Clinical Documentation Specialists at your hospital
32 ©2015 Conifer Health Solutions, LLC. All Rights Reserved. St. Joe East Clinical Documentation Specialists Kimberly Gilbert-Morrison— Kelly Geers— Manager- Sandy Hodge- Bowman Supervisor- Kristen Boles Questions—contact your Clinical Documentation Specialists at your hospital
33 ©2015 Conifer Health Solutions, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Flaget Clinical Documentation Specialist Cheryl Mitchell— Manager- Sandy Hodge- Bowman Supervisor- Kristen Boles Questions—contact your Clinical Documentation Specialists at your hospital
34 ©2015 Conifer Health Solutions, LLC. All Rights Reserved. St Joe London Clinical Documentation Specialists Katrina Henson— Sherry Mills— Manager- Sandy Hodge- Bowman Supervisor- Kristen Boles Questions—contact your Clinical Documentation Specialists at your hospital
35 ©2015 Conifer Health Solutions, LLC. All Rights Reserved. St. Joe Mt. Sterling Clinical Documentation Specialists Lori Barry— Manager- Sandy Hodge- Bowman Supervisor- Kristen Boles Questions—contact your Clinical Documentation Specialists at your hospital