Key concept Demographic and sociocultural variations of diverse groups Variations in biological, social, environmental, and communications phenomena Education, practice, and research issues that influence culturally competent care
Inherent in nursing is respect for life, dignity and rights of man. It is unrestricted by considerations of nationality, race, creed, colour, age, sex, politics or social status. The nurse, in providing care, promotes an environment in which the values, customs and spiritual beliefs of the individual are respected.
Contd… Each registered nurse is accountable for his or her practice, and, in the exercise of professional accountability shall take account of the customs, values and spiritual beliefs of patients/ clients. Individualized programs of nursing care are designed to accommodate the psychological, social, cultural and spiritual needs of clients, as well as their biological needs.
Contd… Providing culturally appropriate nursing care can be very challenging, requiring much thought and caring concern, and a willingness to learn from those we nurse. Not only nurses must be a ware of the clients cultural point of view his relation to the life , to realize his vision of his world, but be willing to look at health needs and problems in new ways, planning nursing interventions that are culturally acceptable and meaningful to the client
Health Disparities Life expectancy for whites is 75.2 years; for African-Americans, 69.6 years Causes of death for minority groups Cancer Cardiovascular disease and stroke Chemical dependency Diabetes Homicides and accidents Infant mortality
Reasons for Cultural Competence Nurse’s culture often differs from client’s. Culturally incompetent care is more costly. Culturally incompetent care is ineffective.
Cultural Competence in Nursing Education Beliefs and practices of various cultural groups Disease prevalence and mortality rates Cultural factors related to situations such as birth and death Specific culture-bound syndromes Roles and responsibilities of family members
Principles for Culturally Competent Care Care designed for specific client Care based on uniqueness of person’s culture Care includes empowerment strategies. Care is provided with sensitivity for the uniqueness of the client.
Standards for culturally competent and congruent care Consumers of diverse cultures have a right to have Tran cultural care standards used to protect and respect their generic (folk) values, beliefs, and practices and to have health personnel incorporate. nurses providing care to diverse culture or subcultures have a moral obligation to be prepared in Trans cultural nursing to provide knowledgeable, sensitive, and research-based care to the culturally different.
Nurses as caregivers have an ethical, morale, professional obligation and responsibility to study, understand, and use relevant research-based Trans cultural care for safe, beneficial, and satisfying client or family outcomes. Providing culturally competent and congruent care should reflect the caregivers ability to assess and use culture-specific data without biases, prejudices, discrimination, or related negative outcome
Professional Journals Devoted to Cultural Issues The Journal of Transcultural Nursing Western Journal of Medicine Cross-Cultural Issues Journal of Cultural Diversity Journal of Multicultural Nursing