Overview of ITU-T Xiaoya YANG Engineer ITU-TSB July 2007
Contents ITU ITU-T Study Groups, Lead Study Groups, Focus Groups Approval procedures Collaboration with other organizations ITU-T Overview
ITU ITU-T Overview
ITU Structure Plenipotentiary Conference ITU Council General Secretariat ITU-T World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly ITU-R World Radiocommunication Conference Radiocommunication Assembly ITU-D World Telecommunication Development Conference ITU-T: Telecommunication standardization on a world-wide basis on technical, operating and tariff Questions ITU-R: Radio communications and wireless ITU-D: Use and deployment of telecom networks and services in developing and least developed countries General Secretariat: Coordinates the Union's activities and the overall management of the Union ITU-T Overview
ITU Plenipotentiary Conference November 2006, Antalya, Turkey PP ’06 Top policy-making body of ITU; asked ITU, among others, to strengthen its core competencies, esp. in radiocommunications and standardization, in a rapidly changing ICT environment to enhance partnerships with private sector, regional organizations, NGOs, PSOs, … to promote initiatives relating to emergency communications In particular, ITU-T is asked to Build confidence and security in the use of ICTs Assist members in deploying NGN effectively Highlight the contribution of ICTs to development Review the International Telecommunication Regulations Bridge the standardization gap ITU-T Overview
Basic Operating Documents ITU Constitution and ITU Convention http://www.itu.int/aboutitu/basic-texts/index.html In addition for the ITU-T WTSA Resolutions http://www.itu.int/opb/publications.aspx?lang=en&parent=T-RES&selection=1§or=2 A-series Recommendations http://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-A/e ITU-T Overview
Memberships Member States - Administrations Sector Members Associates Members of the ITU One per country Presently 191 Members States in ITU Examples: USA (State Department), France Sector Members Members of a Sector (e.g., ITU-T) Membership is by entities associated with a country or by international entities Presently 325 Sector Members in ITU-T Examples: Alcatel-Lucent (USA), IEEE (International) ½ unit minimum membership 31,800 CHF (~US$26.5K) Associates Can participate in a single Study Group Presently 119 Associates in ITU-T Examples: OSS Nokalva, Plantronics Membership fee: 10,600 CHF (~US$8.8K) ITU-T Overview
ITU-T ITU-T Overview
ITU-T in a Nutshell Unique partnership of private sector (Sector Members) & government (Member States) Today, 95% of work is done by private sector Remaining 5% with policy or regulatory impact ITU-T Product: Recommendations (= “standards”) Example: G992.1 (ADSL), G993.1 (VDSL) Two approval processes for Recommendations TAP for texts with policy or regulatory impact AAP for technical texts Work (mostly) done in Study Groups (13 of them) Truly global Consensus decisions Flexible, fast and transparent procedures Brand name IPR Policy ITU-T Overview
ITU-T work highlights 2006/7 NGN-GSI (Global Standards Initiative), IPTV, cybersecurity including identity management, ubiquitous networks, multimedia conferencing, videocoding, broadband access, packet based transport, fibre optics, home networking 231 Recs/supplements published in 2006 30% increase 2005 to 2006 in meeting documents processed 61 meetings in 2006 - increase of 13% over 2005 44 in Geneva, 17 outside Workshops: Fully networked car; Digital identity; Public warning; Grids; Multilingual Internet; RFID GPON Interoperability demonstrations ITU, ISO, IEC agreed common patent policy, including guidelines and declaration form ITU-T Recommendations are available online without charge (trial) ITU-T Overview
ITU-T is fast ITU-T is fast to start work: 1 day / few weeks (from 2-4 yrs) develop work: from weeks to 2-3 yrs (from 2-3 yrs) approve work: 2 months (from 4 yrs) “Speedy Gonzalez approval procedure” (= AAP) for technical standards (=95% of work) AAP approves Recommendations in 4-5 weeks publish work: couple of days after approval (from 2-4 yrs) ITU-T Overview
World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly WTSA meets at 4 year intervals Sets direction/structure of ITU-T Establishes the study group structure Approves their work program Appoints their chairmen and vice-chairmen Creates and approves WTSA Resolutions NEW: Global Standards Symposium 2008 1 day prior to WTSA Themes: Reducing the standardization gap Improving collaboration ITU-T Overview
Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group (TSAG) Meets at 8 to 9 month intervals to act between WTSAs Provided guidance to the TSB Director and Study Groups Strategy and priorities Work Program Working Methods Financial matters EDH and EWM Can create/modify Study Groups between WTSAs, if necessary Foster cooperation and coordination with other relevant bodies within ITU with SDOs, forums and consortia outside ITU ITU-T Overview
Study Groups Study Groups work on Questions to prepare draft Recommendations The responsibility and mandates of each Study Group is set out by WTSA in Resolution 2. Overall mandate Assigned Questions Assigned Lead Study Group responsibilities Assigned Recommendations ITU-T Overview
Study Group Management team Composition - SG Chairman, Vice-Chairmen - WP Chairman (sometimes also the Vice-Chairmen) - TSB Engineer/Counsellor Role - Establishment of an appropriate structure for the distribution of work: Questions assignment to SGs, WPs - Coordination and planning of meetings to ensure the smooth running of WP and/or SG meetings: Meeting agenda, Documents assignment to SG, WPs, etc. - Promotion of Study Group activities coordinated with TSB: Providing materials for Press Release, e-flash, etc. ITU-T Overview
Questions, Rapporteurs and Editors Approved by Study Groups or WTSA Define a particular project to be studied Rapporteurs * : Appointed by the SG or WP to each Question - Ensure progress of the group of experts towards Recommendations - Lead, moderate debates (e-mails, conf. calls, etc.) and coordinate progress - Chair the meetings of the experts (See an example of Rapporteur Group meeting announcement *) Editors: Proposed by Rapporteurs, appointed by the WP or SG, prepare and follow-up draft Recommendations *Examples of links to SG 9 ITU-T Overview
ITU-T Study Groups SG 2 Operational aspects of service provision, networks and performance SG 3 Tariff and accounting principles including related telecommunications economic and policy issues SG 4 Telecommunication management SG 5 Protection against electromagnetic environment effects SG 6 Outside plant and related indoor installations SG 9 Integrated broadband cable networks and television and sound transmission SG 11 Signalling requirements and protocols SG 12 Performance and quality of service SG 13 Next generation networks SG 15 Optical and other transport network infrastructures SG 16 Multimedia terminals, systems and applications SG 17 Security, languages and telecommunication software SG 19 Mobile telecommunication networks ITU-T Overview
Lead Study Group Concept Oversight of work relating to multiple Study Groups SG 2 - LSG for Service definition, numbering and routing SG 2 - LSG for Telecommunication for disaster relief/early warning SG 4 – LSG on Telecommunication management SG 9 - LSG on Integrated broadband cable and television networks SG 11 – LSG on Signalling and protocols SG 11 – LSG on Intelligent networks SG 12 – LSG on Quality of service and performance SG 13 – LSG for NGN and satellite matters SG 15 – LSG on Access network transport SG 15 – LSG on Optical technology SG 16 – LSG on Multimedia terminals, systems and applications SG 16 – LSG on Ubiquitous applications (“e-everything”, such as e-health and e-business) SG 17 – LSG on Telecommunication security SG 17 – LSG on Languages and description techniques SG 19 – LSG on Mobile telecommunication networks and for mobility ITU-T Overview
ITU-T’s Focus Group Concept http://itu.int/ITU-T/focusgroups Create forum-like entities as an “arms-length” organization under an ITU-T Study Group or TSAG Work on a well-defined topic, scheduled for completion at a specific time Goal: Encourage participation of non-members and members of other organizations (forums) Focus Groups have substantial freedom to establish their own rules Can keep own brand name and at the same time benefit from ITU’s branding Non-ITU members can participate Focus Groups can issue its own deliverables and can provide deliverables to its parent Study Group but cannot issue Recommendations by themselves ITU-T Overview
ITU-T Focus Groups Identity Management – Exploring mechanisms that allow different IdM frameworks to interoperate together From/In/To Cars Communication – Work on specifications for transmission characteristics for headsets and hands free terminals IPTV – Coordinating and promoting the development of global IPTV standards Security Baseline for Network Operators – Defining a security baseline so that operators can assess their network and information security posture in terms of available standards NGN Management – Providing a centralized approach regarding specification of NGN related fault, configuration, accounting, performance, and security management interfaces Open Communications Architecture Forum – Defining specifications for a set of components for a new carrier grade open platforms ITU-T Overview
NGN – Global Standards Initiative (NGN-GSI) http://www. itu NGN study in ITU-T Joint Rapporteur Groups in 2003 FG NGN 2004-2005 NGN-GSI since 2006 Encompass all NGN work across ITU-T Study Groups - Evolution of Networks to NGN - QoS - Interoperability - Security - Generalized Mobility - Service Capabilities and Architecture Co-location of meetings of concerned Study Groups (e.g. SGs 11, 13 and 19) and Rapporteur Groups ITU-T Overview
ITU-T Recommendations ITU-T Overview
ITU-T Recommendations Developed by 13 Study Groups and TSAG divided into themed series: A-series covers the Organization of the Work of ITU-T and guidelines related to Recommendations Series D through Z cover specific subject areas, for example: the G-series covers Recommendations on “Transmission systems and media, digital systems and networks” The Y-series covers Recommendations on “Global information infrastructure, Internet protocol aspects and next-generation networks” ITU-T Overview
Approval of Recommendations Traditional Approval Process (TAP) For Recommendations subject to policy or regulatory implications Initiated by an SG or WP meeting and completed, for final approval, at the subsequent SG meeting (§9 Res.1) Alternative Approval Process (AAP) For Recommendations without policy or regulatory implications Once the text is considered sufficiently mature, it is submitted for AAP by an SG or WP meeting (Rec. A.8) ITU-T Overview
AAP sequence See Figure 1 (Rec. A.8) meeting ( 1 Edited text for LC 2 Approved TG120480-00 4 (b) (c) 9 11 (a) Director's announcement and posting 3 for AR (8) 10 (5) SG Meeting 6 notification and publication (see Rec. A.11) 12 3 weeks Comment resolution AR LC 4 weeks (7) SG or WP ) LC: Last Call AR: Additional Review See Figure 1 (Rec. A.8) ITU-T Overview
ITU-T Recommendations available online for free ITU Council 2006 decided to run a trial from Jan. to Sept. 2007: Whole world has access to published ITU-T Recommendations online for free - MSWord +PDF for ITU-T members - PDF only for non-members ITU-T members also have access to pre-published version (PDF, MSWord) Over 1 million Recommendations downloaded in first 4 months of 2007 ITU-T Overview
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) http://www.itu.int/ITU-T/ipr/ Patents Software Copyrights Marks Copyright Database of declarations ITU-T Overview
Patents ITU-T/ITU-R/ISO/IEC Common Patent Policy Three options: Free license on reasonable terms and conditions on a world-wide non-discriminatory basis Paid license on reasonable terms and conditions on a world-wide non-discriminatory basis Unwillingness to grant a license as above Guidelines for Implementation of the Common Patent Policy for ITU-T/ITU-R/ISO/IEC ITU-T/ITU-R/ISO/IEC Common Patent Statement and Licensing Declaration form General Patent Statement and Licensing Declaration form (ITU-T/ITU-R only) Patent Statement and Licensing Declaration database ITU-T Overview
Collaboration with other Organizations ITU-T Overview
Pre-requisites ITU’s Constitution/Convention asks that ITU-T cooperate “with other world and regional intergovernmental organizations, and those non-governmental organizations concerned with telecommunications". ITU-T has a wealth of instruments in place to collaborate with others ITU-T Overview
Cooperation with ISO and IEC World Standards Cooperation (WSC) Annual meetings of the leadership teams of ITU-T, ITU-R, ISO, IEC ITU-T Resolution 7 “Collaboration with ISO and IEC” ITU-T Rec. A.23 "Collaboration with ISO and IEC on information technology" Annex A: Guide for ITU-T and ISO/IEC JTC 1 Cooperation (= Annex K to JTC 1 Directives) ITU-T has hundreds of “common texts” with ISO/IEC ISO/IEC/ITU-T Strategic Advisory Group on Security (SAG-S) Common Patent Policy, Guidelines, Form ITU-T Overview
ITU-T Rec. A.4: "Communication process between ITU-T and Forums and Consortia" Goal: to facilitate documentation exchange Criteria: straightforward and common sense Subject area should be of relevance to the work done in ITU-T. Documents submitted to ITU-T should not contain proprietary information (no restriction for distribution) Forum membership should not preclude ITU MS or SM. Patent policy: must be consistent with ITU-T patent policy A formal communication process can initiated either by the forum or by ITU-T Communication can be initiated at any time ITU-T Overview
ITU-T Rec. A.4: Communication ITU-T and Forums/Consortia 3G Association ASN.1 Consortium ATSC (Advanced Television Systems Committee) AVS (Audio-Visual coding Standard working group) DSL Forum ETIS (e-and telecommunication information services) GSM Association Home Gateway Initiative IMTC (Multimedia) IPDR Organization IPsphere Forum IPv6 Forum Liberty Alliance MEF (Metro Ethernet Forum) MMTA (Mobile Multimedia Technology Alliance) MFA Forum MSF (Multiservice Switching Forum) NRO (Number Resource Organization) OASIS OIF (Optical Internetworking Forum) OMA (Open Mobile Alliance) OMG (Object Management Group) SDL Forum Society SDL Task Force Consortium TM Forum (Tele Management Forum) UNICODE W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) Under study: CEPCA (Consumer Electronics Powerline Communication Alliance), EPC Global, MAAWG, UPnP Forum ITU-T Overview
ITU-T Rec. A.6: "Cooperation and exchange of information between ITU-T and national and regional standards development organizations" Similar in spirit to A.4 ITU-T Overview
ITU-T Rec. A.6: Communication ITU-T and SDOs JCTEA (Japan Cable Television Engineering Association) NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) SCTE (Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers) SMPTE (Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers) TIA (Telecommunications Industry Association) TTA (Telecommunications Technology Association) TTC (Telecommunication Technology Committee) ARIB (Association of Radio Industries and Businesses) ATIS ( Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions) CEA (Consumer Electronics Association) CCSA (China Communications Standards Association) Ecma International ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) ITU-T Overview
ITU-T Rec. A.5: Generic procedures for including references to documents of other organizations in ITU-T Recommendations Normative referencing The whole, or parts of a referenced document considered an integral part of the Recommendation The source of the normative reference should be Rec. A.4 and A.6 Qualified Organizations Normative referencing is usually limited to approved documents of the referenced organization. Need to submit justification for the specific reference using a Format given in Appendix I to Rec. A.5 ITU-T Overview
ITU-T Rec. A.5: Including References in ITU-T Recs MAAWG MEF (Metro Ethernet Forum) MFA Forum NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) OASIS OIF (Optical Internetworking Forum) OMA (Open Mobile Alliance) OMG (Object Management Group) SCTE (Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers) SMPTE (Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers) TIA (Telecommunications Industry Association) TM Forum (Tele Management Forum) TTA (Telecommunications Technology Association) TTC (Telecommunication Technology Committee) UNICODE UPnP Forum W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) ARIB (Association of Radio Industries and Businesses) ATIS ( Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions) ATSC (Advanced Television Systems Committee) AVS (Audio-Visual coding Standard working group) CCSA (China Communications Standards Association) DSL Forum Ecma International EPC Global ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) Home Gateway Initiative IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) IMTC (Multimedia) ISOC/IETF (Internet Society/Internet Engineering Task Force) JCTEA (Japan Cable Television Engineering Association) Liberty Alliance Under study: EPC Global, MAAWG, UPnP Forum ITU-T Overview
Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) Annual meetings of nine leading national and regional standards organizations: ARIB (Japan) ATIS (USA) Communications Alliance (Australia) CCSA (China) ETSI (Europe) ISACC (Canada) TIA (USA) TTA (Japan) TTC (Korea) and ITU ITU-T Overview
Cooperation with IETF IETF and ITU-T collaboration guidelines: "Supplement 3 to ITU-T A-series Recommendations" (same as IETF RFC 3356) Regular meetings of IETF and ITU-T leadership teams (IETF area directors, ITU-T study group chairmen) Last meeting was on 21 July 2007 Joint ITU-IETF Workshop on NGN, May 2005 ITU-T Overview
Additional Information The Lighthouse http://itu.int/ITU-T/lighthouse An advanced technological Web Communication Centre as an ITU-T promotion tool to: Live news feed with blogs and RSS facilities for Members and non Members Friendly and proactive portal to the ITU-T standards world Host discussion forums for developing countries, academia and R&D including technical papers and articles Technology Watch activities and Correspondence Groups as a free platform, to share views, ideas and standardization needs on new emerging technologies Voice to the regions, ITU Regional Offices and Centres of Excellence Highlight ITU-T events, SGs, workshops ITU-T Overview
ITU home page: http://www.itu.int ITU-T Recommendations Useful Links ITU home page: http://www.itu.int ITU-T Recommendations ITU-T Guides, Tools and Templates : http://www.itu.int/ITU-T/studygroups/templates/index.html ITU-T Overview
Thanks for your attention! ITU-T Overview