Summary of Results Study Period ITU-T Study Group 17 Security Arkadiy Kremer
International Telecommunication Union 2 ITU-T Study Group 17 Security Contents Terms of reference Future perspective of SG17 Conclusions ___________________________________ Supplemental slides – Management team – Structure – Leadership for other groups (JCAs and FGs) – Highlights of achievements / Projects – Highlights of WP1, WP2, WP3, projects – Statistics – Workshops (with SG17 leadership / participation) – Acknowledgements
International Telecommunication Union 3 ITU-T Study Group 17 Security Terms of Reference Current: Responsible for studies relating to security including cybersecurity, countering spam and identity management. Also responsible for the application of open system communications including directory and object identifiers, and for technical languages, the method for their usage and other issues related to the software aspects of telecommunication systems. Future perspective: Responsible for building confidence and security in the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). This includes studies relating to cybersecurity, security management, countering spam and identity management. It also includes security architecture and framework, protection of personally identifiable information, and security of applications and services for the Internet of Things, smart grid, smartphone, IPTV, web services, social network, cloud computing, mobile financial system, and telebiometrics. Also responsible for the application of open system communications including directory and object identifiers, and for technical languages, the method for their usage and other issues related to the software aspects of telecommunication systems, and for conformance testing to improve quality of Recommendations.
International Telecommunication Union 4 ITU-T Study Group 17 Security Future Perspective of SG17 (I) ICT security - Cloud computing security – Cybersecurity SG17s work on security has had continued and remarkable growth throughout this study period resulting in a centre of excellence – a core competency in security. Cybersecurity is one of the top priorities of the ITU, it is critical that this centre of security competence in ITU T be nurtured and enhanced, and not fragmented. SG17 pioneered cloud computing security within ITU-T and takes a leading role for cloud computing security. Keep Q.H/17 as competence centre on cloud computing security within SG17 – continue coordinating with SG13 on cloud computing (via JCA-Cloud).
International Telecommunication Union 5 ITU-T Study Group 17 Security Future Perspective of SG17 (II) ICT security Information Security Management – Identity Management The work on security in SG17 (including generic security architecture, mechanisms and management guidelines for heterogeneous networks/systems/services) needs to be continued and there needs to be a lead study group for security to coordinate within the ITU and with other SDOs. – new emerging security technologies such as cloud computing, smart grid, intelligent transportation systems, Internet-of-Things, IPTV security, IPv6 security, technical measures to protect the personally identifiable information (PII) of citizens as well as technical measures to protect children online all demand new approaches to security and novel security concepts to adequately address the inherent the crucial security threats in those technologies IdM plays such a critical role in building confidence and security in the use of ICTs, it is essential that this work be integral to the ITU T security centre of competence, including being the lead study group for this issue to coordinate within ITU and with other SDOs.
International Telecommunication Union 6 ITU-T Study Group 17 Security Future Perspective of SG17 (III) Questions – Structure – LSG – Projects - JCAs SG17 proposed 12 Questions for the next study period. All Questions continue with two consolidations: – R/17: Generic technologies to support secure applications (Continuation of Q11/17, Q12/17, Q15/17 and ODP part of Q13/17) shall remain in SG17. – S/17: Formal languages for telecommunication software and testing (Continuation of Q14/17 and part of Q13/17). Testing methodologies and JCA-CIT should stay within SG17 Q14/17 has close links to the other language Questions and is independent of any particular application domain. Formal languages portion of Q.S/17 should remain in SG17. Associated with this work should be lead study group responsibilities for Security, Identity management, and Languages and description techniques. Security and ASN.1 & OID Projects as well as JCA-IdM, JCA-COP, and JCA-CIT need to continue given their important contributions.
International Telecommunication Union 7 ITU-T Study Group 17 Security Conclusion Participation to SG17 has increased during the study period to maintain well above 155 participants. SG17 has successfully transitioned to security as its main focus with a core set of security experts. Within security work, has significantly build-up participation and energy in Identity Management, Cybersecurity and Cloud Computing Security. SG17 has build strong relations with other key bodies working on security and initiated numerous collaborative efforts. SG17 has promoted and disseminated ITU-T security work (e.g., workshops, security manual, security roadmap); its achievements are well recognized.
International Telecommunication Union 8 ITU-T Study Group 17 Security Supplemental Slides Management team Structure Leadership for other groups (JCAs and FGs) Highlights of achievements / Projects Highlights of WP1, WP2, WP3, projects Statistics Workshops (with SG17 leadership / participation) Acknowledgements
International Telecommunication Union 9 ITU-T Study Group 17 Security Management Team (I) ChairmanArkadiy KremerRussian Federation Vice-ChairmenJianyong CHEN China Mohamed M.K. ELHAJSudan Antonio GUIMARAESBrazil Patrick MWESIGWAUganda Koji NAKAOJapan Heung Youl YOUMKorea
International Telecommunication Union 10 ITU-T Study Group 17 Security Management Team (II) WP Chairmen WP 1/17Koji NAKAOJapan WP 2/17Heung Youl YOUMKorea WP 3/17Jianyong CHENChina TSBMartin EUCHNERAdvisor Georges SEBEK (retired)Counsellor Emma NORTON-VIARDAssistant
International Telecommunication Union 11 ITU-T Study Group 17 Security Study Group Structure WP 1/17, Network and information security ITU-T security project, security architectures/frameworks, network security, telecommunications information security management, cybersecurity, countering spam. WP 2/17, Application security IPTV security, ubiquitous sensor network security, home network security, peer-to-peer security, application security services, cloud computing security, SOA security, telebiometrics security, e-health security. WP 3/17, Identity management and languages IdM, Directory, PKI/PMI, ASN.1, OID, SDL-2010, ODP, URN, MSC, TTCN-3, maintenance of OSI Recommendations. Joint coordination activities JCA-IdM, JCA-CIT, JCA-COP
International Telecommunication Union 12 ITU-T Study Group 17 Security Leadership for SG 17-related other groups (I) JCA-IdM – Co-Chairmen: Richard BRACKNEY, Microsoft/USA; Takashi EGAWA, NEC; Jon SHAMAH, UK – Represented: SGs 2, 3, 5, 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, American Bar Association, ENISA, ETSI, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC27/WG5, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC17, GSMA, Liberty Alliance, Kantara Initiative, OASIS, OECD,… – 7 meetings, 125 documents processed, 7 outgoing liaisons statements. JCA-CIT – Chairman: Ostap MONKEWICH, Canada – Represented: SGs 2, 3, 5, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, TSAG. – 11 meetings, 84 documents processed, 12 outgoing liaison statements.
International Telecommunication Union 13 ITU-T Study Group 17 Security Leadership for SG 17-related other groups (II) JCA-COP – Chairman: Ashley HEINEMAN, USA – Established April 2012 – Represented: SGs 2, 17, GSMA; outreach to COP stakeholders – 1 meeting, 9 documents processed, 2 outgoing liaisons.
International Telecommunication Union 14 ITU-T Study Group 17 Security Highlights of achievements (I) SG17 successfully transitioned into a core competency center on security averaging 155 participants SG17 examined 751 contributions and TDs and developed 61 new, revised 60 Recommendations, and developed 11 Supplements 7 Recommendations currently under AAP or TAP 86 draft new/revised Recommendations currently under development for approval in the next study period 3 Lead Study Group responsibilities, 3 JCAs, and 2 Projects were very active Increased collaboration with SDOs (e.g., joint texts)
International Telecommunication Union 15 ITU-T Study Group 17 Security Highlights of achievements (II) Lead study group for Telecommunication Security – Close coordination and collaboration with other SGs and SDOs on security; particular focus has been placed upon partnerships and avoiding potential conflicts in the work. – Joint work with several SCs in ISO/IEC JTC 1. – Produced two editions of the Security Manual that promotes ITU-Ts security work. – Security Standards Roadmap and Security Compendium kept up-to-date. – Establishment of a Joint Coordination Activity on Child Online Protection (JCA-COP). – Four workshops held on security. – Maintained an on-line listing of SG17 relationships with TCs of ISO and IEC and SCs of ISO/IEC JTC 1 (identifies nature of relation of joint work, common/twin text, cooperation mode, etc) (In response to WTSA-08 Resolution 7).
International Telecommunication Union 16 ITU-T Study Group 17 Security Highlights of achievements (II) Lead study group for Identity Management – Generic IdM model developed by SG17 is complemented by specific IdM solutions (e.g. NGN-IdM in SG13). – A WIKI with IdM Roadmap is available from the SG17 web page - provides a compilation of existing and ongoing IdM standards globally & reflects coordination with other bodies. – Joint work item initiated with ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27. – Continuation of Joint Coordination Activity of Identity Management (JCA-IdM). Lead study group for Languages and Description Techniques – Collaboration with ETSI on TTCN-3, JTC 1/SC 7 on ODP, and JTC 1/SC 6 on ASN.1, OIDs and registration. – Supported SDL-Forum and SAM Workshop on languages. – Continuation of a Joint Coordination Activity on Conformance and Interoperability Testing (JCA-CIT).
International Telecommunication Union 17 ITU-T Study Group 17 Security Network and Information Security (WP 1) Highlights (I) Telecommunications systems security project – Management support of other SG17 security Questions – Security coordination – Security project (see separate slide) Security architecture and framework – Network security architecture, IPv6 security, … – 1 new Rec, 1 revised Rec, 2 new Supplements; 5 under development. Telecommunications information security management – In support of WTSA-08 Resolution 58 – ISM framework, risk/asset/incident management, … – 5 new Recs, 1 new Supplement; 3 under development
International Telecommunication Union 18 ITU-T Study Group 17 Security Network and Information Security (WP 1) Highlights (II) Cybersecurity – In support of WTSA-8 Resolution 50. – Focused on cybersecurity information exchange (CYBEX), X.1500 series. – Intense work program; many collaborations with principal forums of the cybersecurity community. – 15 new Recs, 2 in TAP, 2 Amendments, 3 new Supplements; 20 under development Countering spam by technical means – In support WTSA-08 Resolution 52 – Countering spam in s, IP-based multimedia, mobile messaging, … – 3 new Recs, 3 Supplements (1 revised); 1 under development.
International Telecommunication Union 19 ITU-T Study Group 17 Security Application Security (WP 2) Highlights Security aspects of ubiquitous telecommunication services – IPTV security, ubiquitous sensor network security, RFID security, home network security, multicast security, … – 13 new Recs; 1 in TAP; 5 under development Secure applications services – Application security mechanisms, peer-to-peer security, … – 2 new Recs, 1 in TAP, 1 Supplement; 9 under development Cloud computing security – Security for service oriented architectures and more recently cloud computing security – 4 texts under development Telebiometrics – Telebiometrics, e-Health & telemedicines security protocols – 4 new Recs, 6 Amendments; 8 under development
International Telecommunication Union 20 ITU-T Study Group 17 Security Identity Management and Languages (WP 3) Highlights (I) Identity management architecture and mechanisms – IdM capabilities, IdM terms & definitions, IdM security, authentication assurance, PII protection for RFID, … – 6 new Recs, 1 Supplement; 8 under development Directory services, Directory systems, and public-key/attribute certificates – X.500-series on Directory including X.509 on PKI, computerized directory assistance, … – 20 revised Recs, many technical corrigenda to X.500 series; 3 under development
International Telecommunication Union 21 ITU-T Study Group 17 Security Identity Management and Languages (WP 3) Highlights (II) ASN.1, OIDs and associated registration – Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1), Object Identifiers (OIDs) and associated registration authorities, … – ASN.1 and OID project (see separate slide) – Handbook on OIDs and their registration authorities – 2 new Recs, 11 revised Recs, 1 in AAP, several Corrigenda Formal languages and telecommunication software – ODP, SDL-2010, UML, MSC, URN, … – 4 new Recs, 14 revised Recs, 1 Amendment, 1 IG, 1 in AAP; 4 under development Testing languages, methodologies and framework – Testing and Test Control Notation (TTCN-3), … – 3 new Recs, 17 revised Recs; 10 under development
International Telecommunication Union 22 ITU-T Study Group 17 Security Security Project (Major focus is on coordination and outreach) Security coordination – Within SG17, with ITU-T SGs, with ITU-D and externally. – Kept TSAG, IGF, ISO/IEC/ITU-T SAG-S informed on security efforts. – Made presentations to workshops/seminars and to GSC. – Maintained reference information on the LSG on security webpage. Compendium of Security Recommendations – Includes catalogs of approved security-related Recommendations and security definitions extracted from approved Recommendations. Security Standards Roadmap – Includes searchable database of approved ICT security standards from ITU-T and others (e.g., ATIS, ENISA, ETSI, IEEE, ISO/IEC JTC 1, IETF, OASIS, 3GPP, 3GPP2). ITU-T Security manual – 2 updates produced, translated into 6 UN languages. Strategic plan for SG17 (Draft) – Gives mission, vision and strategic focus areas for SG17.
International Telecommunication Union 23 ITU-T Study Group 17 Security ASN.1 and OID Project The SG17 ASN.1 & OID project continues to assist: – Existing users of ASN.1 and object identifiers (OID), within and outside of ITU T (e.g., ITU T SG 16, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27, ISO TC 215, 3GPP, etc.). – Countries (e.g., Bangladesh, Canada, Islamic Republic of Iran, Liechtenstein, Oman, Republic of Panama, Tunisia, Ukraine, Uruguay), and in particular developing countries, in setting a national registration authority for OIDs. This project provided speakers and tutorial material, and coordinates the provision of tool support to users and the contents of related websites. In cooperation with the TSB, a database is being maintained that contains a machine-processable copy of the current version of all ASN.1 modules that are included in ITU T Recommendations. Database: (>800 modules) A handbook on OIDs and their registration authorities was completed and a flyer on OIDs was produced. OID Repository: (> OIDs).
International Telecommunication Union 24 ITU-T Study Group 17 Security Statistics (I) 51 Rapporteur group meetings held (stand-alone, during GSI events or collaborative with ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6, 7, 27 or 37) 751 contributions received (excluding Rapporteur meetings) 8 SG meetings held 8 WP 1, 2, 3 meetings held in conjunction with SG17 meetings Min/Max/Average SG participants: 116/181/155.
International Telecommunication Union 25 ITU-T Study Group 17 Security Statistics (II) 121 New/Revised Recommendations approved, plus 7 Recommendations determined or consented. 86 draft new/revised Recommendations currently under development for approval in the next study period. 15 Questions assigned by WTSA Question revised during study period. 12 Questions proposed for next period.
International Telecommunication Union 26 ITU-T Study Group 17 Security Workshops (I) SG17 organized four workshops: New challenges for telecommunication security standardizations Geneva, Switzerland, 9-10 February Addressing security challenges on a global scale Geneva, Switzerland, 6 – 7 December Identity Summit Geneva, Switzerland, 10 December Radioactivity safety and security threats protection and telemedical support for irradiated people Geneva, Switzerland, August 30, 2011.
International Telecommunication Union 27 ITU-T Study Group 17 Security Workshops (II) SG17 (through its lead study group function on Languages) supported the following workshops: 14 th SDL Forum Bochum University, Germany, September th System Analysis and Modeling (SAM) workshop (SAM- 2010) within MODELS-2010 Oslo, Norway, October 2010 in collaboration with ACM and IEEE. 15 th SDL Forum Toulouse, France, July th SAM workshop planned with the ACM/IEEE MODELS Innsbruck, Austria, 2012.
International Telecommunication Union 28 ITU-T Study Group 17 Security Acknowledgements Delegates with their many contributions Editors in drafting texts for Recommendations Rapporteurs in leading work efforts Liaison officers in coordinating efforts with other bodies Project leaders and JCA leaders Management team including Working Party chairmen TSB support – Counsellors, Assistants and other staff Great thanks are due to the many people who have contributed to the enormous success of SG17 during this study period: Best wishes to all for the next study period.
International Telecommunication Union 29 ITU-T Study Group 17 Security Thank you! Personal information Date of birth:13 November 1947 Marital status:Married Nationality:Russian Education 1965–1970Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics (MTUCI) Qualifications Ph.D. on technical sciences Work experience 1994 – Present time - chairman of Russian Association for Networks and Services (RANS) Executive Committee 1997 – Present time - head of RANS training department in MTUCI Participation in International Telecommunica tion Union (ITU) – United Nations agency Vice-Chairman of the ITU-T SG17 (Security) 2009 – Present time - chairman of the ITU-T SG17 (Security) Languages English – Good Russian – Native