What Is Science? Why Write Research Paper? Research paper is written report that enables you to look for similar studies or work done on the question you would like to experiment on. The purpose of the research paper is to gather information regarding your topic. It also demonstrate your comprehension and understanding of the question you would like to work on.
What Is Science? RESEARCH PAPER GUIDELINES The purpose of research paper is to gather information about your topic / question. Research on the information that will help you assist in designing and understanding your topic / question. Research on the best materials and techniques to carry out your experiment. All of gathered information should help you make your hypothesis before you begin the experiment.
What Is Science? Statement of Purpose Purpose - explain what prompted your topic /question selection - identify and describe what you expect to discover - explain how the new knowledge will impact you and the world around you. Example: Question: How does the pH of various types of shampoo affect the tensile strength of hair? Purpose: The purpose of this experiment is to find out how our human hair tensile strength is affected by the different pH level of shampoos we are using. I am expecting to find out the pH level of the different brand shampoos and how their pH level affect the tensile strength of the hair. I believe that knowing the correct pH of shampoo to use for our hair will make our hair stronger and healthier.
What Is Science? Parts of Research Paper 1.Title Page – should include the title of your paper, name, date, class, and teacher. 2.Acknowledgement – give thanks to people who helped you and guided you in doing your project. 3.Report – includes Introduction, Body, Conclusion of your topic. a. INTRODUCTION – restatement of the question and summary of the purpose of your topic. You should also Identify the scientific concepts relevant to your topic and explain the major points you plan to cover in your paper.
What Is Science? Parts of Research Paper b. BODY – at least 8 paragraph of pertinent information that includes; definition and explanation of key terms and concepts, the history of similar experiments or inventions, answers to the questions you gathered in preparation for your research. c. CONCLUSION- includes summary of the key points discussed in the research paper (not the project itself), analysis of information acquired through research, and discussion of how this information will be used to help design your experiment. 4. Bibliography – do not take credit for someone else’s work thus you must provide bibliography of citations. What is Plagiarism? Plagiarism is copying somebody else’s work ---- It’s a NO, NO
What Is Science? Additional Information for Research Paper Important Information - definition and explanation of the key terms or concepts - history of similar experiments or inventions -who, what, when, and why (where is optional) - conclusion of research paper - analysis of information learned and discussion of how this information will be used to help you design your experiment.
What Is Science? Procedure to Produce Quality Research Paper List the keywords that relates to your topic. Write only the information that relates to your project/topic. To develop a quality research paper, using a note card will help a lot. Front side – Bibliography Last Name, First Name. (Year). Title of the Book or Article. City: Publisher, volume, pages. Back side - Notes from the reference - Summary of information - Paraphrasing of information - “Quotes” form the book, include page number.
What Is Science? Bibliography How to write bibliography from the following sources: From Books author, year, title of the book, city where it was published, publishing company. From Magazines author, year, title of the article, name of the magazine, city it was published, publishing company, issue number, volume number. From On-line sources: author, year, title, place of publication, publisher, URL address, date accessed.
What Is Science? Research Paper Outline Format I.Introduction A. Introductory Sentence B. Major Point 1 C. Major Point 2 II.Body A. Major Point 1 1. Supporting facts1 2. Supporting facts 2 B. Major Point 2 1. Supporting facts1 2. Supporting facts 2 C. Major Point 3 1. Supporting facts1 2. Supporting facts 2 III.Conclusion A. Major Point 1 B. Major Point 2 C. Concluding Sentence