How JUSP can help Angela Conyers Evidence Base
What to do with the JR1 Select any time period you like Sort alphabetically by title Sort by total number of requests – high or low Click on journal title to get usage history Download as csv file for your own analysis
What to do with the JR1 Select any time period you like Sort alphabetically by title Sort by total number of requests – high or low Click on journal title to get usage history Download as csv file for your own analysis
JR1 including gateway and host intermediaries remember that for some publishers this usage is not included in the JR1 Use this report if you make any use of Swetswise, EbscoEJS or IngentaConnect Sort by intermediary to see which titles are most used by this route
JR1 excluding backfile usage remember that the JR1 report includes use of any backfile or archive collections that you may have acquired separately. Use this report if you want to view usage of titles in your current deal separately from those in the backfile collection Use this report if you want to view total usage of your current deal, minus backfiles and including intermediaries Sort by JR1 or JR1a to see which titles are most used in your current deal or backfile collection
Individual journal search and usage For a limited subject search or where you are unsure of the exact title: Put in a general term and select from the list that comes up For an exact title search: Use ISSN For a short cut to journal search and usage: Click on the title in any JUSP report
Annual summary reports For a quick look at how your deal or subscribed titles are being used, use the annual summaries to look at: Publisher usage Use of gateways and intermediaries Use of backfiles
Annual summary reports For a quick look at how your deal or subscribed titles are being used, use the annual summaries to look at: Publisher usage Use of gateways and intermediaries Use of backfiles
Annual summary of publisher usage For a quick look at the number of requests from all publishers in JUSP that you use: Choose one publisher or all publishers Choose one year or all years View as a pie chart Download as a csv file to do further analysis
Number of titles and number of requests in each usage range For a quick overview of the percentage of titles which fell into various usage ranges from nil use up to very high use (1000+ accesses): View separately the number of titles in each usage range that are part of the deal you take and those that are outside it Look particularly at nil use figures within and outside the deal View the results as a pie chart
To find out more See the individual guides to the JUSP reports at