1 The Importance of Green Marketing Green Marketing as part of Relationship Marketing U.Scholz
2 Green Marketing Can you name a green brand in five seconds?
3 Green Marketing Introduction Definition and history of Green Marketing Green Marketing and Relationship Marketing Example
4 Green Marketing - Introduction What does Green- Marketing mean to your business ? SALES / REVENUE/cost benefits
5 Green Marketing-Definitions Definition: There is more than one definition of green marketing: “the holistic management for identifying, anticipating and satisfying the requirements of customers and society, in a profitable and sustainable way” (Peattie 1995, p. 28)
6 No 0 % Yes 100% Green Marketing-make your own decision
7 Green Marketing-Definitions Environmental sustainability involves developing strategies that sustain the environment and produce profits for the company. It protect and preserve the environment (Armstrong and Kotler, 2007, pp ). A green consumer someone who voluntarily engages in consumer practices that are regarded as environmentally friendly. Peattie (2001, p ) green or environmentally friendly activities energy-efficient operations, better pollution controls and recycled materials (Armstrong and Kotler, 2007, p. 509). Eco labels labels which identify overall environmental preference of a product or service within a specific product or service range.
8 Examples ECO-Label Examples of eco-labels:
9 Summary: Green Marketing Corporate Social Responsibility corporate responsibility, corporate citizenship, responsible business and corporate social opportunity's a form of corporate self-regulate integrated into a business model.corporatebusiness model Triple Bottom Line Accounting In practical terms, triple bottom line accounting means expanding the traditional reporting framework to take into account ecological and social performance New Product Innovation Product/service innovation is the result of bringing to life a new way to solve the customer's problem Company Ethos focused on our client and market needs
10 Green Marketing Business Environment
11 Green Marketing
12 Green Marketing
13 Green Marketing
14 Green Marketing
15 Green Marketing
16 What is Greenwashing? “Greenwash” is defined in the 10th edition of the Concise Oxford English Dictionary as the “ Disinformation disseminated by an organization so as to present an environmentally responsible public image.” “Greenwashing,” a term derived from the term “whitewashing,” was coined by enviromental activists to describe efforts by corporations to portray themselves as environmentally responsible in order to mask environmental wrongdoings.
17 What’s wrong with Greenwashing? It is misleading! It attempts to trick us into believing that a company with an awful environmental track record actually has a good one. If one corporation gets away with greenwashing, then other corporations will follow, thereby creating an illusion of being environmentally friendly.
18 Who is Greenwashing? A closer look at who is “greenwashing,” and how they are successfully marketing false advertisements.
19 Kraft’s Post Selects Cereals Kraft’s Post Select cereals have falsely promoted its cereals as having “natural ingredients” when in fact the corn used in the cereal is genetically engineered!
20 General Motors General Motors has falsely promoted its cars as environmentally friendly, with ads that have their SUV’s in natural habitats as if they were as natural as the surrounding trees. Ford, for example, has launched the new Escape Hybrid. What they fail to tell the public is they only produce 20,000 of these cars a year, while continuing to produce almost 80,000 F-series trucks per month!
21 Why Greenwash? With the rising concerns of global warming, people are becoming more and more aware of the dangers that will arise if they don’t take the needs of mother earth into consideration. People are looking for environmentally friendly products that are good for the environment and their personal health. Corporations turn to greenwashing to make themselves look more environmentally friendly so that they can keep their customers coming back. If corporations were up front with their environmental wrongdoings, customers would most likely take their business elsewhere.
22 In Conclusion Greenwashing has become a very popular way for corporations to get ahead of their competitors. It is a way for corporations to make themselves more marketable by hiding behind a mask and concealing their true colors. Not only has greenwashing fooled the general public, but it has made many corporations extremely prosperous. With the amount of competition out there, it doesn’t look like the end of greenwashing is anywhere near. Greenwashing has proven itself a workable solution for the many corporations using the technique, but at the same time, has stirred up a lot of discussion. Greenwashing will continue to be utilized by many corporations and the consumer will continue to buy. In a world where the fight to the top is a never ending battle, greenwashing will continue to be the tool of choice.
23 Green Marketing
24 Relationship Marketing Green Marketing and Relationship Marketing
25 Definition Relationship Marketing: “ the process of identifying and establishing, maintaining, enhancing, and when necessary terminating relationships with customers and other stakeholders, at a profit, so that the objectives of all parties involved are met, where there is done by a mutual giving and fulfillment of promises” (Grönroos p. 101, 2004). Green Marketing and Relationship Marketing
26 Relationship Management All external RelationshipsAll internal Relationships Relationship Marketing Vertical and horizontal relationships Customer Relationship Management (CRM) AcquisitionRetentionRecovery Relationship Management and Relationship Marketing Green Marketing and Relationship Marketing
27 Target Market Environment InfrastructureSocial NormsCulture Product/ Service uniqueness Evaluating foreign markets International experience Preferred style of distribution Training know how Cultural specificity Technology Price Benefits Domain and environment of relationship marketing Green Marketing and Relationship Marketing
28 Green Marketing and Relationship Marketing
29 sFQdM Green Marketing and Relationship Marketing
30 Result: Relationship Marketing and green marketing is the creation of confidence, trust and value for customers. Customer relationship commitment, trust, confidence and loyalty as a result of satisfaction are as important in customer relationship marketing as in green marketing, Trust and confidence are as important concepts in green marketing as in Customer Relationship Marketing. Green Marketing and Relationship Marketing
31 In summary….make it simple 1. Build up truth relationship 2. Understood by consumers 3. Engage your own people 4. Give consumers what they want 5. Innovate innovate innovate What is needed to realize Green Marketing?
32 How Do We Do It? Company values Mission and aims Marketing and transparency Supply chain management Has to be fed top down, bottom up. The whole company has to buy in to the ethos
33 Thank you very much for your attention!