Cultural Responsiveness Washington State CASA November 2, :30 -5:00 p.m. Hotel Murano Tacoma, WA
What is Cultural Responsiveness? Cultural Continuum O Culture O Cultural Diversity O Cultural Competency O Cultural Responsiveness
As a professional/volunteer why should I care? Group Exercise O Breakout into trios O Take post-it notes and write down your response O Place post-it note on newsprint provided for this exercise O Select the responses that all agreed speaks for everyone.
How will this help my case/client? O Becoming aware of your own different cultural identities. O Understanding how these identities impact your everyday decisions, behaviors, and emotions. O Recognizing how easy it is to forget the basis of any relationship is caring.
What should I do? Group Exercise O Breakout into trios O Take post-it notes and write down what you personally do “already.” O Place post-it note on newsprint provided for this exercise O Small groups will identify those responses that closely speaks for everyone.
Resources O Cultural responsiveness and social work practice: an Indian clinic's success. O Yukl T. Yukl T Abstract O Social workers need to appreciate the traditions and beliefs of clients from different cultures to provide effective services. The success of one hospital clinic in serving American Indians in Boston demonstrates how this appreciation can be translated into programs that are relevant to a particular population or targeted group.
Resources O Barth, F. (1969). Ethnic groups and boundaries. Boston: Little, Brown. O Green, J. W. (1982). Cultural awareness in the human services. O Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. O Hanson, M.J.& Lynch E.W. (1992). Developing cross cultural competency: A guide for working with young children and their families. O Baltimore: Paul H. Brooks Publishing. O Stori, C. (1989). The art of crossing cultures. Yarmouth, ME: Intercultural Press.
Resources O Lum, D. (2007). Culturally competent practice: A framework for understanding diverse groups and justice issues. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole.