SGTM 9: Humanitarian Assistance Slide 1 SGTM 9: Humanitarian Assistance
Slide 2 What is humanitarian assistance Basic principles Scope of action Humanitarian roles Military support What is humanitarian assistance Basic principles Scope of action Humanitarian roles Military support
SGTM 9: Humanitarian Assistance Slide 3 Food Water and sanitation Shelter Health care Security Food Water and sanitation Shelter Health care Security
SGTM 9: Humanitarian Assistance Slide 4 Preserving human dignity Neutrality Impartiality Preserving human dignity Neutrality Impartiality
SGTM 9: Humanitarian Assistance Slide 5 Medical care, medicine, training & education Food Non-food items: pots, pans, soap, blankets & tarpaulins Medical care, medicine, training & education Food Non-food items: pots, pans, soap, blankets & tarpaulins Health Food aid Health Food aid
SGTM 9: Humanitarian Assistance Slide 6 Clean, potable supply Construction Tents, camp layout Electricity Schools, hospitals Clean, potable supply Construction Tents, camp layout Electricity Schools, hospitals Water & sanitation Shelter Infrastructure Water & sanitation Shelter Infrastructure
SGTM 9: Humanitarian Assistance Slide 7 Local authorities Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs United Nations agencies Intergovernmental organizations Donor-governmental agencies NGOs Local authorities Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs United Nations agencies Intergovernmental organizations Donor-governmental agencies NGOs
SGTM 9: Humanitarian Assistance Slide 8 Host-country authorization Host-country responsibility for protection & well-being Humanitarian work supplements host country’s efforts Host-country authorization Host-country responsibility for protection & well-being Humanitarian work supplements host country’s efforts
SGTM 9: Humanitarian Assistance Slide 9 Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)
SGTM 9: Humanitarian Assistance Slide 10 Refugees and IDPs Emergency food-aid relief Children and pregnant mothers Preventative health care Refugees and IDPs Emergency food-aid relief Children and pregnant mothers Preventative health care UNHCR WFP UNICEF WHO UNHCR WFP UNICEF WHO
SGTM 9: Humanitarian Assistance Slide 11 International humanitarian law POW exchanges POW visits Humanitarian relief International humanitarian law POW exchanges POW visits Humanitarian relief International Committee of the Red Cross International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies International Committee of the Red Cross International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
SGTM 9: Humanitarian Assistance Slide 12 Represent Governments or regional organizations Provide funds to others Support NGOs & United Nations agencies Support NGOs of own country Examples: ECHO, USAID, DFID, CIDA, DANIDA Represent Governments or regional organizations Provide funds to others Support NGOs & United Nations agencies Support NGOs of own country Examples: ECHO, USAID, DFID, CIDA, DANIDA Donor-governmental agencies
SGTM 9: Humanitarian Assistance Slide 13 NGOs Independent Humanitarian, human-rights and development work Tactical level and policy level Relation with United Nations: Some cooperate, others don’t United Nations does not control them United Nations respects their neutrality Independent Humanitarian, human-rights and development work Tactical level and policy level Relation with United Nations: Some cooperate, others don’t United Nations does not control them United Nations respects their neutrality
SGTM 9: Humanitarian Assistance Slide 14 Security Possibly, humanitarian work Exceptionally, substitute for civil authority in humanitarian work Security Possibly, humanitarian work Exceptionally, substitute for civil authority in humanitarian work Military support
SGTM 9: Humanitarian Assistance Slide 15 Security Patrols Escort convoy Protection Security Patrols Escort convoy Protection Support Transport Engineering Manpower Tents Support Transport Engineering Manpower Tents Technical Potable water Structures Medical support Technical Potable water Structures Medical support Military Support
SGTM 9: Humanitarian Assistance Slide 16 Don’t lose focus Don’t become part of the problem Don’t lead where others are supposed to act Do see humanitarian elements as partners Do use appropriate channels Do coordinate Don’t lose focus Don’t become part of the problem Don’t lead where others are supposed to act Do see humanitarian elements as partners Do use appropriate channels Do coordinate
SGTM 9: Humanitarian Assistance Slide 17 Respect humanitarian mandates Support humanitarian partners Understand it as part of whole mission Respect humanitarian mandates Support humanitarian partners Understand it as part of whole mission