YZ X Rack Hot air Rack Node (x,y,z ) Node (x,y,z )
PCR Node i.Temp(t) Temp(Node i.,t)
task-temperature profile online task-temperature calculation online task-temperature calculation RC-thermal model Workload model Thermal map Data center model Thermal aware workload scheduling algorithm Profiling tool monitoring service Cooling system control CFD model Workload placement
t RC-thermal model task-temperature profile Online task-temperature Node i.Temp(t) Temp(Node i.,t)PR+ Node i.Temp(0)
Node Available time t0t0 Time backfilling holes node k.t bfsta, backfilling start time of node k node max1 node max2 node k.t bfend, end time for backfilling
node max1 Temperature Temp bfmax Node Temperature backfilling holes node k.Temp bfsta, start temperature for backfilling of node k node max2 node k.Temp bfend, end temperature for backfilling
node i ambient temperature: Thermap=Temp(Node i.,t) Node i.Temp(t)