EXPLORING HUMANITARIAN LAW Introductory Questions PPT produced by A. Ripley ssrsb
Human Dignity What is human dignity? How would you define it?
WAR What images come to mind when you hear the word “war” or “armed conflict”?
WAR What wars are currently going on in the world today? Unicef Map 1998
WAR What past wars do you know about ? What is war?
MEANS OF WARFARE Is everything allowed during an armed conflict? Should any weapons be prohibited during armed conflict? Which ones? WHY?
THE IDEA OF “ENEMY” How would you define enemy? Does an enemy ever deserve to be protected during armed conflict?
CIVILIANS What is a civilian?
CIVILIANS How should civilians be treated during armed conflict? WHY? Are civilians ever attacked ?
CIVILIANS Can the attack of civilians ever be justified? HOW ? What if a civilian is bringing food to enemy soldiers? What if a civilian is providing the enemy with weapons? WHAT IF…?
CHILDREN Why do children sometimes take part in armed conflict? Should there be a minimum age for someone to take part in war? Can a child’s participation in hostilities ever be justified? What age?WHY?
WOUNDED COMBATANTS How do you believe a wounded enemy combatant should be treated?
PRISONERS How should an enemy prisoner be treated? What if this enemy prisoner harmed someone in your family? WHY ? Is it all right to torture a prisoner to obtain information? If so, under what circumstances?
WOMEN Are women ever directly involved in fighting? What do you think about that?
WOMEN Do you think civilian women need special protection in times of war? What type of protection ?
OTHER PROTECTED PERSONS Does anyone else need special protection in times of war? WHO ? WHY ?
PROTECTED PLACES IN TIMES OF WAR Are there places that you think should not be attacked? Which Places? WHY ?
PROTECTED PLACES IN TIMES OF WAR Is it ever acceptable to attack hospitals or medical facilities? Is it ever acceptable to attack religious places? WHY OR WHY NOT ? WHEN ?
IN PROTECTED PLACES IN TIMES OF WAR Is it ever acceptable to destroy people’s homes, towns or infrastructure? WHY OR WHY NOT? WHEN ?
LAWS What is law ? Where does it come from ? Do you think it makes sense to have laws to limit the suffering in armed conflict ? Why or Why Not ?
LAWS Do laws to limit the suffering in armed conflict exist? If yes, what do they say?
HUMANITARIAN ORGANIZATIONS Do you know of any organizations that work to protect and assist people during war? WHICH ONES? What do they do ?
HUMAN DIGNITY What does human dignity mean in times of armed conflict?
QUESTIONS OTHER QUESTIONS ? Images taken from : and What’s worth fighting for? Who should we protect ?