NATO- organization and policies NATO’s character as a self-defence Alliance -A collective defence alliance; -A forum for political consultation; -The American leadership. NATO’s adaptation to the post Cold War security environment: -NATO’s new strategic concept; -Internal transformation; -Outreach initiatives.
NATO’s character as a self- defence alliance Objectives and tasks: collective defence (Washington Treaty, Articles 5 and 6) alliance, tasks: deterrence and defence from military attack. A forum of political consultation (Washington Treaty, Article 4). The American leadership: NATO strategies, integrated supreme command structure, the US contribution to NATO assets, research and development and procurement programmes.
NATO’s post Cold War adaptation- new strategic concepts North Atlantic Council in Rome (8 Nov. 1991). -identification of security risks and challenges: WMDs, disruptions of the flows of resources and terrorism and sabotage; a broader approach to security adopted; -Objectives: consultation, deterrence, defence and security; -Non-Article 5 operations: NATO projecting force and operating out of area (NAC, Oslo 1992); conflict prevention, crisis management and crisis response missions. Washington Summit (23-24 April 1999). -definition of security threats: ethnic and religious rivalries, unsuccessful reforms, human rights abuses, territorial disputes and dissolution of states; -collective security organisation; a framework for cooperation, consultation and dialogue;
NATO’s post Cold War adaptation- internal transformation Adjustment of Alliance’s institutional and military capabilities: new force posture and deployable command and control HQs Enhancement of the European Pillar- ESDI initiative (Ministerial Meeting, Berlin 1996). Combined Joint Task Force concept (CJTS); Modalities for consultation, cooperation and transparency between NATO and the EU (Washington Summit 1999). Defence Capabilities Initiative- DCI (Washington Summit 1999): a set of military capabilities goals e.g deployability, survivability and interoperability.
NATO’s post Cold War adaptation- outreach initiatives and experiences Out-of-area operations (NATO missions, OSCE and UN operations : - Peace-support missions- IFOR, SFOR (Bosnia &Herzegovina) and KFOR (Kosovo) -Humanitarian military intervention- operation ‘Allied Force’, Kosovo Preventive operations in the 1990s: naval patrolling for enforce sanctions and embargo; military support of humanitarian air delivery.
NATO’s post Cold War adaptation- outreach activities II Partnership for Peace (PfP)- launched in 1994, bilateral cooperation with individual partner countries; EAPC. NATO-Russia Founding Act, Paris 1997 (special relationship with Russia); PJC; 2002 Rome Declaration- NATO-Russia Council NATO-Ukraine Charter, Madrid 1997 (distinctive relationship with Ukraine); NAT)-Ukraine Commission NATO Mediterranean Dialogue NATO Enlargement Milestones: 1995 NATO Study of Enlargement, Madrid Summit open door policy, the Membership Action Plan
The Prague Summit Decisions NATO Response Force (NRF) strong force, tasked with three types of deployment -as a show of force and solidarity to deter aggression; -as a stand alone force for Article 5 and non-Article 5 operations; -As an initial entry force for larger operations. Prague Capabilities Commitment 5 nuclear, biological and chemical defence initiatives; Reform of NATO integrated military command structure, including establishment of functional HQ facility- Allied Command Transformations NATO Enlargement decision- ‘big bang’ enlargement, 7 CEE countries were invited to join the Alliance.
The Future of NATO Debate Problems: the transatlantic bond; NATO suited for a large-scale conflict. NATO’s future security role -A forum for political consultations -A provider of military and planning services for the EU, the UN and other organizations -An instrument for projection of Western power beyond the Euro-Atlantic area, including NATO as a key player in the war on terrorism