6.1: Science and the Environment 6.2: Global Conflicts and Their Consequences 6.3: New Conceptualizations of Global Economy, Society, and Culture Period 6: Accelerating Global Change and Realignments, 1900-Present
6.1 Science and the Environment Rapid advances in science-new understandings of the universe and the natural world, new technologies Unprecedented population growth Altered how humans interacted with the environment and threatened ecological balance New modes of communication Green Revolution-produced food for the world Ne mechanical innovations (vaccines for example) New energy technologies Exploitation and competition over finite resources Eradication of old diseases, challenge of new diseases Birth control Unprecedented wartime death and destruction due to technology
6.2 Global Conflicts and Their Consequences Century began with a European dominated global order- challenged as others sought to redistribute power Ottoman, Russian, Qing empires collapsed Colonies negotiated independence-India, W. Africa Colonies fought for independence-Vietnam, Algeria Anti-imperialism, nationalism-Gandhi, Nkrumah, Ho Chi Minh) Religious and ethnic movements-Muslim Pakistan Transregional movements-communism, Pan-Africanism
6.2 Global Conflicts and Their Consequences Ethnic and religious conflicts, secessionist movements, territorial partitions, economic dependency, legacies of colonialism Population resettlements-India/Pakistan, Zionist movement and Palestine Migration of former colonial subjects-Algerians to France, Filipinos to USA Ethnic violence-Rwanda, Armenia, Holocaust, Cambodia Displacement of People-Darfur
6.2 Global Conflicts and Their Consequences Unprecedented military conflict Imperialist expansion, resource competition, ethnic conflict, nationalism, economic crisis (great depression) WWI, WWII, Cold War Groups and individuals challenged violence-Gandhi, MLK, anti-nuclear movement, art Groups and individuals sought alternatives-Anti-Apartheid movement, Lenin and Mao, counterculture of 1968 Dictatorship or totalitarianism in response to conflict Terrorism Conflict influence on global popular culture-James Bond, video games
6.3: New Conceptualizations of Global Economy, Society, and Culture States responded in a variety of ways to economic challenges Communism in China and Russia Responses to Great Depression-New Deal, Fascism Government role in promoting economic life-Nasser in Egypt Neoliberals at end of 20 th Century-Ronald Reagan, Pinochet, Thatcher
6.3: New Conceptualizations of Global Economy, Society, and Culture States, communities, and individuals become increasingly interdependent New international organizations-United Nations New economic institutions-World Bank Humanitarian organizations-Red Cross Regional trade agreements-NAFTA Multinational corporations-Coca-Cola Protest movements-Greenpeace
6.3: New Conceptualizations of Global Economy, Society, and Culture People conceptualized society and culture in new ways Human Rights-civil rights, women’s rights, U.N. Declaration of Human Rights New cultural identities-Negritude Exclusionary reactions-Xenophobia, race riots New forms of spirituality-Hare Krishna, New Ageism Sports-World Cup Soccer, Olympics Music and Film-Reggae, Bollywood