Filming protocols
Your school policy Do you have a school filming and or photography Policy ? We would like to see a copy of this to ensure that the filming you do is covered under the schools agreement. Actions : 1.Enquire about schools filming and photography policy 2.Send a copy to the project team.
Our use of your media Primarily we are focussed on ensuring the research takes place. The filming conducted in your own classrooms is footage, which will only be seen by you and colleagues to aid your lesson study meetings and by the project team to monitor progress. The footage you film will not be used anywhere else and this is detailed in the ethics form that the project team have submitted to the University.
Parental permission for other use Phase 3 of this project is aimed at producing a resource which captures the impact and disseminates best practice. We will be looking for Case Study Schools throughout phase 1. This will entail further filming and gaining a specific consent form from each individual which we film (students, parents and staff). Action: 1. If you would like to be considered as a Case Study School please let the team know by March 2011.
Ethical Issues
What is an informed consent? Consent from research participants that they understand: – What the project is, what it is aiming to do and its purposes – What taking part involves – Right to confidentiality and anonymity (e.g. in any subsequent reporting of research findings) – Right to withdraw from the study at any time
Types of informed consent Active consent and passive consent In this study we use both: – Active consent: parents/carers of pupils who will be monitored will need to provide a written consent Why? To make sure that parents have read all the information, understand what is involved, and agree that their children can participate in testing/monitoring – Passive consent: parents/carers of pupils in the Lesson Study class have been told about the nature of the study It is assumed that these parents have consented unless they take some action to tell us otherwise
Why is informed consent needed? To follow ‘good research practice’ (e.g. by following the ethical guidelines of the British Educational Research Association) Respect for the participants as individuals, not merely as ‘samples’ to be studied It is a part of the application for the Ethics Committee at the University of Exeter for ethical approval of the project
Lesson Study Group Protocols It is a good idea to agree some ground rules in order to ensure a safe environment and to dispel the idea that LS observation’ is ‘judgemental’ – in the way inspection or PM observation can be. Bases to cover: -All members of a LS group are equal and are learners (whatever our normal roles) -We try to operate on the basis of the best possible knowledge and evidence we can find – in ‘praxis’
Observation Protocols -We treat each others’ contributions with ‘unconditional positive regard’ whilst also ensuring our own knowledge and experience is heard -We will be open with students about the LS process and acknowledge their contributions -It is a professional duty to share what we learn with colleagues (and students)