SCHEDULE Vote on debate Success criteria Whole class activity – technology in my life Mini lecture Answer questions in Blue Book Group survey activity Debrief
MAIN PURPOSE OF LESSON To identify and describe the ways in which technology is impacting your life at work. To gain an understanding of how culture is being created/influenced through the use of technology at work.
SUCCESS CRITERIA FOR TODAY’S LESSON Outline Marvin Harris’ theory of cultural materialism and explain how it’s related to social change. Explain various ways in which technology has created social change and has affected the lives on individuals in their work lives.
ACTIVITY: HOW IS TECHNOLOGY AFFECTING THE WAY WE WORK? The following pictures are missing titles. As a class, pick words from the list on the board to use as a title for each picture. If none fit, you can come up with your own words. Remember the theme is the effect of technology on work Criteria: Use a democratic process for choosing the words.
Cade, P. (n.d.) Female student building robot. Getty Images. Retrieved from photography/ ?Language=en=GB
Sahibul, S. (29 Jan, 2014) Slave to technology. Retreived from from-the-jinn/slave-to-technology-2/ from-the-jinn/slave-to-technology-2/
h Read this and Hack! (2 April, 2013) Have we all become virtual slaves? Retrieved from
Phillips, S. (31 Jan, 2013). Cloud technology. Retireved from technology-affecting-your-work-life-balance/shutterstock_ / technology-affecting-your-work-life-balance/shutterstock_ /
Christian School Journal. (n.d.) Retrieved from
Cade, P. (n.d.). Female student building robot. Getty Images. Retrieved from: photography/ ?Language=en-GB
The Parent Report (5 June, 2012). Technology, work and sick children. Retrieved from
BRAINSTORM How does technology affect you at work? If you don’t currently have a job, think of a job you’ve had in the past, or you’d like to have in the future. Debrief to follow.
WAYS IN WHICH TECHNOLOGY IS AFFECTING WORK Constant connection (challenge of always being “on”) Social media and work Home office/work-life balance Competition is greater because people are sometimes competing on a global scale. Telecommuting - working from home or another off-site location through the use of internet-connected equipment, such as computers and fax machines.
MARVIN HARRIS’ THEORY OF CULTURAL MATERIALISM Harris sees human social life as a response to practical problems of existence. Idea that: All culture is shaped by the surrounding environment and the resources available within it. The theory says that as the resources and environment change, so will our culture. Marxist Theory that connects with this new theory: Changes in culture are determined by those who hold power. New resources and cultural changes will benefit the rich and powerful the most, not necessarily everyone in the culture.
ACTIVITY: SURVEY You will be placed in groups of 5. Review your technology survey. Come up at least 4 new questions of your own. They can sound like Ms. Gluskin’s questions, but they need to relate to technology and work. You can use the text (Challenge and Change – pp ) and your own knowledge of technology and work, Ms. Gluskin will put these up so you can take the survey.
SUBMITTING YOUR QUESTIONS Everyone can type up their questions right now on the computer at the front. If we run out of time, you can your questions to Ms. Gluskin.
HOMEWORK If you haven’t completed your handout on “The Impact of Technology on the Family” please finish it. Review your notes for Chapter 4 (Remember that there’s a Quiz Tuesday, Nov 4).