Disaster Response in Asia and the Pacific: A Guide to International Tools and Services
A guide of international tools and services available for disaster response and preparedness. To help UN Member States and their partners to understand the interaction between national, regional, and international response tools. WHAT IS IT AND WHY WAS IT PRODUCED?
Disaster Response in Asia and the Pacific: A Guide to International Tools and Services
Desk ReviewField Testing / Workshop Finalization of Guide TIMELINE OF ACTIVITIES August - October 2012 October - November 2012 November - March 2013
Disaster Response in Asia and the Pacific: A Guide to International Tools and Services SCOPE OF THE GUIDE: RESPONSE & RESPONSE PREPAREDNESS
Disaster Response in Asia and the Pacific: A Guide to International Tools and Services International humanitarian architectureTools and services for disaster response Tools and services for disaster preparedness WHAT IS IN IT?
Disaster Response in Asia and the Pacific: A Guide to International Tools and Services WHAT IS NOT National government tools and services Regional DRR efforts Tools and services still being developed
Disaster Response in Asia and the Pacific: A Guide to International Tools and Services WHAT THE GUIDE ANSWERS For each entry, the Guide answers the following questions: WHAT IS IT? WHO IS IT FOR? HOW IS IT ACCESSED? Where can one get further information.
Disaster Response in Asia and the Pacific: A Guide to International Tools and Services WHAT THE GUIDE ANSWERS
Disaster Response in Asia and the Pacific: A Guide to International Tools and Services TOTAL NUMBER OF ENTRIES IN THE GUIDE
Disaster Response in Asia and the Pacific: A Guide to International Tools and Services Binding agreements between States Non-binding agreements between States Voluntary guidelines United Nations Red Cross Red Crescent Movement Regional intergovernmental organizations and forums NGOs Assisting governments Private sector Emergency Relief Coordinator Inter-Agency Standing Committee UN Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator Humanitarian Country Teams Clusters OCHA REGULATION OF ACTION DIVERSITY OF ACTORS COORDINATION MECHANISMS PART 1: INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN ARCHITECTURE
Disaster Response in Asia and the Pacific: A Guide to International Tools and Services
PART 2: DISASTER RESPONSE Bilateral teams Intergovernmental teams Teams of the RCRC movement Relief assets and stockpiles Technical networks Standby and surge rosters “Fast money” mechanisms Strategic and fundraising tools Information management services Reporting tools Humanitarian websites Satellite imagery and mapping services Assessment tools TECHNICAL TEAMS TECHNICAL SERVICES FINANCIAL RESOURCES INFORMATION MANAGEMENT
Disaster Response in Asia and the Pacific: A Guide to International Tools and Services TIMELINE OF DISASTER RESPONSE TOOLS AND SERVICES
Disaster Response in Asia and the Pacific: A Guide to International Tools and Services AVAILABLE TOOLS AND SERVICES BY SCALE OF DISASTER (as requested by affected Government)
Disaster Response in Asia and the Pacific: A Guide to International Tools and Services International training Bilateral training Legal preparedness Integrated preparedness packages/missions Support for national incident management systems International organization-led Regional organization-led Weather forecasting Flood warning Tsunami warning Multi-hazard TECHNICAL TEAMS READINESS PLANNING SIMULATION EXERCISE EARLY WARNING SYSTEMS PART 3: DISASTER RESPONSE PREPAREDNESS
Disaster Response in Asia and the Pacific: A Guide to International Tools and Services TOOLS IN GUIDE BY ORGANIZATIONAL SOURCE
Disaster Response in Asia and the Pacific: A Guide to International Tools and Services TOOLS DIRECTLY AVAILABLE TO GOVERNMENTS VS. THROUGH OTHER HUMANITARIAN ENTITIES
Disaster Response in Asia and the Pacific: A Guide to International Tools and Services