Lesson 3 Dating and Setting Limits What are the things a person should decide before beginning a dating relationship?


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Presentation transcript:

Lesson 3 Dating and Setting Limits What are the things a person should decide before beginning a dating relationship?

Lesson 3 Lesson Objectives Analyze behavior in a dating relationship that will enhance the dignity relating to marriage. Examine strategies for maintaining safe and healthy dating relationships. In this lesson, you’ll learn to:

Lesson 3 Reasons for Dating Dating provides opportunities to develop social skills, such as communicating and interacting with a person of the opposite gender. It allows people to learn more about themselves. Some people discover new interests, reaffirm their values, and start thinking about the type of person with whom they might like to build a future. Dating

Lesson 3 Infatuation and Affection Sometimes when a teen is attracted to someone, an infatuation develops. infatuation Although such feelings are natural, it is important not to mistake them for genuine affection.affection Dating

Lesson 3 Ways of Expressing Affection Communicating with and listening to each other Holding hands Hugging Spending quality time together Dating

Lesson 3 There’s no reason to let anyone pressure you into dating if you’re not ready for it. Some teens choose not to date because: They’re shy around persons of the opposite gender. They have other interests or time commitments. Their family traditions or values don’t allow it. Deciding to Date Dating

Lesson 3 Dating Group Dating As a way of easing into dating, many teens go out with groups of friends of both genders. Being part of a group: Allows teens to develop and practice their social skills without having the pressure of focusing on only one person. Takes some of the attention away from the individual, helping him or her relax. Relieves the pressure of being alone with someone new.

Lesson 3 What to Do on a Date Dating What you decide to do on a date depends on the person you are with and your common interests. If you don’t know the person well, a movie might be a good choice. Going out to dinner or to a school dance are also good options. You might also try attending a sports event such as a baseball game. When you get to know each other, you will probably find activities that both you and your date enjoy.

Lesson 3 Sports or Athletic Activities Dating You can consider a date that includes athletic activities such as horseback riding, cycling, hiking, and bowling. Athletic activities promote health and provide a way for dates to share and develop common interests.

Lesson 3 Community Activities Dating What you and your date could do within your community: Visit the zoo or a local museum. Go to concerts or plays. Sign up for a painting, dancing, or photography class together at a local community center.

Lesson 3 Volunteering together can help build strong friendships and dating relationships. It allows you and your date to contribute to the community in positive ways. Volunteering is also a great option for group dates. Charitable Activities Dating

Lesson 3 Find out who else will be there. Discuss what time your parents expect you home. Avoid places where alcohol and other drugs are present. Avoiding Risk Situations Dating Know where you’re going and what you will be doing. Avoid being alone with a date at home or in an isolated place. Make sure you have money with you in case something goes wrong.

Lesson 3 Healthful Behaviors in a Dating Relationship Dating Relationships Some teens choose to have an ongoing dating relationship with only one person. This type of relationship may help you develop skills and behaviors that will someday prepare you for the dignity, respect, and responsibility required in a marriage. However, remember that your teen years are a time for trying many different roles and relationships. Although beginning and ending dating relationships can be difficult, such experiences help you mature emotionally.

Lesson 3 Importance of Setting Limits Setting Limits Your parents or guardians may set limits regarding your dating relationships, such as a curfew to protect your health and safety.curfew As you mature, you’ll need to know how to set your own limits. You need to set limits with your date regarding places you’ll go, how you’ll get there, and what you will do. Setting such limits and making them clear before a date helps you avoid potentially risky situations.

Lesson 3 Communicate your limit on sexual activity and be clear and firm about your decision to practice abstinence. You can make this task easier by developing and rehearsing avoidance techniques and refusal skills. Setting Limits on Sexual Activity Setting Limits

Lesson 3 Provide a short answer to the question given below. Q. Why do some teens choose not to date? Click Next to view the answer. Quick Review

Lesson 3 Click Next to attempt another question. A. Some teens choose not to date because: They’re shy around persons of the opposite gender. They have other interests or time commitments. Their family traditions or values don’t allow it. Quick Review - Answer

Lesson 3 Provide a short answer to the question given below. Q. What are some ways to avoid high-risk dating situations? Click Next to view the answer. Quick Review

Lesson 3 Click Next to attempt another question. A. Some ways to avoid high-risk dating situations: Know where you’re going and what you will be doing. Find out who else will be there, and discuss with your parents what time they expect you home. Make sure you have money with you in case something goes wrong and you need to call home for a ride. Avoid places where alcohol and other drugs are present. Avoid being alone with a date at home or in an isolated place. Quick Review - Answer

Lesson 3 Provide a short answer to the question given below. Q. Why is it important to set limits in a dating relationship? Click Next to view the answer. Quick Review

Lesson 3 A. It is important to set limits in a dating relationship to protect your health and safety and to avoid potentially risky situations. Click Next to attempt another question. Quick Review - Answer

Lesson 3 Explain the role that substance abuse plays in increasing the risk of unsafe behaviors such as sexual activity. Provide a suitable analysis. Quick Review

Lesson 3 Sometimes when a teen is attracted to someone, an infatuation develops. infatuation Although such feelings are natural, it is important not to mistake them for genuine affection.affection Infatuation and Affection Dating Infatuation refers to the exaggerated feelings of passion for another person.

Lesson 3 Sometimes when a teen is attracted to someone, an infatuation develops. infatuation Although such feelings are natural, it is important not to mistake them for genuine affection.affection Infatuation and Affection Dating Affection is a feeling of fondness for someone.

Lesson 3 Your parents or guardians may set limits regarding your dating relationships, such as a curfew to protect your health and safety.curfew As you mature, you’ll need to know how to set your own limits. You need to set limits with your date regarding places you’ll go, how you’ll get there, and what you will do. Setting such limits and making them clear before a date helps you avoid potentially risky situations. Importance of Setting Limits Setting Limits A curfew is a set time at which you must be home at night.