History of CEEDVA Anna Gókiewicz-Petkow
CEEDVA - founded in Warsaw in 1996 as an initiative of the Polish Association of Dermatology annual meetings of CEEDVA during National Congresses or EADV Congresses invitation to the board of EADV representatives from CEEDVA (W. Gliński, A. Górkiewicz-Petkow, N. Tsankov) first edition of the CEEDVA Journal, editor in chief N. Tsankov CEEDVA members in the committies of EADV
joined meeting of CEEDVA and EADV board in Prague Congress of EADV for the first time organised in the one of the CEEDVA countries, organizers - President of the Congress J. Hercegova and Czek Association of Dermatology invitation of the representatives from CEEDVA countries to the opening of the EADV House in Brussels under the presidency of M. Black CEEDVA as a sister Society to EADV
organisation of the Spring Symposium of EADV in Budapest, President A. Horvath and Hungarian Society of Dermatology organisation of the EADV Spring Symposium in Sofia, President N. Tsankov and Bulgarian Society of Dermatology CEEDVA Symposia with scientific program during EADV Congresses in Florence, Sofia, London registration of the Status of CEEDVA (Bucharest) organisation in Sofia (Bulgaria) educational course in venereology within the program of EADV Fostering Dermatology.
Presidents of CEEDVA since1996 W. Gliński (Poland) N. Tsankov (Bulgaria) D. Forsea (Romania) A. Górkiewicz–Petkow (Poland) Secretaries of CEEDVA A. Górkiewicz-Petkow (Poland) S. Tiplica (Romania)
CEEDVA include members from 15 countries Total number of member 270 Bulgaria, Bielarus, Czek. Rep Croatia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovak Rep, Slovenia, Ukraina CEEDVA Board from President A. Górkiewicz-Petkow (Poland) Vice - Presidents J. Hercegova (Czek Rep.) D. Karadaglic (Serbia) Secretaries - S. Tiplica (Romania) M. Skerlev (Croatia)