Presidential Text Boxes In a comfy 3 story house in Caldwell, New Jersey, Richard and Ann Cleveland gave birth to Grover, he would be the fifth of nine children.. Grover began his career as a lawyer in Albany but was later elected governor of Buffalo in In 1853 Grover’s dad died. Grover never went to school, instead he stayed home to help his family and study politics. On June 2, 1886 in the Blue Room Grover and Frances were married and then went on a honeymoon to Deer Park, Maryland. Childhood/ Education Birth and Early Childhood Early Adult Career Marriage and Children Date: 1837 Date: 1853 Date: 1883 Date: 1886
Presidential Text Boxes Chester Arthur went to Union College and later moved to New York where he was elected president in Along with vice president Thomas A. Hendricks Grover lowered taxes and made the US treasury swell. Chosen at the Democratic Convention Cleveland went against James Blaine. On November 4, 1884 Grover was elected. The Haymarket Riot was in Haymarket Square on May 4, It began when a bomb was thrown among some police men. President Before Leading to Presidency Presidency Milestone Date: 1886 Date: 1884 Date: 1881
Presidential Text Boxes Thomas Hendricks lived in Indiana where he worked for the Senate. After being elected VP in 1884 he married Eliza Morgan but died of stroke later. Grover Cleveland retired to Princetown, New Jersey in 1897 where he often wrote books, hunted or fished. William McKinley lived in Ohio and attended Allegheny College. He married Ida Saxton and was elected president in Killed by a heart attack Grover died on June 24, His funeral was attended by president Roosevelt his wife and some friends. Vice President Post Presidency President After Death/ Life after Death Date: Date: 1897 Date: 1884
Presidential Text Boxes Adlia Stevenson 1 st lived in Illinois and was a congressman married to Letitia Green. Benjamin Harrison lived in Indiana but attended Miami University, he married Caroline Scott and was elected president in During Grover’s 2 nd presidency he had jaw surgery and raised gold prices. Vice President President In-Between 2 nd Presidency Date: Date: 1889 Date: 1893