Primary Literacy Programme – Reading & Writing (Key Stage 1) Parent Information Package Bilingual Version Advisory Teaching Team NET Section, CDI, EDB
Primary 1 English is taught using PLP-R/W Programme
What is PLP-R/W and how is it different from traditional way of teaching English?
First: 1.It is simpler and children find it easy to follow. 2.It does not require children to do too much work at home. 3. Most of the work children do is done at school & marked accordingly at school. 4.Children get feedbacks directly and teachers are able to talk to individual child when marking their work.
Second: 1.Students are involved in the learning processes. 2.Students are able to communicate with their teachers individually. 3.Students are able to show peer to peer interaction during lessons. 4.Students learn to respect and complement others work in the classroom activities.
What do students do in PLP-R/W lessons as compared to traditional English lessons ?
1.Students learn English by doing. That means students use the language in what ever they do in English lessons. 2. Students practise all language skills: Listening Reading Writing Speaking and Social skills 3.Students don’t do rote learning anymore: No memorization No drilling, but engaging in the learning process
What is the run down of a PLP-R/W lesson ?
First: 1. Students have their PLP R/W lesson in English room. 2. As students come to the English room: Get their name tags and get into groups. Settle at their seats for whole class activities. Sing good morning / afternoon song.
Second: Shared reading : Listening skill. Reading skill.
Third: Whole class activities : Listening skill. Speaking. Reading skill.
Fourth: Group work activities : Writing skill. Listening skill. Speaking. Reading skill.
Additional activities: Authentic activities are supplemented into PLP R/W lessons: (For example – Jelly making) Listening skill. Speaking skill.
Additional activities: Authentic activities are supplemented into PLP R/W lessons: (For example – Jelly making) Writing skill. Listening speaking skill. Speaking skill. Reading skill.
To conclude: (1)PLP R/W is definitely going to benefit the children in developing their English Language skills in all domains of language learning through the use of activities, songs, chants, group activities and peer to peer sharing activities. (2)What school wants from parents is their supporting to this new PLP R/W programme. Parents do not need to know English but just need to make sure that their child has about half hour time dedicated to English revision at home.
Finally: Children sing good bye song : Sing. Return name tags.
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