May ITU-T Workshop ICTs: Building the Green City of the Future Arthur Levin Chief, ITU-TSB ICTs as a Tool to Combat Climate Change United Nations Pavilion EXPO-2010, 14 May 2010 Shanghai, China
May ICTs and Climate Change Methodology to describe and estimate present and future user [energy] consumption of ICTs over their entire life cycle Smarter standards for greener systems Participation in COP UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon: "ITU is one of the very important stakeholders in the area of climate change." Participants in Focus Group ICT and Climate Change
May Importance further identified at top level WTSA-08, Resolution 73, resolves that CC is a high priority in ITU WTPF (April 2009), Opinion 3, instructs promotion of Resolution 73, etc. GSC-14 (July 2009), Resolution, encourages related collaboration, etc. ITU Council (October 2009), Resolution 1307, unanimously decided its importance and active participation in UNFCCC including COP-15 in Copenhagen
May Evidence for climate change Source: IPCC 4 th assessment report, 2007
May Why It Matters Impact of CC is costly for many countries even though they are not a major source of emissions E.g. total GHG emissions of Pacific Island countries is around 0.03% of global total, but half the population of island countries live within less than a mile of their coastlines; coral atolls no more than 3 meters above sea level Typhoon/hurricane damage will increase by 10-26% for each 1 degree warming of sea Deforestation (17-20% of GHG emissions) Global Humanitarian Forum estimates CC already killing ,000 people annually
May Why ICTs Matter ICTs (excluding broadcasting) contribute an estimated 2-3% of global Greenhouse Gas emissions Around 0.9 ton GtCO 2 e in 2007 Telecoms contributed around one quarter of this total Airplanes and shipping about 3% each Source: Gartner Group
May What trends do ICTs have at the device level? Market doubles every 5 years E.g. Broadband expanding to more users Until market saturates Then upgrades replace obsolete devices New devices become a must have E.g. HDTV, Smartphones Annual growth rate of internet traffic is high 1.8 billion Internet users worldwide Highest growth in data traffic; Internet of things All three trends increase ICT demand for energy the GeSI Smart 2020 report predicts growth in ICTs energy use of 70% over the period
May REDUCING ICT SECTOR EMISSIONS PCs : > Efficiency gains and longer product life. > Shift from desktops to laptops > Shift from CRT to LCD screens > Potential breakthroughs – solid state hard drives, new LCD screens, new battery technology, quantum and optical computing Data Centres: > Higher rates of virtualisation; more efficient virtualisation architectures > Low energy cooling > Utility/cloud computing, Software as a service Telecoms Devices : > Smart chargers > 1W or lower standby devices > Broadband routers and IPTV boxes footprint increases over timeframe due to higher penetration from small base today Telecoms Infrastructure: > New network management tools > Network optimisation packages > Solar-powered base stations > Potential breakthroughs – night battery operation, natural ventilation, network sharing REDUCING ICT SECTOR EMISSIONS
May Mitigating the impact Directly, e.g. through energy-saving Next-Generation Networks (NGN) should reduce GHG emissions by 40% Modern radio technologies reduce energy consumption by transmitters ~ 10 times Indirectly, e.g. ICTs for carbon abatement Video-conferencing to reduce business travel in Europe by 1% would save 1 m CO 2 ton Systemically, e.g. by dematerialisation Intelligent Transport Systems could reduce vehicle carbon emissions below 130 g per km
May Placing Future Data Centres… BT will place Energy Efficient, Green, Sustainable facilities based on: Electricity is low cost, consistent, and available securely and in an abundance from renewable sources Fresh Air and Free Air cooling can be utilised all year round Network bandwidth low latency and high capacity is readily available and inexpensive Land is low cost, with plenty of space for growth/expansion BT will transform existing sites as much as possible to meet the standards of the new BT green data centre vision
May Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) studies calculate the relevant environmental impacts of the life cycle per functional unit. Production Phase Use Phase End-of-life Phase Design Phase Residues Resources ICT Services Life Cycle of an ICT product Recycling The Life Cycle of ICT Hardware
May ICTs at work for monitoring climate change WMO World Weather Watch, incorporating: Global Observing system Global Telecom System Global Data Processing system Remote sensing Environmental monitoring Tsunami early-warning system Digital climate forecasting models GPS-enabled telemetry Ubiquitous sensor networks
May ICTs for adaptation: ITU Role Telecommunications/ICTs for disaster preparedness Tampere Convention PP-06 Resolutions 36 and 136 on use ICTs for humanitarian assistance WRC Resolutions 646, 647, 673 on use of radiocommunications for environmental monitoring, public protection and disaster relief WTDC-06 Resolution 34 on the role of ICTs in mitigation of effects of disasters and humanitarian assistance Partnership Coordination Panel on Telecoms for Disaster Relief (PCP-TDR) E.164 country code (888) for UN OCHA Recommendations E.106 on call priority and X.1303 on common alerting protocol
May The ICT Enabling Effect ICT responsible for 2-3% of global CO 2 emissions How can we reduce ICT own emissions Next Generation Networks ICT key to reduce the other 97% of CO 2 emissions The enabling effect by a factor of five ICT as key enabler to reduce emissions in other sectors
May CO 2 reduction through convergence with ICT in other industries CO 2 reduction through convergence with ICT in other industries CO 2 reduction of infrastructure and products in ICT industry CO 2 reduction of infrastructure and products in ICT industry Green ICT covers all activities on Green of ICT & Green by ICT Green of ICT Green by ICT
May GREEN By ICT The opportunities where ICT could play a driving role include: Smart grid Smart buildings Smart logistics Smart motor systems Dematerialisation
May DEMATERIALISATION The substitution of high carbon products and activities with low carbon alternatives: > Replacing face-to-face meetings with tele- and videoconferencing > Remote working > Paper with /online billing > CDs with online music
May SMART BUILDINGS Global building emissions responsible for 8% total emissions in 2002 (3.36 GtCO 2 e) GtCO 2 e if energy to run buildings is included. SMART BUILDINGS Technologies used to make the design, construction and operations of buildings more efficient, applicable to both new and existing property. Building management systems (BMS) run heating and cooling systems. Software to switch off PCs, monitors and lights when not in use. Improved building design for energy efficiency.
May SMART GRIDS Power sector responsible for 24% global emissions in Expected to be responsible for GtCO 2 e in SMART GRIDS Smart meters – customer information on energy use Interactive energy generation Advanced grid management systems Demand management systems (dynamic demand) Reduce transmissions and distribution (T&D) losses Integration of renewables
May FG on ICT&CC concluded with 4 Deliverables in March Inputs from non-ITU members (e.g. academia) were also taken into considerations Mandate of SG5 was expanded at the last TSAG ( April 2009) New SG 5 title: Environment and climate change SG5 created a new WP 3/5 All SGs examining impact of recommendations on climate change SGs developing standards for new energy efficient technologies E.g. SG 13 on Next Generation Networks NGN estimated to be 40% more energy efficient ITU-T and Climate Change: Setting the Standard
May Universal charger ITU standardized-approval process for new Recommendation L.1000 Delivers 50% reduction in standby energy consumption, eliminates 51,000 ton of redundant chargers, and cuts GHG emissions by 13.6 million ton CO 2 annually Current version covers charger for mobile terminals but will cover other ICT devices in future
May ITU-T: Building Knowledge on Climate Change ITU-T issued major Technology Watch Reports on Climate Change and positive impact of new technologies Next Generation Networks, Intelligent Transport Systems, etc. Organizing Major Symposia on ICT and CC 2008: Kyoto and London 2009: Quito and Seoul (virtual event) ITU-T pioneering energy efficient work methods Paperless meetings, on-line work tools, etc. ITU-T leading Dynamic Coalition on Internet and Climate Change as part of IGF