«A foreign language in my life» Made by Sakhnovsky Vladislav the student of the 11 th form School №3, Alexandrov-Gaj Teacher: Shugaikina S.V.


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Presentation transcript:

«A foreign language in my life» Made by Sakhnovsky Vladislav the student of the 11 th form School №3, Alexandrov-Gaj Teacher: Shugaikina S.V.

English is official language of England, and indeed throughout the UK, residents of the United States (official language, no later than thirty-one State), one of the two official languages of Ireland, Canada and Malta, the official language of Australia, New Zealand. It is used as an official language in some States, Asia (India, Pakistan and others) and Africa.

The whole world recognizes the English language as means of international communication. English is the language of diplomacy, media, medicine, aviation. Today, English is one of the most important requirements for admission to employment. Knowing English you will understand the the whole world!

Learning English is very important for me because I want to become an interpreter. If I am in luck, I will be able to:

Contact with people from all over the world. Today, English is one of the most important languages in the world, 1.5 billion people in the world speak English and 1 billion people study it.

Travel and communicate with people wherever I go. Meet people from different countries and cultures all the time and have an opportunity to learn much about them.

Read books in the original. Translated works lose much of their beauty.

Listen to music and understand the words. I like music very much, especially songs of English-speaking groups

I want to become a translator because of some reasons. First of all I enjoy studying English. A translator is a very interesting profession. Besides, this profession is very useful because it helps people to understand each other.