Summary and Conclusions (1) 1 Workshop on Software Defined Networking (SDN) Standardization Landscape Venue and date: Geneva, Switzerland, 4 June 2013 Keynote: "Deeply Programmable Network": Emerging Technologies for Network Virtualization and SDN": Akihiro Nakao, Professor, University of Tokyo, Japan Speakers: 1.SDN in China: Liu Duo, Vice President, MIIT/CATR, China 2.Defining NFV: NFV - Network Function Virtualization: Yun Chao Hu, Co-Chair,Infrastructure WG, ETSI ISG NFV 3.SDN standardization in ONF: OpenFlow, SDN Architecture, and other work items: Fabian Schneider, Vice-Chair, Framework and Architecture WG, ONF 4.ITU-T SG13 Views: Takashi Egawa, Q14/13 Rapporteur, NEC, Japan
Summary and Conclusions (2) 2 1.Programmable (or Software definable) capabilities are one of long time visions of network study and becoming in real 2.Programmability is being extend the scope: SDN (C-Plane) and DPN (C-Plane & D-Plane) 3.Objectives for applying programmability: Virtualization, Capacity, Dynamic, Flexibility, Cost and Efficiency 4.Involved SDOs: ONF, NFV, IETF, OpenDaylight, OIF, BBF and ITU-T SG13 and SG11 5.Issues for further consideration and developments: a.NV (Network Virtualization), NFV(Function), SDN, Carrier SDN, ITU-T SDN and DPN b.Programmability for in-network processing and for new (non-IP) protocols c.Data-Plane Programmability Interfaces d.Accommodation of multiple isolated programmable environments 6.ITU-T needs to extend/accelerate their work and take a role for globally interoperable standard developments collaborating with relevant SDOs, academia and institutes
Proposed Action Items 3 1.Identify scope asap: NV (Network Virtualization), NFV(Function Virtualization), SDN, Carrier SDN, ITU-T SDN and DPN 2.FG-Carrier-SDN Focus Group vs. On-going work in Study Groups: Work scopes, Recommendations and time to market Focus Group vs. JCA: co-ordination and collaboration 3. Issues for further consideration and developments (possibly FG-DPN by Keynote): Programmability for in-network processing and for new (non- IP) protocols Data-Plane Programmability Interfaces Accommodation of multiple isolated programmable environments 4. Any others: Minimize conflict of other SDOs standards with ITU and maximize interoperability FG-Carrier-SDN vs. FG-DPN (?)