Build something Install on your machine Build Desktop app Web app (consider XAMPP or MAMP/WAMP) Backend User interface Must involve information management Best to bring it in on a notebook Share the development process as you go along
What sort of tool to experiment with? Perhaps you know an area that others don’t know Advanced or specialized data management Geographic information systems Information integration Images, video, animation, sound data Music (MIDI or audio editing or synthesized instruments) Natural language Speech synthesis
Development environments Web (focus on data): Ruby on Rails, Grails, Turbo Gears, Django, etc. Rapidweaver, Freeway, etc. HTML5 (local data storage, graphical and video data standards) Desktop app development environments focused on data intensive applications REALbasic Visual Studio Specialized database system Geographical CAD Medical imaging, textual medical records
What to show If you have a windows machine, we can plug you into the TV displays We can take turns looking at your screen You can take screen capture (image or video), perhaps with voice over You can use slides, but only for screen capture and remarks concerning the screen captures No need to hand in a paper
Important Programming (or a lot of it) is not required But please put in time to share something substantive with the class Try to build something non-trivial You can share it in stages You can work in groups ** End with a lesson or lessons learned!