OCLC Online Computer Library Center Kathy Kie December 2007 OCLC Cataloging & Metadata Services an introduction
Cataloging Options Online –CatExpress –Connexion –Z39.50 Offline –Batchload Custom cataloging Contract cataloging Retrospective conversion
Online CatExpress –Web-based interface for copy cataloging OCLC Connexion –Full range of cataloging functionality –Web browser or Client software Z39.50 for cataloging –Search and download records through compliant local library system
Connexion Browser
Connexion browser Access through web browser –Any workstation with Internet access Access to OCLC’s WorldCat™ Copy & original cataloging functions –Authority File…and more Constant data Online Save file
Browser features View multiple record formats –Dublin Core for bibliographic records Links to WebDeweyWebDewey Use Express for copy cataloging Use Pathfinders or Digital ArchivePathfindersDigital Archive Create & manage Local HoldingsLocal Holdings Access to WorldCat SelectionWorldCat Selection
Find a Bibliographic Record If item found, use existing record for cataloging (95% of the time) If item not found, create an original record to add to WorldCat –Derive new record from existing record –Extract data from a Web site –Start from a blank workform –Import record from ILS
Browser Documentation
Browser Training connexion/browser/tutorial/
OCLC Online Computer Library Center Try Connexion Browser
Windows-based Install software Features: –Online/ offline –Non-Latin scripts – Multiple interface languages Connexion Client
Recent enhancements –Metadata extraction (includes MP3 files) –Export bibliographic records in Dublin Core –Z39.50 access to records created in your ILS –Authority history for LC Names and Subjects –Access to Institution Records nhancements/recent.htm Current versions supported: –Client 2.00 and Client 1.72
Client features Work online or offline –Batch processing options Create macros Support for Non-Latin scripts Links to Local HoldingsLocal Holdings
Client Documentation
Client Training connexion/client/tutorial/
OCLC Online Computer Library Center Try Connexion Client
Z39.50 Cataloging Service Libraries access WorldCat to search and retrieve records to transfer to their local systems. Most libraries batchload records to OCLC to set their holdings. Some use Extended Service Definition to set holdings online.
Z39.50 for Cataloging Benefits: –streamline cataloging workflow, –reduce staff training –decrease costs. Access to: –WorldCat for cataloging –LC names and subjects authority file records –Institution Records Options for: –non-Latin scripts in bibliographic records. –Unicode UTF-8 for bibliographic and authority records.
Batch Processing An efficient way for institutions to maintain their holdings and add records to WorldCat offline.
Batch Processing The volume of Batchload activity is climbing –Since July 1, 2006, –Nearly 336 million records have been processed from 39,000+ files, –More than 204 million holdings have been set –More than 56 million records have been added. Actual production accommodates more than 2 million records per day OCLC is investigating re-working the Batchload process to accommodate this increasing volume
Batch Processing RLG migration is nearing completion –All records have been loaded from RLIN –Few files of unresolved records remain to be processed
Batch Processing Update holdings on bibliographic records –Records from other sources –Records exported at point of acquisition Add original bibliographic records to WorldCat –Add records created in your local system –Includes duplicate detection Delete holdings on bibliographic records
Batch Processing – Types of Projects Retrospective projects –Common for new OCLC members Reclamation projects –Sync holdings in WorldCat with holdings from ILS –Remove holdings for items no longer in collection and add holdings to items currently in collection Ongoing projects –Maintain holdings in WorldCat through regular batchloads Group projects –Single file of records from many libraries –Holdings are set based on information in each record
Batch Processing Input is file of bibliographic records from local system for OCLC to process offline Non-MARC records converted to OCLC-MARC Optionally, receive WorldCat records from OCLC For more information
Batch Processing – Local Holdings Input file of summary serials holdings information from local system for OCLC to process offline –Input may be MARC or Non-MARC Maintain Local holdings in WorldCat –useful for FirstSearch and Resource Sharing dings/localdatarecords/default.htm
Bibliographic record snapshot Formerly Local Database Creation Enables libraries to obtain subset of their records from OCLC –By date range Enables libraries to obtain a complete file of their records from OCLC –From initial use of WorldCat to present Useful for ILS migration / updates
Orders & Documentation Ordering process –Complete Batchload Order Form –Complete EDX Assessment Form – Documentation batchprocessing/default.htm
OCLC CatExpress Fast, efficient cataloging Access to OCLC’s WorldCat™ Access through web browser –Any workstation with Internet access Easy to learn, simple to use –no knowledge of MARC necessary Interface is in English and French
OCLC CatExpress 2,128 subscribers, –individually, and in 83 groups. In FY 2006/07 CatExpress subscribers set over 1.8 million holdings. Subscriptions start at 250 titles per year –500 titles, 1,000 titles – 7,000 titles
CatExpress Benefits Enables libraries to –Search for all types of materials –Acquire bibliographic records in MARC format –Maintain holdings in WorldCat™ –Perform limited record editing –Print spine and pocket labels Robust Help: field definitions, explanations of available options
How CatExpress works Log onto OCLC CatExpress – Search WorldCat™ Choose preferred record Add local information to record OCLC-MARC record available same day or next day Transaction reports monthly
CatExpress Documentation umentation/catexpress/
CatExpress Training catexpress/default.htm
OCLC Online Computer Library Center Try CatExpress
Custom Cataloging Contract cataloging Special projects (formats or languages) Ongoing cataloging Retrospective conversion To make collections available online OCLC has been a leading provider since 1976
eSerials Holdings Service Automatically maintains holdings for eSerials on a monthly basis –and provides reports of titles added, deleted or unresolved, and merged records. Four vendor partners: –EBSCO, OCLC Openly 1Cate, –Serials Solutions and TDNet. The automatic delivery of associated bibliographic records coming soon
WorldCat Cataloging Partners Basic service—automated copy cataloging –Included in Cataloging subscription 100% record delivery –Custom quote, based on cataloging volume Custom record delivery –Custom quote, based on cataloging volume Current partners: – ers/default.htmhttp:// ers/default.htm
Custom Cataloging Sample projects include: –Cataloging of digital materials –Reclassification for LC and Dewey collections –Physical processing to make items shelf-ready Holdings comparison; –OCLC staff compare a library’s database to WorldCat to identify holdings
Orders & Support Custom Cataloging Request for Proposal Conversion Request for Proposal ordering/default.htm Success Stories – ess/default.htmhttp:// ess/default.htm
Questions & Discussion
For more information… Kathy Kie For technical assistance: Customer Support Desk
Thank You!