Relic Anisotropy as the source of all Evil? Carlo Contaldi Imperial College London + Marco Peloso & Emir Gumrukcuoglu University of Minnesota, Minneapolis astro-ph/ OQSCM, 28 March 2007
Large Scale Anomalies in the CMB Large scale “missing” power. [Contaldi et al., de Oliveira-Costa et al., Efstathiou, Slosar et al., Weeks et al.,…] Foregrounds? Topology? Infra-red cutoff in primordial perturbations? etc… Preferred axis of low multipoles, l = 2, 3, 4, 5. [de Oliveira-Costa et al., Efstathiou, Eriksen et al., Hansen et al., Jaffe et al., Land & Magueijo, Vielva et al.,…] Power is not evenly distributed between m for each l (m=2,3,0,3). Correlated in l? Axis of Evil? Large scale features in the map are largely unaffected WMAP1 WMAP3. Quadrupole? Maybe not a big deal.
Isotropic modifications of Power Low-l reduction in power can be achieved easily e.g. cutoff in primordial spectra. [e.g. Contaldi, Peloso, Kofman & Linde astro-ph/ ] Likelihood fit is inconclusive (~2σ). Power is still distributed isotropically in m. More information lies in the anisotropic distribution of power. V(Ф) ε, η << 1 V(Ф) cf. S. Sarkar talk on Monday
[Tocchini-Valentini et al 05] Short Inflation oscillations in initial power?
[Nicholson & Contaldi astro-ph/ ] Short Inflation T/S ratio effect
Anisotropic Contributions to the sky Topology [Niarchou & Jaffe]. Foreground contamination. Unknown physics? [ Land & Magueijo 2005] [ Copi et al 2006]
Anisotropy from Inflation… Inflation isotropizes the universe. Any initial anisotropy in the expansion is wiped out after enough inflation. Curvature perturbations are imprinted on super-horizon scales as perturbations in the inflaton grow wrt the Hubble radius and ``freeze- out”. …but…if universe is initially anisotropic, largest scales initially evolved in anisotropic background. Get infra-red effects with anisotropic signature. requires short inflation.
Axisymmetric Inflation Special case universe expansion is initially axisymmetric. Residual symmetry easier to solve perturbation evolution analytically. Anisotropic but homogeneous.
Toy model motivation n-dim Microscopic dimension with meta-stable radii. 1-dim starts to inflate. Drags two other dimensions into inflation (Kasner-like solution) [e.g. Contaldi et al. hep-th/ ]. End up with 3 macroscopic dimensions inflating isotropically.
Background Evolution Average and difference Hubble rates Modified background system (Einstein + scalar field eqns.) e.g. analytical solution for constant V=V 0
Perturbations To make use of residual symmetries consider longitudinal and transverse modes separately Longitudinal see an isotropic expansion in the orthogonal directions. longitudinal transverse Transverse see an anisotropic expansion.
Longitudinal Modes Perturbed metric seen by modes propagating in x-direction. Extra curvature perturbation which transforms separately Still have gauge invariant combination Mukhanov-Sasaki equation.
Transverse Modes Perturbed metric seen by modes propagating in y, z-directions. One less symmetry tensor mode couples with scalar. ``Tensor’’ mode coupled with scalar. Q is gauge dependent. Scalar + tensor equation system more complex (Q, Ψ, Φ, h xx ).
Power Spectra Numerical calculation of axisymmetric power spectrum k iso h ini
Calculation of CMB anisotropies Expansion has isotropized by end of inflation. Einstein-Boltzmann integration is unaffected except for initial conditions Relic Anisotropy. Most general form of axisymmetric P(k). Symmetries generate a specific pattern in covariance matrix.
Axisymmetric CMB Covariances Calculate full covariance matrix for multipoles.
Power Spectra Numerical calculation of axisymmetric power spectrum
Axisymmetric CMB Covariances
Axisymmetric pixel-pixel correlation
Relic Anisotropy on the Sky Random realization of an axisymmetric covariance matrix.
Isotropic scale fits Preliminary fits to data Marginalize over all axis orientations and initial amplitude. (fixed initial h) 1-dim marginalized likelihood for k iso [Gumrukcuoglu, Contaldi & Peloso, in prep]
Conclusions Model gives alignments in multipoles (even). Slight selection by the data -- ``Axis of Evil’’? Full anisotropic case (H a, H b, H c ) could fit l by l correlations better. (short-term) future is NOT miserable! Large scale modes are special! Lots of information on anisotropy (temp + polarization)! Much better constraints on foregrounds soon