Lecture 6 Part 2 Title: Web Planning, Designing, Developing for E-Marketing By: Mr Hashem Alaidaros MKT 445
Main Points 3. Development 4. Launch The 4Ps in Emarketing
3. Development If planning the site gives it structure and a skeleton, and designing gives it an interface or skin, the technology is what gives it life. Development and technology has implications for the way your site functions, how usable and accessible it is, as well as implications for SEO. Development covers both the back end of a site (the real nuts and bolts of what is being delivered) and the front end (developing for the interface that has been designed).
3. Development Managing content: using a CMS CMS stands for Content Management System. It used to manage the content of a website It allow content of a website to be updated from any location in the world. A CMS should be selected with the goals and functions of the website in mind Of course, the CMS selected should result in a website that is search engine friendly.
4. Launch Having planned an amazing site, designed it beautifully, built it skilfully and filled it with fantastic copy, it’s time to test it fully and then take it live! The site needs to be tested in all common browsers to make sure that it looks and works as it should across all those browsers. Tools like W3C’s HTML validator (validator.w3.org) should be used to validate your HTML. Important Question: Which is more important in web design – functionality or look and feel? Explain.
4Ps in E-marketing Referred to as The Marketing Mix All four are essential to the success of a marketing plan for either a product or a service 4 P’s stand for 1. Product 2. Price 3. Place 4. Promotion A mix of the four is necessary to sell a product
1. Product Refers to the benefits of buying a product What need does the service/product fulfill Quality What will the quality of your service/product be? Features How will your product/service differ from the competition What will you do differently? Design How is it going to look? Consumers often will purchase because “it looks cool”
2. Price The price of your product or service tells the customer a lot about your product Dynamic Price $550$1550
3. Place Simply refers to how & where you are going to sell the product to the consumer Direct Distribution – selling your product directly to the consumer Brick & Mortar vs. Virtual Store For a service : where are you going to locate in order to best reach your target market
4. Promotion A successful product or service means nothing unless the benefit of that product/service can be communicated to the Target Market There are many ways to get the “word out” How many can we think of...