arXiv: [hep-ph] arXiv: [astro-ph.CO] With Konstantinos Dimopoulos and Mindaugas Karčiauskas. Jacques M. Wagstaff VECTOR CURVATON MODEL and its distinct A Compelling Observational Signatures
Introduction/Motivations INFLATION Solves horizon and flatness problems of standard Hot Big Bang cosmology Mechanism to generate the primordial curvature perturbation which seeds all structure in the universe Observations: Particle production Inflation produces such perturbations by amplifying by amplifying quantum fluctuations of suitable fields. Particle production in Scalar fields seem to agree well with observations. Predominantly Gaussian Adiabatic Hawking radiation in de Sitter space.
l=5 multipole in preferred framel=5 multipole in galactic coordinates Why are Vector Fields Interesting? Scalar fields cannot give rise to a preferred direction! Land & Magueijo (2005) Longo (2007) ‘Axis of evil’ Alignment of galaxy spins. K. Dimopoulos (2006) Vector Curvaton mechanism. VECTOR BOSONS ARE FOUND IN NATURE. Non-Gaussianity: Statistical Anisotropy: ANOMALIES IN THE CMB.
Vector Curvaton with Varying Kinetic Function Modulated kinetic function and mass. The Spectrum : Physical vector field: with mass:
Vector Curvaton with Varying Kinetic Function Modulated kinetic function and mass. For scale invariant transverse components: For scale invariant longitudinal component: Physical vector field: with mass:
Vector Curvaton with Varying Kinetic Function Modulated kinetic function and mass. For scale invariant transverse components: For scale invariant longitudinal component: Physical vector field: with mass: DYNAMICAL ATTRACTOR
Statistical Anisotropy in the Spectrum Isotropic Observations require: (Groeneboom et al. 2009) (Pullen et al. 2007)
Horizon exit Inflation Inflation ends Second oscillating regime: Power law regime: Case 1: The Attractor Inflation ends Mode functions Inflation ends Highly anisotropic spectrum:
Anisotropic Bispectrum The highly anisotropic and subdominant limit: Non-Gaussianity is correlated to statistical anisotropy in the Spectrum. Non-Gaussianity is itself anisotropic. The almost isotropic and dominant limit: SMOKING GUN FOR A VECTOR FIELD CONTRIBUTION TO THE CURVATURE PERTURBATION OF THE UNIVERSE!
CONCLUSIONS arXiv: [hep-ph], arXiv: [astro-ph.CO] Konstantinos Dimopoulos, Mindaugas Karčiauskas, and Jacques M. Wagstaff. Non-Gaussianity is correlated to statistical anisotropy in the Spectrum. The Spectrum and Bispectrum are generally anisotropic. Non-Gaussianity is predominantly anisotropic. Non-Gaussianity is the same for the different configurations. Magnitude and direction of anisotropy is identical in the Spectrum and Bispectrum. Falsifiable case if Non-Gaussianity is observed to be Isotropic. Falsifiable case if anisotropy is different in Spectrum and Bispectrum. LIGHT FIELD HEAVY FIELD Do not need scalar fields to generate the curvature perturbation. Flat spectrum as an attractor solution.
Horizon exit Inflation Inflation ends Case 1: Highly anisotropic spectrum: Mode functions