Presented by Houlin ZHAO Director, TSB The Telecommunication Standardization Sector International Telecommunication Union
2 ITU initiatives related to internet l Introduction and market trends l Policy forum – WTPF 01 l ITU-T studies l Conclusion
3 Migration towards an IP-based backbone network
4 Inter-regional Internet backbone 357 Mbit/s Mbit/s Asia- Pacific Latin America & Caribbean 2638 Mbit/s 127 Mbit/s Arab States, Africa 468 Mbit/s 171 Mbit/s Europe Mbit/s USA & Canada Source: TeleGeography Inc., Global Backbone Database. Data valid for Sept
5 Number of Internet host computers, in millions, and annual growth in % Source: ITU, adapted from Internet Software Consortium.
6 Top Internet markets Top 10 countries by Internet user penetration, Jan Top 10 countries by number of Internet users (millions), Jan Source: ITU, Internet Software Consortium, RIPE.
7 Internet hosts – South America
8 Internet hosts - Venezuela
9 Internet users per 100 inhabitants South America
10 Internet users per 100 inhabitants Venezuela
11 World Telecommunication Policy Forum: What is it? l The purpose of the forum is to provide a venue for creating a shared vision among policy-makers worldwide on the issues arising from the emergence of new telecommunication services and technologies, and to consider any other policy issue in telecommunications which would benefit from a global exchange of views l Rough consensus in the form of opinions which are non-prescriptive and non-binding l Some 750 senior policy-makers, regulators and industry experts were present, from more than 120 countries and 100 private sector members
12 IP Telephony: What are the issues? l Technical: –How to define IP Telephony? –Is quality of service comparable? Will it improve? –How to handle numbering issues? l Economic: –What price and cost savings can be expected? –How quickly will carriers migrate their networks? –Isnt it just a form of bypass of telecom monopolies? l Regulatory: –Is it voice or is it data? –License it? Prohibit it? Restrict it? Liberalise it? –Should IP Telephony contribute to Universal Service?
13 Opinion A: General implications of IP Telephony l Implications for Member States –the deployment of IP-based networks benefits users, industries, and the economy at large, because it fosters technical and market innovation, diversity and economic growth –IP … could be viewed as a significant opportunity for all countries to respond to the convergence of information and communication technologies and evolve their networks; l Implications for Operators –continuing development of the Internet and IP-based networks is a significant medium for communications and commerce; –mobile wireless systems are expected to migrate towards an IP-based architecture in order to deliver integrated voice, data and multimedia services, as well as access to the Internet; l ITU … is of the view that: –IP Telephony applications are best supplied in a market in which consumers have choices among multiple, alternative sources because only then will citizens, businesses and the overall economy reap the benefits of innovation and cost effectiveness
14 Opinion A: Invites … l Member States and Sector Members to consider the possibility of the introduction and deployment of IP technologies and IP applications, including the exchange of information; l All Member States to review their current regulatory frameworks with a view to: –encouraging investment, spurring innovation and advancing development; –achieving public policy goals in the context of a converged communication services environment; –considering the possibility of opening their communication services market with respect to IP Telephony by adopting a competition-oriented approach in order to achieve clearly defined public policy goals, taking into account, among other things, the concept of technology neutrality for fully- substitutable services
15 Opinion B: Actions to assist Member States and Sector Members l Encourages Member States to share experiences: –on approaches towards making any sector specific regulation technology- neutral; –the application of domestic competition laws as part of a pro-competitive policy; –establishing sustainable bases to generate financing for universal access/service. l Invites the ITU to: –Carry out and update IP Telephony case studies; –Carry out cost studies and assist Members in performing cost-benefit analyses; –Help Member States attract investment l Invites ITU to carry out regional workshops on: –IP-based technologies and network evolution –Cost structures, pricing mechanisms, interconnection, numbering, attracting investment, market considerations etc.
16 Opinion C: Human Resources Development l Recognizing that: –the transition to an IP environment places new demands on the management and operation of ITU members; –the speed with which countries can extend the benefits of telecommunication technologies will depend on their ability to deploy skilled personnel; l Invites the ITU: –to facilitate the sharing of knowledge and views, by Member States and Sector Members, of global trends in all new technologies, in particular IP applications; –to encourage Member States and Sector Members to create integrated human resources transition plans towards IP; –to assist Member States and Sector Members in evaluating and identifying new and changing human resources requirements
17 Opinion D: Essential Studies to facilitate introduction of IP Telephony l Invites the three ITU sectors to initiate studies to facilitate the introduction of IP Telephony on: –compatibility and inter-operability of radio access between IP networks and PSTNs, –working definitions of IP telephony and Internet telephony –whether, and to what extent, to require compatibility with the existing international telephone service, including developing appropriate performance metrics and QoS –Whether, and to what extent, IP Telephony can be part of national PSTNs and whether traffic identification and measurement need to be considered –identifying the cost elements of international IP connectivity with respect to the introduction of IP Telephony l Invites the ITU-D to establish a group of experts to: –Prepare a checklist of Factors to be considered; –Advise on the policy impacts in developing countries; –Prepare a report to the next World Telecom Development Conference
18 WTSA-2000 Achievements in IP l D.50 - International Internet connection l Confirmed SG 13 as lead SG on IP studies l Many SG Questions involve IP studies
19 Other milestones related to internet l Referencing IETF texts –Recommendation A.5 (05/2000) l Cooperative development of texts –Examples H.248 and T.38 l Joint meetings of ITU-T Study Group Chairmen and IETF Area Directors
20 MoUs related to internet l With ETSI, IETF, W3C on PSO/ICANN l With ISO/IEC and UN/ECE on electronic business
21 IP project – areas of study l Integrated architecture l Impact to telecommunications access infrastructures of access to IP applications l Interworking between IP based network and switched-circuit networks, including wireless based networks l Multimedia applications over IP l Numbering and addressing l Transport for IP-structured signals l Signalling support, IN and routing for services on IP-based networks l Performance l Integrated management of telecom and IP-based networks l Security aspects l Network capabilities including requirements for resource management l Operations and Maintenance (OAM) for IP
22 Y-series Recommendations structure (1/2) Global Information Infrastructure Y.100-Y.199 General Y.200-Y.299 Services, applications and middleware Y.300-Y.399 Network aspects Y.400-Y.499 Interfaces and protocols Y.500-Y.599 Numbering, addressing and naming Y.600-Y.699 Operation, administration and maintenance Y.700-Y.799 Security Y.800-Y.899 Performances
23 Y-series Recommendations structure (2/2) Internet Protocol Aspects Y.1000-Y.1099General Y.1100-Y.1199Services and applications Y.1200-Y.1299Architecture, access, network capabilities and resource management Y.1300-Y.1399Transport Y.1400-Y.1499Interworking Y.1500-Y.1599Quality of service and network performance Y.1600-Y.1699Signalling Y.1700-Y.1799Operation, administration and maintenance Y.1800-Y.1899Charging
24 Scope of the ITU-T IP Project
25 Future trends of IP / non-IP based applications
26 Variable role of IP based network (or protocol)
27 Possible evolution scenario of IP based network in telecommunication environments
28 Goals of ITU-T l To allow individuals to securely share, use and manage information, anytime and anywhere, with security and privacy protection, and with levels of acceptable cost and quality. l To ensure convergence of products and services and their worldwide availability l To ensure global connectivity
Presented by Houlin ZHAO Director of TSB Place des Nations CH-1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland Tel: Fax: The Telecommunication Standardization Sector International Telecommunication Union